For Anna, these men in black in front of her can be eliminated in an instant.

Suddenly, Anna turned around and saw a wave of people swarming over.

However, Anna is no stranger to these people. The leaders are Li Zhuangyan and Li Yixin from the National Security Bureau.

Li Zhuangyan frowned and stared at the man in black robes in front of him, his eyes revealing deep worry.

He knew that these people were Dark God cultists, and their existence represented a huge threat.

A man in black robe sneered:

"People from the National Security Bureau, you don't deserve to be here at all!" His voice was full of ridicule and disdain.

A trace of anger flashed across Li Yixin's face, and she said firmly:

"You Dark God cultists are simply a cancer on society! We will never tolerate your existence, and now is the time for us to eradicate you!"

Anna stood aside and quietly observed this dramatic duel.

There was an indifferent light in her eyes, as if it had nothing to do with her and was just a wonderful performance.

The people in black robes gathered together to form an impenetrable line of defense, their cold eyes piercing Li Zhuangyan and Li Yixin like blades.

Li Zhuangyan's face was solemn. He took a deep breath and prepared for this life and death battle.

He knew that with the expectations of the entire country behind him, he could not fail.

Li Yixin's eyes were extremely firm. In her heart, she had only one belief: for justice and to protect innocent lives, she must fight to the end.

The leader of the black-robed men chuckled, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

His laughter was like a biting cold wind, revealing a cold sarcasm:

"Haha, people from the National Security Agency, we have an important task today, and we won't argue with you!"

Li Yixin smiled disdainfully, with a hint of determination and firmness in her eyes:

"Do you think I don't know what you are going to do? This Mount Tai hides a shocking secret. Do you think we won't know anything about it?"

The leader of the men in black robes raised his eyebrows mockingly, with a sly smile on his lips.

There was a provocative flavor in his voice, as if he was mocking the other person's stupidity and ignorance:

"Haha! Even if you know it, so what, you don't understand the meaning at all, you know nothing!"

Li Zhuangyan responded indifferently:

"It doesn't matter whether we understand or not, but today, no one can escape, catch them!"

In the blink of an eye, the ancient Martial Artists of the National Security Agency launched an attack on the men in black robes.

The leader of the men in black robes sneered:

"Do you want to start a war now? You have to think carefully!"

The battle is about to break out, and there is a tense and fierce atmosphere in the air.

The figures of both sides intersected in the space, and every collision brought a burst of sparks and explosions.

The people in the National Security Agency gritted their teeth, with a hint of anger and determination in their eyes. Their fists and feet hit each other like thunder, each shot bringing a powerful force.

The leader of the men in black robes smiled coldly, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

His movement is agile and fast, and every dodge brings a kind of agility and cunning like a snake or scorpion.

The battle scene became more and more intense, with both sides going back and forth, and every collision brought a strong shock.

There was a biting breath in the air, which seemed to indicate the cruelty and ruthlessness of this battle.

However, at this moment, a black hole appeared in the sky, and Chu Yi slowly walked out of it.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, his eyes locked on the two fighting parties.

He could feel the tension in the air, and he was filled with doubts.

The man in black robe roared and released dark energy, as terrifying as a demon descending into the world.

Their target is clear, they are people from the National Security Agency.

The National Security Bureau personnel were fully armed, and their cold eyes revealed their determination to fight to the death.

"What's going on? Did they fight?"

Anna immediately rushed forward and hugged Chu Yi tightly.

"Ayi, you're back!" she said happily.

Chu Yi asked with a smile:

"Who are these people? It looks like the NSA and another group are engaged in a fierce war?"

Anna explained:

"Those men in black robes are Dark God cultists. I don't know the specifics. They are the mortal enemies of the National Security Agency."

The movement here has attracted the attention of the two waves of people who are fighting.

Li Yixin said in surprise:

"Mr. Chu, why are you here?"

Chu Yi nodded:

"I'm here to do something. I understand the situation here, leave it to me!!"

He already has a basic understanding of the situation here. To put it simply, this is the Dark God cultist, the sworn enemy of the National Security Agency!

Dark God cultists don't sound like a good thing.

Chu Yi's eyes were as sharp as wild beasts, and he scanned the group of black-robed men in front of him fiercely, as if to see through everything in their hearts:

"Okay, everyone, stop!!"

The leader of the black-robed man mocked Chu Yi’s threat with disdain:

"Who do you think you are, why should we stop?"

His eyes were full of ridicule and disdain, and he seemed to have no regard for Chu Yi.

However, just as the leader of the black-robed man finished speaking, the God-killing sword penetrated his chest like lightning, and the blood instantly dyed the black robe red.

The eyes of the leader of the black-robed man were full of disbelief and fear. He could not believe that he was instantly killed by Chu Yi and was about to face the fate of death.

Chu Yi looked cold and said without any emotion:

"I said stop, didn't you understand?" His voice was cold and firm, like the biting cold wind, making people shiver.

The consciousness of the leader of the black-robed man gradually disappeared. He could not accept this fact. The power he once thought was invincible was as fragile as paper in front of Chu Yi. He couldn't help but want to shout, but couldn't make a sound.

The last trace of consciousness dissipated, and the leader of the black-robed man completely fell under Chu Yi's sword.

The other men in black robes present looked horrified. They witnessed the leader being killed instantly, and their hearts were filled with shock and fear.

They had never seen such a powerful force. Chu Yi's strength exceeded their imagination, making them feel helpless and panicked like never before.

Chu Yi glanced around lightly, with a mocking smile on his face:

"Do you still want to fight??"

The people in black robes were instantly frightened by Chu Yi's powerful strength, and they all shook their heads tremblingly and said:

"No more fighting, no more fighting, please let us go..."

However, Li Yixin said respectfully to Chu Yi with a firm look on her face:

"Mr. Chu, we should eradicate these evil believers completely. Allowing them to breed in society will only bring more disasters!"

Chu Yi frowned and said doubtfully:

"What earth-shattering things have they done that make you want to destroy them so much?"

The man in black robe interrupted, with an unconvinced look on his face, as if they were innocent parties at all, and said confidently:

"We just devoutly believe in our dark god, but those people from the National Security Agency will not let us go. It is they who want to kill us all. We are the victims."

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