Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 204 Devouring The Black Dragon, Continuous Breakthroughs

The sky is filled with the source energy emitted by the black dragon after its death, like a black cloud condensed by countless remaining souls, covering the entire world.

These Origin Qi are huge and vast, and they exude a chilling aura, as if the roar of a black dragon is echoing in every corner.

Chu Yi couldn't wait to sit down cross-legged, his eyes revealing his desire and pursuit of power.

Chu Yi was excited and thinking:

“As long as we completely swallow this source energy, we don’t know what realm we will reach!”

The Primordial Origin Wuji Kung was operating in Chu Yi's body like a hurricane. His body seemed to have become a black hole, and the Origin Qi was continuously absorbed by him.

These Origin Qi entered Chu Yi's body, like burning flames, instantly igniting the long-dormant power in his body.

He felt a powerful force spreading through his body, every meridian in his body was trembling, and his body seemed to be broken.

The power of Origin Qi surged wantonly in Chu Yi's body, his blood boiled, and every pore was releasing the energy of Origin Qi.

He seemed to have become the incarnation of the black dragon, with the power of the black dragon gathering in his body, and his eyes were shining with endless light.

Chu Yi felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but let out a long roar, the sound was as deafening as thunder.

His body began to change, dragon scales gradually emerged from his skin, and his body gradually became taller and more powerful.

His whole body exuded a powerful aura similar to that of a real dragon. This was the power of the dragon, and an invisible sense of oppression enveloped the surroundings.

The surrounding air seemed to be frozen by this force, making even breathing difficult.

Suddenly, Chu Yi felt a huge force burst out from his body, and his body began to rise into the air, as if he had truly transformed into a black dragon.

A few hours later, Chu Yi reappeared on the ground. His body had returned to his human form, but his aura became more powerful.

There was a hint of pride in his eyes:

"Very good, we have entered the spiritual movement stage, then the next step is the spiritual return stage."

The spiritual movement stage is the second step for practitioners to enter the realm of reincarnation.

As time goes by, Chu Yi continues to swallow the source energy and continuously strengthens his strength.

His body became stronger and his aura became more intense.

This was a rare opportunity, and Chu Yi decided to improve his ancient martial arts realm.

Right now, his physical strength has reached a high enough level.

Once he successfully improves the realm of ancient martial arts and combines it with his own planet-level superpower realm.

He will become invincible in his level.

Chu Yi was running Primordial Origin Wuji Kung crazily, and his devouring power became even more powerful. He continued to devoured the Origin Qi, striving to break through the ancient martial arts realm in the shortest possible time.

Every time he swallows Origin Qi, his body will vibrate slightly, as if saying to him, you are becoming stronger!

In the process of cultivation, Chu Yi's body gradually underwent strange changes.

Every inch of his skin glowed with a faint golden light.

In his eyes, the blue pupils shone with a trace of arc-like light, making him look like a sacred god of war.

As time went by, Chu Yi continued to feel the power of Origin Qi merging within his body, and his physical strength continued to increase, as if every cell was growing rapidly.

Gradually, a layer of faint golden light began to appear on his body surface, like a special layer of armor, covering his entire body.

Cultivation was not always smooth sailing, and Chu Yi also experienced some setbacks in the process.

Finally, when Chu Yi stepped into the peak of Entering Spirit, his whole body emitted a strong golden light.

He felt that the strength of his whole body had reached a peak state, and every inch of his skin was filled with endless power.

"Very good, the spiritual wheel stage is successful!!"

However, Chu Yi did not stop there.

Chu Yi continued to swallow more and more vast Origin Qi. The Origin Qi left behind by the death of these black dragons was really too vast!

His cultivation speed became faster, and his strength increased significantly every time he devoured the source energy.

Gradually, Chu Yi found that he began to master the secret of Origin Qi.

He could feel the flow and pulse of Origin Qi, as if these Origin Qi were part of his body.

As his practice continued to deepen, his body also began to change.

Lines appeared on his skin, shining with black and gold light.

These lines were like dragon scales, wrapping his body perfectly.

His eyes also became different from ordinary people, shining with a golden light, as hot and sharp as dragon eyes.

Chu Yi had an unusual feeling. He could clearly feel a powerful force surging in his body, which had exceeded the limit of the spiritual wheel stage.

This discovery ignited a fire of excitement in his heart, and he felt as if he was standing on the edge of a peak.

"That's great!" Chu Yi thought excitedly:

"As long as I continue to practice swallowing, I can break through to the spiritual return period!"

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with sharp light, and he excitedly felt the power surging in his body.

This power surged forward like thousands of troops, making him tremble with excitement.

Chu Yi threw himself into more crazier devouring without hesitation, greedily devouring the surrounding Origin Qi like a hungry beast.

Every breath of Origin Qi was like sweet wine, making him intoxicated and constantly pursuing a higher realm of cultivation.

You only need to break through to the peak of the spiritual reincarnation stage, and then integrate the power of the spiritual movement stage, the spiritual wheel stage, and the spiritual reincarnation stage into one, in order to reach the true reincarnation state.

The devouring power of Chu Yi burst out all over his body, and he fell into a crazy devouring state with all his concentration.


In an instant, the devouring power surging throughout Chu Yi's body was like thousands of tides gathering, instantly surrounding him.

He closed his eyes tightly and immersed himself in this violent source of energy.

His muscles were tense, his blood was surging, and every meridian in his body was trembling to receive this vast source of energy.

With the influx of Origin Qi, Chu Yi's aura began to become vast and powerful.

His whole body exuded an unparalleled coercion, as towering and majestic as a mountain peak.

His skin glowed slightly, as if a layer of invisible armor was wrapping him tightly.

Suddenly, a powerful force burst out from Chu Yi's body, causing the surrounding air to vibrate violently.

His eyes shone with determination, as if he wanted to swallow the whole world into his body.

At this moment, Chu Yi successfully broke through the realm of spiritual return.

The aura on his body gradually stabilized, but the vast power was still flowing in his body.

Chu Yi felt the changes in his body. His strength, speed, and even the intensity of his powers had been greatly improved.

Chu Yi stood there, feeling the power flowing through his body. His heart was filled with infinite expectations and determination.

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