Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 202: Reborn, Primordial Origin Wuji Gong Breakthrough

Chu Yi felt the power of thunder and lightning wrapped around him, as if a giant dragon was surrounding him, bursting out a steady stream of powerful energy.

This scene is like a Transcending Tribulation.

The power of thunder and lightning surged through Chu Yi's body, like endless rushing water, sweeping through every cell in his body.

He devoured the power of thunder and lightning without hesitation.

Teacher Yuanshi's teachings echoed in Chu Yi's mind, and he knew the importance of turning crises into strength.

However, at this moment, hurricanes hit him one after another, constantly disturbing his thoughts.

Chu Yi was restless:

"What the hell is this place? It's endless, right?!"

Just when he was upset, another flame suddenly struck, and its burning seemed to be able to burn the soul.

The flame burned like a blazing meteor, instantly piercing the dark sky.

Its power is unparalleled, and it seems to be able to burn everything.

There was no time to react, and the severe pain in his soul was like an invisible sharp blade, piercing into Chu Yi's heart:

"Damn it, where is this place! Devour it, devour it for me!"

His Primordial Origin power exploded instantly, but the devouring speed seemed too slow.

Thunder, lightning, hurricanes, and flames sniped at Chu Yi violently, and every touch was like a sharp knife piercing his skin mercilessly.

What was most unbearable for Chu Yi was that the flames not only ravaged his body, but even more terrifyingly, burned his soul, making him feel a sense of despair and fear from the inside out.

As time went by, the power of thunder, hurricanes, and flames became more and more powerful, as if a ruthless giant beast was approaching Chu Yi, pushing him into despair.

Just when Chu Yi was in crisis, a mysterious power of water descended from the sky, instantly crossed the sky and rushed towards Chu Yi.

The power of the water surged like a waterfall, eroding Chu Yi's body mercilessly. He seemed to be swallowed by a vast ocean and was unable to extricate himself.

Chu Yi felt that his body was gradually melted by the power of the water. Every inch of his skin seemed to be burning. His breathing became rapid and his heart beat violently.

This situation was like adding insult to injury, making Chu Yi feel cold inside. He began to doubt whether he could really escape from this disaster.

"Am I about to finish playing?" Chu Yi's heart was filled with despair, and he felt that he was no longer able to resist this ruthless force.

However, at this moment, Primordial Origin Wuji Kung started to operate automatically again, and violent power raged on Chu Yi's body.

The power of thunder, hurricane, fire, and water gathered together and violently ravaged Chu Yi's body like a wild beast, like a desperate dance.

Chu Yi frantically released this pain. He screamed loudly, trying to relieve his torture:

"Ahhhhhh!!! It hurts so much!! It hurts so much!!!"

The pain was unparalleled, as if Chu Yi's body was being ruthlessly melted and then reshaped again.

This kind of pain continued, and Chu Yi's body seemed to be melted and reshaped countless times, in a continuous cycle.

Every time it melts and reshapes, it brings unspeakable pain, as if the whole world is twisting and shaking.

Chu Yi's body could not escape this painful cycle. He could only endure the incomparable pain, melting and reshaping again and again.

The pain continued mercilessly, Chu Yi's body became stronger as it continued to melt and reshape, and his heart became more determined.

In this way, Chu Yi's body seemed to be constantly melting and reshaping, becoming more perfect.

He has lost his sense of time and no longer remembers how long it has been.

He no longer experienced pain, and at this moment he felt that his body had become stronger and tougher.

At the same time, his Primordial Origin Wuji Gong broke through to the fifteenth level, making his Primordial Origin Dao Body even more powerful.

The power of various superpowers has also been doubled.

At this moment, the picture changed dramatically, and a magnificent hall appeared in front of him.

The sudden change of the picture makes a majestic hall appear in front of you, making people feel as if they have entered a mysterious and wonderful wonderland.

The magnificence of this palace simply exceeded Chu Yi's imagination, and was thousands of times more magnificent than his own palace!

Chu Yi's eyes widened and he stared intently at the huge hall in front of him:

"This...what kind of place is this!"

The sight in front of him made Chu Yi's heart tighten. He quickly rushed into the hall, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred - a thunderous roar came from the depths of the hall.

The sound struck Chu Yi's heart like a bolt of lightning, causing his soul to tremble instantly.

"This is...a soul attack! It's too powerful! What kind of creature is roaring?"

Immediately afterwards, countless roars came as quickly as a violent storm.

The roar echoed in my ears like rolling thunder.

However, these roars seem to carry a mysterious soul attack.

Chu Yi's soul was repeatedly shocked by these roars.

Chu Yi instantly activated Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu. Miraculously, Chu Yi's soul power slowly solidified.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Yi's mouth:

"Good! That's it, keep roaring! Hahaha!"

This Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu is so incredible that it is almost omnipotent. Now it can even absorb soul attacks easily.

Suddenly, the roar stopped, as if the cold wind was dispersed instantly.

Chu Yi's eyes were immediately attracted by a shocking picture. A huge creature, a real dragon, actually appeared in front of him!

Yes, a real dragon!

It unabashedly launched a crazy attack on Chu Yi.

This is a black true dragon, with a huge and powerful body, and its black scales are shining with a strange light.

Almost instantly, the black dragon launched a wave of fierce attacks on Chu Yi.

Chu Yi glared angrily and shouted angrily:

"Start a fight if you don't agree with each other, right?!!"

Chu Yi showed no weakness and faced the black dragon's impact firmly.

"God-killing spear technique - Primordial Origin Wuji style!"

The God-killing Spear kept waving in Chu Yi's hand, extremely violent.

However, the black dragon also showed amazing power, which surprised Chu Yi.

He began to wonder if he had become weaker, even though he had become a planet-level powerhouse.

As the battle progressed, Chu Yi gradually discovered that his attacks could not cause any harm to the black dragon. Instead, he was cut all over by the black dragon's sharp claws.

There was a hint of joking in Heilong's eyes, as if he was mocking Chu Yi's ignorance and arrogance.

Chu Yi suddenly roared:

"The secret of gods and demons - Primordial Origin Yin and Yang!!"

Suddenly, two forces surged out, the power of divine patterns and the power of magic patterns.

They are constantly circling like a whirlwind, intertwining with each other, forming a natural yin and yang pattern, heading towards the black dragon at lightning speed...

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