Aura Recovery: Extreme Ice Emperor

Chapter 308 The Orochi is not invincible!

Chapter 308 The Orochi is not invincible!

Ye Dong shook his head and corrected, "Not six times, but more than six hundred times!"

"More than six hundred times?" Barong broke out in a cold sweat.

Ye Dong nodded and said, "The improvement of the level of alien animals will also comprehensively improve one's own strength, which means comprehensive strengthening, not strengthening from 1 to 10. Each level of improvement is equivalent to the completion of a quality of the body. evolution.

At that time, it was not as simple as 1 to 10, but 10 to 100, and 100 to 200. When you look back, are 10 and 200 the same level of strength? "

Barong looked at the eight-headed snake in the distance with a look of astonishment, that is to say, Ye Dong just suffered the full blow of six hundred goat monsters?

But he...

Still alive!

However, thinking about it carefully, this guy fell off a cliff thousands of meters high, and he was just a monster with two broken legs!

He looked at Orochimaru like he was looking at a monster.

But isn't Ye Dong a monster?

He is also a monster!

Who will be the winner of the two monsters in the end?

Ye Dong took a deep breath and said coldly, "Eighth-order alien beast! This is a terrifying existence that Lien Zhan will choose to avoid! I was able to encounter such a terrifying existence, and it's still stuck in the stone wall, letting me fish! So much fun!"

However, if a mistake is made! It may bring him a very serious and terrible consequence!

Ye Dong took a deep breath and said to Barong, "You guys go back first, I'll kill him slowly! I won't be able to solve him in a while."

Ye Dong understands himself.

It is impossible for him to kill this strange beast, and it is only in a short period of time.

Just have to find another way.

Baron wanted to leave this ghost place for a long time. Hearing Ye Dong's words, he confirmed Ye Dong's situation again and said, "Are you really okay?"

Ye Dong shook his head and said, "I'm really fine, you all go back first, so that I can concentrate, he is not an enemy who can distract me, once I get distracted, I will die!"

"That's good! Be careful yourself!"

Baron knew that he couldn't help him anyway, the ancestral spear had already been given to Ye Dong, and the rest could only be given to Ye Dong.

"Baring, go!"


Baling wanted to leave for a long time, and when she heard Baling call her to go, she was the first to run down.

Ye Dong sat on a raised stone, and when Barong and the others were far away, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

When the eight-headed snake saw this scene, the mouth of the eight-headed snake suddenly cracked wide, as if mocking.

Ye Dong looked at the eight-headed snake coldly, and he should be in awe of the eighth-order alien beast that can grow to such a level.

He didn't pay any attention to the strange changes in Orochi's facial expressions.

But thinking, how to solve it!

If he can't kill him, let alone leave the forest of death to find Lao Lao a year later, let alone the map of the ancient tomb of the immortals depicted on the water-fixing stick.

It is estimated that he will join the Ba tribe and change his name to Padong, and then become the first warrior of the Ba tribe, hunting delicious beasts for these clansmen waiting to be fed every day...

Just thinking about it gives him a headache!

Sun Lao threw him here and let him live here for a year.

The purpose is to cultivate his death qi, let him face alien beasts that are stronger than his body, and seal his abilities, experience life and death at the closest distance, understand life and death, and thus awaken death qi!

He can't escape, he can't escape, he won't be able to awaken his death energy in his life, and he won't be able to defeat those monsters in the dark sequence who have full body elementalization in his life.

This is a hurdle in front of his door, and he must step over it, relying on his own strength!

Orochimaru is very strong.

But he couldn't move, which instead gave Ye Dong a lot of time to think and breathe.

After a short rest, he decided to try!

Ye Dong slowly got up, let out a long sigh of relief, and re-entered the state of boiling blood and magic, Moon Shadow Assassination!

A bloody light instantly rushed towards the Orochi.

The eight heads of the eight-headed snake suddenly gathered and turned into a petal, directly blocking the blood light, and then suddenly knocked him out.


The mountain wall in the back shook violently again.

Ye Dongqiang gritted his teeth, not letting the old blood in his throat spurt out, but swallowed it directly, and the blood ring on his body disappeared in an instant!

The eight heads of the eight-headed snake swayed, as if mocking him.

The blood ring lit up again on Ye Dong's body, and he realized that every attack failed because his attack position was chosen too high.

The essence of the Moon Shadow Assassination is to move close to the ground at high speed, aiming at the lower three vital points of the human body to attack, but because the size of the Orochi is too huge, he has to pause every time he attacks, and then goes up too high. Find the attack point to attack.

This also led to the failure of Moon Shadow Assassination.

From now on, he decided to attack the underbelly of the Orochi Yachi. Anyway, he had no way to move, as long as he could avoid the repeated attacks of the Orochi Yaqi.

Didn't you just dodge the attack of the seven heads before?

Ye Dong's pupils shrank slightly, and instantly rushed

When they reached the lower abdomen of the Orochi, the heads of the Orochi were biting down one by one, revealing a huge flaw in the lower abdomen!

Ye Dong clenched the divine spear tightly, and stabbed fiercely towards the lower abdomen of the Orochi.


Like a spear poking into an iron wall, this spear just broke a scale of the Orochi, but instead made his hand go numb.

Ye Dong did a backflip, and the moment his feet landed, he kicked back sharply.


There was a big hole in the ground ahead.

The Orochi Baqi suddenly became furious, opened its mouth and roared, and the sound waves roared out of the eight heads, turning into a terrible hurricane, blowing in the direction of Ye Dong.

Ye Dong covered his mouth and nose with his hands and stood firm, but even so, he was constantly being pushed back by this shock wave!

A terrifying deterrent, carrying an astonishing impact, rushed towards Ye Dong with a stench.

Ye Dong held his breath, resisted for ten seconds, and then smiled coldly at the Orochi Baqi, his eyes fell on the place where the Orochi was torn off a scale just now.

There seems to be a layer of scales inside, but after the layers of scales are peeled off, the soft parts will inevitably be exposed!

He is not without a chance!

This eight-headed snake is not invincible!

He can kill Orochi!


needs time!

Ye Dong felt a little tired, so he found the corpse of a sheep monster and directly peeled it, spread it on the ground, and then walked down the passage.

After a while, he came up again with a pile of firewood in his hand.

He started to make a fire and smoked the goat monster. The Orochi Yachi watched him do this in front of him, but there was nothing he could do!

Ye Dong smiled coldly and thought to himself, "I'm full, I'm playing with you slowly!"

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