Chapter 342 Old Rival

The cigar man's expression suddenly changed, his face turned slightly red, and a blue vein appeared on his forehead.


There was no smile on his face, his whole face became cold in an instant, and his voice was hoarse, "Am I being underestimated? Do you know who I am?"

"Criminal." Ye Dong said calmly.

The cigar man said solemnly, "I'm not just a criminal!"

The cigar man pointed to the five-digit sequence on his forehead, "Do you know what this number represents?"

Ye Dong sneered, "I've always been curious, why people in the Dark Sequence like to tattoo the Sequence on their body, is it the same as the brand on the horse's butt? Does it mean that you are of the Dark Sequence?"

The cigar man suddenly widened his eyes and said coldly, "How dare you laugh at the serial number of the Dark Sequence? This is the pride of all Dark Sequence members! It is also the source of your fear!

You'll know right away!

It was just a warm-up just now, now, I'm serious! "

The cigar man snorted coldly, his body agitated, and strange scales appeared from his skin, replacing his brown skin, turning him into a monster covered with snake scales!


The cigar man's tongue turned into a snake's core, and said with a smile, "No one can live after seeing me like this! You can die!"


A blue light rushed towards Ye Dong at the speed of tearing the atmosphere.

Ye Dong's pupils shrank slightly, his body sank slightly, his right fist clenched tightly, and he rushed towards the opponent at a faster speed!


The lower abdomen punch hit the cigar man's abdomen, the cigar man's eyes suddenly widened, his back arched into a shrimp, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth.

Incredible speed!

Incredible power!

Incredibly realistic!

Ye Dong snorted coldly and sent a punch, and the cigar man was instantly sent flying like a cannonball.

And then he hadn't flown very far.

Ye Dong actually came to the front of his flight track in the blink of an eye, and was already waiting for his arrival.

Ye Dong raised his right leg high and stomped on the ground.


A pillar of soil rushed out of the ground, and the dust filled the air. The cigar man was stepped on by Ye Dong, and a terrifying pit appeared in his chest.

The dust slowly dissipated, Ye Dong removed his feet from the cigar man's chest, squatted down beside him, and asked, "You probably won't be able to last for a few minutes, so I'll ask directly, do you plan to Looking for the corpse domain to join forces? Is there anyone else here besides you?

I mean how many of you are here? Can't I just send you here alone? You also don't look like a good negotiator. "


The cigar man coughed out another mouthful of blood, and looked at Ye Dong with blank eyes, his eyes were full of terror!


This guy is simply a monster!

Whether it is speed or strength, it surpasses him after the incarnation!

How does this kid usually train?

Is he going to die here?

Ye Dong frowned slightly, could it be that the shot was too heavy?

This guy doesn't even have the strength to speak?

The cigar man tilted his head and gasped on the spot!

Ye Dong looked at his fists, his brows tightly together, "Those alien beasts in the forest of death can at least take a punch from me, isn't this guy too weak, this is the fifth-sequence member of the dark sequence? "

Ye Dong shook his head helplessly.

He thought that it was impossible for the Dark Sequence to send only one person to negotiate with the Lord of the Corpse Domain.

And they may have found Zhuge Tian's hiding place, but they still need to send people to find where it is.

It is estimated that these people acted separately.

Maybe their people will come over soon.

But he didn't dare to break into Zhuge Tian's testing territory rashly, fearing that the other party would escape.

How to do?


"Ye Dong."

A very sweet voice came from behind.

Ye Dong was startled suddenly, and then his jaw softened.

This reaction was beyond his control.

There are not many people who can make him suddenly become like this, and if the other party is still a woman.


This person can only be Liu Yingying!

Ye Dong turned his head to look with difficulty, and it really was Liu Yingying!

A year later, Liu Yingying has completely changed. Her long hair is completely short and turned into a crisp flat head. Although there is a smile on her face, in Ye Dong's eyes, her smile is like that of a poisonous scorpion. Like the tail, the venom is almost oozing out!

"Ye Dong, don't act rashly, you know you can't run away."

Liu Yingying walked in the direction of Ye Dong in a calm tone, passed the cigar man's body, glanced at it lightly, smiled slightly, and said, "I haven't seen you for a year, and your strength seems to have improved a lot. Is it a special training to kill the fifth sequence of the dark sequence so easily?"

Liu Yingying walked up to Ye Dong and touched his cheek with a hand, still with a smile on her face.

Ye Dong

Throwing away Liu Yingying's hand, he said, "You are indeed an excellent negotiator. Even if the Lord of Corpse Domain doesn't agree with you in the end, you can still control him. Is that what Dark Sequence thinks?"

Liu Yingying chuckled and said, "Perhaps, but it is the most pleasant surprise to be able to see you here.

Are you and Lan Lan okay? "

Ye Dong raised his brows slightly and said, "Of course."

Liu Yingying smiled coldly and said, "I really envy you, I still rarely see a couple who can form a couple between superpowers. Power comes at a price, you have to give up some things that are very important to you, you to be truly powerful.

And there are many things to give up, such as close relatives, family members.

It's weird that you seem to have both, but you're still getting stronger and I really want to know how you did it. "

Ye Dong's mind was spinning rapidly at this moment.

Liu Yingying has yet to show him any psychological hints, or any spiritual-related moves.

Once he is hit, he will be controlled by the opponent.

This is the biggest crisis he has ever faced.

But he has to get over it.

Otherwise, the result is only one word, death!

The elemental energy in Ye Dong's body is flowing slowly.


"Ye Dong!"


A terrifying gravitational force instantly descended on Ye Dong's body, and all the afterimages his body turned into rushed out, but his body was directly crushed to the ground by this gravitational force!

Ye Dong was shocked.

what is this?

Is it...


Liu Yingying woke up to be domineering?

how can that be!

The gravity on his body was hundreds of times higher. Ye Dong was pressed to the ground and could not move. The surrounding ground was shaking violently. He knew that the ground was not shaking, but his brain was shaking!

Liu Yingying walked in the direction of Ye Dong step by step unhurriedly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, "I won't let you run away, don't waste your energy, let's have a good chat. Will it be okay?"

This damn crazy woman!

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