Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 215 A Last-Ditch Battle, Anna’S Strength

The battle is about to break out, and the demon's whole body exudes strong demonic energy, covering Anna and others.

The tense atmosphere condensed in the air, and everyone clenched their weapons, preparing for the decisive battle.

Anna held the sacred sword tightly with a solemn expression on her face. She raised the blade high and whispered in her mouth:

"Holy Sword, the Light of Ending!!" The sword instantly emitted a dazzling light, like a god descending from the sky.

Xiao Tianjue held the sword tightly with both hands, and his body exuded an aura of confidence and determination.

He puffed up his chest and shouted:

"Tian Jue Sword Intent - Jue Tian Sword Slash!!" The sword body turned into a sword light, piercing the devil like lightning.

Feng Qingyan floated up, her whole body exuded a flame-like aura, and her hands turned into phoenix wings.

She chanted softly:

"Phoenix Emperor Flame, destroy the world!!" A blazing flame spurted out from her hand, instantly surrounding the demon.

The fat man held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand. He swung the stick with a crazy light in his eyes:

"Look at me, crazy magic stick technique!!" He smashed the stick, and a boundless force hit the devil.

Xuanyuan Yi's body suddenly burst out with powerful momentum, and he whispered:

"Xuanyuan bloodline, activate!!" A layer of pale golden light appeared around his body, and the sword in his hand began to glow golden, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

Lin Shaoqi clasped his palms together and turned into a strange light.

He shouted loudly:

"Qilin Tyrant Attack!!" A huge Qilin appeared, spread its wings, and rushed towards the demon with great power.

Nangong Shirong clenched her hands tightly, her eyes flashing with lightning.

She gritted her teeth and read:

"Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder, Purple Thunder!! Go!!" A purple thunderbolt burst out from her hand, blasting towards the devil like a huge force.

In this way, the seven people started a shocking battle with the devil.

Their figures intertwined in the air, sword light, flames, thunder and lightning, golden sticks, all kinds of powerful forces intertwined together, forming a gorgeous and ferocious picture.

Shocking explosions and harsh metal collisions continued to sound, and the entire battlefield was instantly enveloped in smoke, dust and sparks.

The demon roared angrily, trying to resist the attacks of the seven men, but their power was as unshakable as the mountains.

They cooperate tacitly, are both offensive and defensive, and every shot is full of endless power.

Their eyes shone with determination, and their expressions of determination and determination seemed to be engaging in a life-and-death battle with the devil.

Time seemed to have frozen, and the whole world was enveloped in this battle.

Every attack is accompanied by huge energy fluctuations, and every confrontation causes the air to tremble.

However, as time went by, Anna's side gradually fell into decline.

The demon leader sneered:

"Haha, is this all you can do? Then destroy the Spark Empire!!!"

The demonic swords gathered in the sky like a black lightning, striking rapidly towards the capital of Starfire City.

The blade of the sword contained the power of destruction, as if it was about to destroy the entire city.

Anna's eyes were extremely solemn, and she quickly mobilized the energy in her body and turned it into a ray of light.

Her body was like a strong shield, resisting the demon's murderous intent for the civilians of the Starfire Empire.

"Everyone, protect the Starfire Empire quickly!! There are many civilians down there, hurry up!!!"

The demon leader looked at Anna with ridicule, and the demon blade in his hand kept changing its moves, becoming more and more powerful.

Anna's figure was agile and she danced the sacred sword. Her sword light intertwined with the devil's demon blade, and a harsh tearing sound broke out in the air.

However, the huge sword of demonic energy was suspended in the air, but it was so terrifying that no one dared to take a step closer.

They never expected that this demon would be so powerful. Seven people working together could only barely match it, or even be slightly at a disadvantage.

As the fat man witnessed this astonishing scene, a firm determination surged in his heart:

"Sister-in-law, let me come!!"

He stood in front of the demonic sword without hesitation. The dazzling golden light emanated from the fat man, like a dazzling sun, making people unable to take their eyes away.

The fat man shouted loudly:

"The King is indestructible, stop me!!!" His voice was full of determination and courage.

The power of the indestructible body burst out from Fatty's body, and his body was like steel, indestructible.

Nangong Shirong was so anxious that she almost shouted out. She anxiously witnessed the fat man's actions, and couldn't help but feel worried and nervous in her heart.

Nangong Shirong's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly, and she could not calm down because the fat man actually resisted the attack of the demonic sword.

The fat man's body trembled slightly under the pressure of the demon sword, but he gritted his teeth and resisted the demon's attack without flinching.

Fatty's body was filled with a firm aura, and he seemed to have become a hero in everyone's hearts, stepping forward and blocking the demonic sword in front of everyone.

The fat man smiled proudly and said:

"Haha, brothers, let me show you the results of my more than ten years of practice!"

The fat man roared:

"Devil, look at my pillar holding the sky!!"

The golden cudgel in the fat man's hand instantly grew larger and longer, and continued to expand...

The demon leader asked in surprise:

"Fat man, what kind of weapon are you using!!!"

The fat man replied disdainfully:

"Stupid devil, this is called the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!!"

Bang bang bang! ! The golden cudgel hit the demon's body directly.

The devil smiled contemptuously, and the wounds on his body healed quickly, as if the part hit by the golden hoop didn't exist at all.

The devil sneered:

"Haha! That's all you have??"

He swung the golden cudgel violently, hitting the devil like a bolt of lightning.

The devil's gaze condensed, and the dark aura on his body began to surge, forming a thick protective shield.

The golden cudgel hit the protective shield hard, making a loud noise.

The demon's body shook slightly, but his protective shield was not broken.

A trace of disappointment flashed across the fat man's face, but he showed no intention of flinching.

The devil sneered:

"An attack like yours is just a tickle to me."

The fat man frowned, feeling that his strength was not enough.

He gritted his teeth, all the muscles in his body tensed, and sweat rolled down his forehead.

He raised the golden cudgel again and roared:

"Quick!! Everyone come together, this devil is dying!!!"

In an instant, Anna shouted loudly:

"Everyone, please lend me your remaining spiritual energy!"

In an instant, the other six people injected their remaining spiritual energy into Anna's body.

At this time, Anna felt that her power had become extremely powerful.

She roared:

"Go to hell, devil!"

"Holy power, holy light judgment!"

In an instant, a powerful sacred force condensed into a huge sacred sword.

When the devil heard this, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It raised the demonic sword in its hand, preparing to meet the oncoming sacred sword.

The moment the two collided, the air seemed to freeze. The confrontation between the demon blade and the sacred sword caused a terrifying wave of energy.

The brilliance of the sacred sword is dazzling, like a bright sun.

Dark energy surged out from the demon's demonic blade, circling like an evil dragon.

The two powerful forces collided with each other, and a burst of fiery flames erupted in the air.

Anna felt the temperature around her rise sharply, as if she was in a sea of ​​fire.

She held the sacred sword tightly, her muscles tensed up, and her face was full of determination.

She is determined to use divine power to completely destroy this demon.

The demon war blade and the sacred sword intersected, making a harsh metal collision sound.

An invisible shock wave spreads and can even shatter the space.

Anna's body was pushed backward by the powerful impact. She stabilized her body and quickly adjusted her posture.

Her eyes revealed incomparable determination. She knew that only by completely defeating this demon could she protect the people she loved and Chu Yi's hard work.

She swung the sacred sword again, and the sword's edge brought out an arc of light and slashed at the demon.

The demon was unable to dodge and was scratched by the sword's edge. The blood instantly dyed the dark air red.

The demon let out a shrill howl, and the pain made it extremely angry.

"A little human ant can actually hurt me. It's so shameful and humiliating. It's so shameful and humiliating!!!"

The demon seized the opportunity and pounced on Anna.

Its speed was as fast as a black lightning.

Anna was not afraid. She raised the sacred sword and let out a roar. Incomparably powerful power surged through her body.

The sacred sword and the demonic blade collided again, and a burst of strong energy fluctuations erupted in the air.

The demon's power seems to be weakening, but Anna's divine power is getting stronger.

She felt the six people behind her inject the remaining spiritual energy into her body again, and her power reached its peak in an instant.

She waved her sword without hesitation and launched a fierce attack on the demon.

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