Chapter 336 Wang Qiang

Hearing Wang Qiang's words, the expressions on everyone's faces were a burst of pain and discomfort.

Wang Qiang then said, "Fortunately, the roof of our building is not bad, those corpses can't come up for the time being, even if they do, the iron gate behind you will be blocked.

Although we will not be attacked by ghouls for the time being, there are many of us, and if we don't eat all the time, ghouls can't kill us, but we will starve to death.

So, I decided to send more men downstairs to search for food today, don't let go of every drawer, and don't let go of every room, even if it's half a bottle of water, you have to bring it back to me.

As for women, stay here and I will protect them well. "

Wang Qiang's eyes gleamed with evil light, fantasizing about a bright future.

A middle-aged man said with a bitter face, "Captain Wang, we haven't eaten for a long time. Give us something to eat first, so that we can have the strength to find supplies!"

Wang Qiang snorted coldly, "I have one more thing to tell you, don't call me Captain Wang in the future, call me King!"

The dwarf was slightly stunned, and suddenly smiled, "Brother Qiang, you are the king, so what am I? Why do I have to be a general?"

Wang Qiang smiled slightly and said, "You are my general, is this the head office?"

Wang Qiang and the dwarf laughed together.

But the group of people standing opposite them stood there dumbfounded, as if they had heard some incredible information.

Kingdom... King?

Maybe someone can't help but want to yell.

But Wang Qiang and his security guards are all abilities, they are just ordinary people, and their resistance is undoubtedly sending their lives to their deaths.

There were several who resisted and were thrown from the fifty-story building by Wang Qiang's companions.

The dwarf said with a dissatisfied face at this time, "What are you still doing? Why don't you call the king?"

The crowd gritted their teeth, perhaps because they were already hungry and had no energy to think about anything else, and they called out to the king in high and low voices.


Wang Qiang was originally just the security guard of this building, but the group of people opposite him were almost average, who used to be the executives of this group.

At this moment, he called Wang Qiang a king.

What an irony!

"What are you doing?"

A voice suddenly entered Wang Qiang's ear.

Wang Qiang and the short man turned their heads and looked behind them.

This look made them a little unbelievable.

That is a boy floating in the air!

The young man's feet are still breathing cold air, perhaps it is because of these cold air that he can float in the air.

Wang Qiang stammered and asked, "You... who are you?"

Ye Dong asked calmly, "I'm here to save you, King."

He grinned.

Wang Qiang's expression changed greatly. Obviously, Ye Dong heard what he said just now!

He never thought that there would be a supernatural being to save them.

This is the tallest building in Beichuan. Even if someone really came to rescue them, it would be the last rescue site, right?

His kingdom has just been established, is it about to declare its demise at this moment!

Wang Qiang looked unwilling!

At this time, a man in a straight suit and a pair of gold-wire glasses rushed over from the opposite side. The man's glasses were already crooked and one of the lenses was broken, but for some unknown reason, when he came to Ye Dong, he was very gentlemanly tidying up. He glanced at the position of the tie on his neck and said, "Hello, I'm the personnel manager of this company. It's really nice of you to come."

"This Wang Qiang was originally the security captain of our tribe. At this moment, people should help each other.

He did help us, but only on the premise that he charged each of us 100,000, not only that, but he also declared himself some kind of king, let us do things for him, go out to find food, even force J women, kill One of my bosses..."

Wang Qiang's face became worse and worse, and he glared at the group of people in front of him, and said, "Oh, if it wasn't for me, you would all be dead! Are you still embarrassed to tell me this? It's still too expensive for one person to charge you 100,000 yuan. ?

Don't come up if it's too expensive, go down and wait to die, fuck! "

"A scum like you, there will be no good results! I have taken pictures of you murdering and extorting us with my mobile phone. After I meet the police in a while, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. !"

Wang Qiang gritted his teeth and looked at the man with glasses, is he really finished?


Suddenly, a familiar laughter sounded in the second change, it was the dwarf!

Shorty suddenly took out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed it fiercely at Ye Dong's back, who had fallen on the balcony.

Wang Qiang felt a sudden joy in his heart. Although he didn't speak, his heart roared hysterically, "Kill him! Kill him! Everything can go back to the far point! Kill him!"


The dwarf's face suddenly changed suddenly, how could this knife feel as if it was stuck on a stone, but it made his hand go numb.

Ye Dong waved his right hand sharply, and a burst of cold air was exhaled directly, which directly froze the short man into an ice sculpture!

When Wang Qiang saw it, he shouted badly in his heart, and hurriedly ran towards the entrance of the balcony


Ye Dong shook his head helplessly, and an ice pick directly pierced one of Wang Qiang's legs.

"Ah! My legs! My legs! My legs..."

"I'm just here to save people, so please cooperate a little bit? Don't have any thoughts of hurting me, or I'm afraid that I won't be able to control my power, and saving people will turn into murder."

Ye Dong smiled slightly, as if he didn't pay attention to what happened before, nor did he pay attention to Wang Qiang.

At this time, Ye Dong noticed that the expressions of these people were very dull, and they didn't even make a sound, they just sat there dumbfounded, especially the group of young women.

I don't know what these people have experienced here these days. The people who have changed are not like people, and the ghosts are not like ghosts.

Ye Dong then notified Yang Shuang on the city wall, ten minutes later.

A helicopter landed on the roof of the building, and Yang Shuang also got off the helicopter.

"Wow... it smells so bad."

Yang Shuang pinched her nose and came to Ye Dong's side, and asked in a low voice, "Ye Dong, what's wrong here? It stinks me. Who used this place as a toilet?"

Ye Dong said calmly, "These people will be handed over to you. I have to go to other places. You don't need to worry about the two frozen people."

Yang Shuang nodded and watched Ye Dong leave, then turned to the people in front of her and asked, "Which one of you is not feeling well?"

The group of people on the opposite side were dumbfounded, and only a few people responded.

Seeing this scene, Yang Shuang's face suddenly turned ugly.

Only after suffering great psychological trauma can people enter this state of sluggishness.

What the hell is going on here?

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