But at this moment, another unfriendly voice came:

"Haha, Wu Tianqi, you are finally here, accept my challenge!!"

Yang Tianxiong, he is wearing a pure white training uniform.

His face was chiseled and his facial features were exquisite, especially his eyes, which shone sharply like cold stars.

His eyes were deep and cold, as if hiding endless fighting spirit, making people afraid to approach him easily.

Liu Xueer, she is wearing a snow-white training uniform, with a hint of mystery in her elegance.

Her figure is slim and slender, and her posture is like flowing clouds, giving people an ethereal feeling.

Her eyes were as bright as the morning sun, with a hint of gentleness, but there was a sharp chill hidden in the depths, as if she could easily cut through all obstacles in the world.

Jiang Feng, wearing plain white training clothes, stood as tall and tall as a mountain.

His body is strong and strong, and every inch of his muscles reveals explosive potential.

His eyes were as sharp as arrows, his face was angular, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he could challenge the world and conquer everything at any time.

Mo Yunfei, wearing plain clothes, looked like white clouds floating by.

His figure is long and slender, exuding an air of elegance.

His eyes were deep and blurry, as if hiding a bottomless abyss, making it impossible to figure out his true purpose.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of arrogance and indifference, as if nothing in the world could shake his heart.

Chu Yi spread his hands, smiled slightly, and looked at Wu Tianqi, with a hint of helplessness and confusion in his eyes:

"Senior, these people seem to be here to find you."

Wu Tianqi frowned slightly and glanced at the few people with cold eyes, with a hint of helplessness in his tone:

"You four, are you looking for another fight? Didn't you lose completely enough last time?"

Yang Tianxiong stood up straight, his eyes were firm, and his voice revealed a sense of confidence and determination:

"Last time we lost to you at Galaxy Martial Dao Hall, this time we will definitely not lose again!!"

Wu Tianqi interrupted impatiently:

"I don't have time to compete with you now, maybe next time!"

Yang Tianxiong asked angrily:

"Wu Tianqi, are you scared?!" His voice was full of anger, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were flashing with angry flames.

Chu Yi stood up resolutely and said firmly:

"Senior, leave it to me! I want to test my strength!"

Anna also stood up without flinching and said firmly:

"Ayi, count me in, I haven't done anything for a long time!!"

They wanted to have a big fight early in the morning, but they couldn't find an opponent.

Chu Yi straightened his body, looked at Yang Tianxiong firmly and said:

"Let's be your opponents!"

Yang Tianxiong curled his lips disdainfully:

"There are four of us here, let Wu Tianqi come! You little guy!!"

“We at Galaxy Martial Dao Hall will never bully others!!”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Chu Yi's mouth:

"Haha, are you looking down on me?"

In an instant, Chu Yi and Anna exuded supernatural auras as dazzling as stars, like two huge celestial bodies colliding with each other, making everyone's eyes widen in shock.

Countless stars flickered around them, like stars in the universe, making people feel like they were in a vast sea of ​​stars.

Liu Xueer, Jiang Feng, Mo Yunfei and Yang Tianxiong screamed almost simultaneously. Their voices echoed in the air, full of surprise and disbelief.

"You two are both stellar-level superpowers!!! How is that possible!!"

They couldn't believe what they saw in front of them. Chu Yi and Anna were both star-level superpowers!

Such strength is at the top of the entire superpower world, which is unimaginable.

The most important thing is that both Chu Yi and Anna are too young, less than a thousand years old! !

Yang Tianxiong said in surprise:

"You two are so young, and you are both stellar-level superpowers!!" His voice was full of admiration, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"Now, can we be your opponent?"

Chu Yi's eyes were firmly fixed on Yang Tianxiong.

Yang Tianxiong's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, a delighted smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"Of course, but not here, come with me!"

Soon after, they came to the Galaxy Martial Dao Pavilion.

The grandeur of the Galaxy Martial Dao Pavilion is jaw-dropping.

The towering pillars support the huge dome, and the lights on it shine like the Milky Way, making the entire Martial Dao Pavilion look like a fairyland.

The layout of the museum is reasonable, with broad corridors leading to various areas.

A huge door opened in front of them, revealing an independent and special space.

The environment inside the duel room was completely different from the outside. It seemed like a forgotten small universe, quiet and mysterious.

Yang Tianxiong stared at Chu Yi closely, with incomparable fighting intent in his eyes:

"This is the duel ground, come on! Let me test your strength!!"

Chu Yi smiled slightly and said teasingly:

"What if you lose?" A playful expression appeared on his face.

Yang Tianxiong raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a hint of interest:

"Oh? Do you want to bet?" There was a hint of provocation in his voice.

Chu Yi smiled softly and responded with firm eyes:

"Of course, if there is no bet, it would be too boring." His eyes revealed the desire for victory.

Yang Tianxiong's eyes flashed, revealing a thoughtful look:

"Tell me! What do you want to bet on?"

Chu Yi shrugged, with a sly look in his eyes:

"If Anna and I beat the four of you, the four of you will join us."

The corners of Yang Tianxiong's mouth turned up slightly, and he asked with a smile:

"What if you lose?" His expression revealed his confidence in his own strength and his disdain for Chu Yi's challenge.

Chu Yi's eyes were firm and he said without hesitation:

"If you lose, of course we will join you."

Yang Tianxiong frowned and said with a hint of helplessness:

"I can't make the decision on my own."

"Xiaoxue, Xiaofeng, Xiaoyun, what do you think?"

Liu Xueer waved her arms excitedly and said firmly:

"I agree to this bet! If I lose, I will join you!"

Jiang Feng frowned and said decisively:

"I also agree to this bet! If I lose, I will join you!"

Mo Yunfei clenched his fists and said resolutely:

"I agree to this bet! If I lose, I will join you!"

Yang Tianxiong nodded with a firm expression on his face:

"Okay! If the three of you agree, then I also agree to this bet."

Chu Yi raised the corners of his mouth proudly, with a hint of victory in his eyes:

"Very good, then welcome the four of you to join us in advance!"

Yang Tianxiong said angrily:

"What? The fight hasn't started yet? How do you know you will win? Little guy, you are so arrogant!"

Chu Yi responded calmly:

"Of course, if you don't have the determination to win, then why fight?"

Chu Yi held Anna's hand tightly, and he said to Anna in a weak voice:

"Honey, do you think we can do it? After all, they are four star-level superpowers."

Anna gently held Chu Yi's hand, her eyes full of determination and confidence, and she said softly:

"Of course, husband, I believe you."

"As long as you are here, we will be able to overcome all difficulties."

Chu Yi and Anna's eyes met, they looked at each other, and they leaned forward slightly, preparing for the battle.

Yang Tianxiong, Liu Xueer, Jiang Feng, and Mo Yunfei stared at Chu Yi and Anna with sharp eyes, emitting a strong sense of oppression.

Their eyes revealed strong confidence and arrogance, as if provoking Chu Yi and Anna.

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