Aura Recovery: Extreme Ice Emperor

Chapter 353 This is the general?

Chapter 353 This is the general?

The green ball of light keeps sprinting upwards, and the more it sprints, the darker his color becomes.

Even so, Ye Dong still couldn't catch him!

"Exploding ice picks!"

Puff puff!

The ice pick actually penetrated the green light ball directly!

what happened!

Ye Dong's eyes widened in astonishment. He is now sure that this ball of light must be Zhuge Tian. Zhuge Tian emerged from his body in the form of this ball of light, if he does not destroy this ball of light.

Maybe Zhuge Tian will be resurrected again!

Ye Dong suddenly raised his brows sharply, took out the Yu spear, and stabbed it fiercely in the direction of the light ball.


Yu spear really worked!

Directly pierce the green light ball, the light ball instantly collapses and disappears!

Zhuge Tian!

It's gone!

Ye Dong breathed a sigh of relief. Although the system did not prompt him, he did kill Zhuge Tian.

He returned to the sky at the fastest speed.

Just in time to meet the maniacal laughter standing on the horizon with flapping wings.

He laughed wildly to see him coming, and asked, "How is it? Has it been solved yet!"

Ye Dong lightly moved Yu Spear and said, "He probably doesn't even have scum left now!"

Maniac smiled and said, "It seems that I underestimated you, and you didn't lie, it is indeed enough to have you in this task."

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "Of course."

After speaking, the two stared at the bottomless sea cave.

Ye Dong looked at the underwater abyss.

This was his first stop after he became a general. It started out pretty well, killing the Lord of Corpse Domain and destroying the plan that Dark Sequence and the Lord of Corpse Domain wanted to join forces.

at the same time!

Also let the dark sequence see his power!

This reminded Ye Dong of what Dr. Qin said to him before!


In exchange for peace!

This is just the beginning!

In the future, he will only become stronger!



Dragon City.

With a manic smile, he spread his hands helplessly, and said, "I am convinced of Ye Dong's strength, he is indeed worthy of the title of war commander, the Lord of the Corpse Domain was also killed by him, and the task was completed impeccably, but I became Companion."

Manic laughter is a real person. After saying all this, he looked at Ye Dong beside him with his arms crossed.

Ye Dong said at this time, "Next, remove the ghouls scattered in various areas, and the corpse chaos should be over."

Su Rou looked at Ye Dong with admiration and said, "Very good, you really did not disappoint us, this is your first battle, you did a perfect job, and we will continue to publish your deeds all over the world.

Let the world have a more comprehensive understanding of your strength.

For the time being, there should be nothing to do.

You let the wild laughter take you to where you live. "

Mang Laugh smiled at Ye Dong and said, "Let's go, Little Thirteen! Take you to the residence of our generals, you will be surprised, if you are lucky, you can meet other generals, I By the way, let me introduce you to me."

Ye Dong nodded, and then walked out with a wild laugh.

The two walked out.

Ye Dong couldn't help but ask, "Laughing wildly, what are the generals usually doing?"

With a chuckle, he said, "Either on the mission, or on the way to the mission, as long as it happens in the Dragon Kingdom and no one can stop it, we must rush over.

And the rest of the time, you have to stay in Longcheng, you can train, you can rest, in short, it sounds ugly, just like being locked in a prison, don't say that I said it! "

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "I quite like this way of life, it's full of unknowns, and it's very interesting, but this way, won't the general's cultivation progress be slowed down?"

Nodding wildly with a smile, he said, "There is really not much time left to cultivate, because every place needs us to go there in person anytime, anywhere.

This is also why some warriors stay in place for several years in a row. "

Mang Laugh shook his head helplessly, "This is why we need to replenish the number of generals. If there are enough people, other generals will have time to practice. However, the number of generals can't be too many, of course they can become generals. There are not many people, so after so many years, the number of our generals has only been expanded to 13.

And I was recruited five years ago. "

It was so!

Ye Dong nodded with a look on his face.

It seems that being a war general is not a good job, it is quite hard.

Manic laughter took Ye Dong to the entrance of an elevator on the left side of Longcheng. The two walked into the elevator and went directly to the top floor!

There is a circular house on the top floor, and each house is about 30 square meters in size.

Ye Dong soon saw the door of one of the houses with his name Ye Dong hanging on it.

So he walked over.

He laughed wildly and said, "You should rest for a while, and we will be notified if there is a task."

Ye Dong nodded and walked to the door. There was a magnetic card on the door. It should be his room card.


After swiping the card to enter, the dimly lit room suddenly lit up.

Ye Dong walked to the window. Outside the window was an endless sea of ​​clouds. It was beautiful, but he didn't know when he would get tired of it.

It was a little different from what he had imagined.

Is this the fighter?

There was a knock on the door outside.

Ye Dong walked over to open the door, thinking that he must have come looking for him with a wild laugh.

Manic laugh stood at the door and said to Ye Dong, "Let's go, the third sister asked me to take you around, don't be bored in the room, and where I'm going to take you next, I think you must would be interested."

So sure?

Ye Dong chuckled lightly, and then went off to laugh wildly.

After a few minutes.

The mad laugh took Ye Dong to a place like a mushroom and a hot air balloon. This place covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. Judging from the constant humming from inside, this should be the place where the generals usually train. !

No wonder he laughed wildly and said he would love it.

In such a boring place, apart from eating and drinking, there is only training.

The huge space was empty, and I thought I would be able to see other warriors, but it seems that it can only be the next time.

Laughing wildly, he led Ye Dong inside, then turned around and explained to him, "This place is where we usually train. It can only be regarded as a warm-up and sweating, and..."

Ye Dong suddenly took a stance to Manic Laugh.

Crazy Laugh raised his brows slightly and said, "You want to sweat so quickly?"

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. Just play and pass the time!"

Laughing wildly, he took a deep breath and said, "This is what you asked for, I don't care what happens in the end!"

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