Aura Recovery: Extreme Ice Emperor

Chapter 278 Shocked Dr. Qin

Chapter 278 Shocked Dr. Qin

Ye Dong smiled lightly and said, "This is really the Beast Cave of Base No. 7."


Dr. Qin looked up at Ye Dong with a surprised look on his face. Isn't this guy's supernatural power extremely cold?

Why can you still use this kind of tricks that go beyond space, time, and gravity?

Ye Dong didn't bother to explain to Dr. Qin, and said, "We are in this biological laboratory now, you see."

As soon as Qin Hao turned around, he saw the strange beasts and monsters in the green petri dishes on the left and right sides behind him.

For a moment, his eyes were attracted by the picture in front of him!

"Biological laboratory, human experiment, human-animal hybridization, gene reversal..." A series of words instantly appeared in General Qin Hao's mind.

Looking at everything around him, he said with a shocked expression, "Judging from the degree of decay of the corpses in the petri dish, the existence of these genes should have been more than a hundred years.

How did you find this place? "

Qin Hao is obviously a little unbelievable. The base of the dark sequence is very, very secret.

Even if Long Country dispatched the most powerful search experts, it is impossible to find a base of the dark sequence within a year.

Ye Dong did not expect that he would undoubtedly find one when he was wandering around.

Ye Dong asked curiously, "Dr. Qin, is there anything I can use?"

Dr. Qin shook his head and said, "If it was a hundred years ago, it might have been a major discovery. However, if it is now, these things are not of great value. After all, Long Kingdom never conducts research on the human body."

"And, you see, in fact, these creatures in these petri dishes are in order, from the embryo at the beginning, to the formation, to the gradual growth, until they gradually develop in the direction of the orcs, and finally die.

The green liquids in these petri dishes should all be spawning liquids, which can allow the experimental subjects to complete birth, aging, illness and death in just a few years, but in the end, they seem to have failed. "

Qin Hao stood in front of an experimental culture dish that had gradually taken on the form of an orc. "The human body can't bear the genes of an orc, so in the end, it self-destructed, you see."

Ye Dong raised his head and looked at the humanoid monster in the last petri dish. He saw that the humanoid monster in this petri dish had two heads, three hands, and part of the body beast-like.

Qin Hao snorted coldly and said, "The human gene is a very sacred and irreversible existence. However, I also have to admire the boldness of the dark sequence. They should have calculated the best match between the gene sequence and the orc gene sequence. Otherwise, the embryo will not be able to form.

Only at the last step, when man was about to become an orc, something went wrong. "

Ye Dong held his chin and said, "Since this laboratory has existed for more than 100 years, it is now more than 100 years later. If they are still working hard to overcome the method of reorganizing the human body's gene sequence, maybe now Has it been successful?"

Qin Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know, at least, I haven't received any news in this regard, maybe I've given up.

However, it is also a blessing that you can find this place. I will call someone to come over and take everything back to study it later. "

Ye Dong asked at this time, "Dr. Qin, do you think it is possible for the alien beast to speak?"

Qin Hao looked at him strangely and said, "How can alien beasts speak? In fact, alien beasts are just those beasts from the past, but they are just like humans. They can cultivate, causing their bodies to grow bigger and bigger. A variety of bizarre abilities were born.

The essence is still a beast, and it is impossible to speak human words. "

Ye Dong raised his brows slightly, "That's not necessarily true."

Dr. Qin's expression changed slightly.

After a few minutes.

Qin Hao looked at the giant lava crocodile, and the giant lava crocodile looked at Qin Hao, and one man and one beast looked at each other for a while.

The giant lava crocodile suddenly turned to look at Ye Dong and asked, "Master, is this your friend? Why didn't I feel him coming down?"


Qin Hao was obviously startled. He was shocked when he saw such a well-behaved beast.

I didn't expect this guy to be able to speak!

Qin Hao looked at Ye Dong in shock and asked, "Ye Dong, tell me, what is going on here? Why does it speak?"

The lava giant crocodile slowly raised its neck at this time, and then buried its two sturdy claws in the neck, looking at Ye Dong with a depressed expression.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. How could this guy hide his hands like a cat?

Ye Dong also spread his hands with a wry smile and said, "It's the truth, I don't know very well, so I plan to ask Dr. Qin to come and have a look. You have a lot of knowledge and should be able to answer this question for me. , as a result... you don't know, do you?"

Qin Hao took a deep breath and said, "It is an incredible thing to let alien beasts speak. The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans can speak and have a very high IQ.

But this... this strange beast can actually speak, and it also shows extremely high intelligence. It's really... It's really amazing! "

Qin Hao wanted to reach out and touch the giant lava crocodile, but the latter let out a low growl.

Frightened, Qin Hao hurriedly took a few steps back, "It's like a cat, it's probably from

The little one grew up with the cat, how on earth did you discover it? And, if I heard correctly, it seems to call you the master? "

Ye Dong nodded and said, "Originally, I came here to look for a herb, but I came across this one. Not only did it not attack me, but it also took the initiative to bring me the herb I was looking for from the lava lake. , and then begged me to untie the iron rope on his ankle for him, so I followed the iron chain to the bottom of the lava lake, and while saving him, I also found the biological research room below."

At this time, Ye Dong looked at the giant lava crocodile and said, "I guess it may be the product created by a scientist who was down there, but now that he has recognized me as the master.

Then I will be responsible for all its actions in the future, and perhaps, it can also go to the battlefield to deal with the orcs for me. "

Hearing this, Qin Hao nodded with a shocked expression, "However, with its size, how are you going to take him away?"

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "This is also one of the reasons why I am looking for Dr. Qin. I guess, since space rings can be created, why can't we create a ring that can accommodate alien beasts?"

Qin Hao shook his head and said, "You keep things simple, if an alien beast enters the space ring, it will die of lack of oxygen within three minutes.

Space is just an independent space. There is no dawn and sunset, no air, and no gravity in it. How could it be possible for alien beasts to stay in it. "

When Ye Dong heard the words, his expression changed slightly. Could he just give up the lava giant crocodile?

Wouldn't that be a waste of his follower position?

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