Soon after, Chu Yi and others came to the Star Chamber of Commerce.

Bright and dazzling light fell on Chu Yi and others, and the door of the Star Chamber of Commerce opened to welcome their arrival.

The tall building stood in front of them, like a splendid palace, exuding an intoxicating atmosphere of luxury.

The virtual light curtain blooms with brilliant colors inside the chamber of commerce, like an exquisite oil painting, which is fascinating.

The interior decoration of the Star Chamber of Commerce is exquisite and unique, with gorgeous crystal chandeliers inlaid with countless stars, exuding soft light.

In the center of the hall is a huge circular square filled with eye-catching display cabinets displaying various rare treasures.

The design of the Star Chamber of Commerce is very futuristic. The virtual light screens on the walls constantly play amazing scenes, as if bringing people into a mysterious interstellar world.

The air of the Chamber of Commerce is filled with a light aroma, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

Chu Yi's eyes swept randomly and found that each display area presented a different environmental theme, making people feel like they were in various coveted scenes.

On one side of the Star Chamber of Commerce is a huge glass window. Through the window, Chu Yi can see the stars twinkling in the sky.

The top of the Chamber of Commerce is a huge dome. Through the transparent glass, you can see the sunlight shining in the sky.

The sunlight refracted through the dome, forming a brilliant rainbow-colored beam of light, illuminating the entire chamber of commerce.

Chu Yi felt the wonder and magnificence here, as if he was in a mysterious interstellar palace.

Chu Yi was amazed, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

His body unconsciously leaned forward, as if he wanted to take a closer look at this spectacular sight.

My heart is filled with wonder and awe:

“This place is absolutely spectacular!”

Yang Tianxiong whispered to Wu Tianqi:

"Where did you find this friend? Why are you acting like a country bumpkin with no knowledge at all?" His brows furrowed slightly, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Wu Tianqi laughed loudly, the corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes curved into two crescent moons.

His body is upright and confident, and his eyes are full of pride and pride.

Wu Tianqi smiled and said:

"You don't understand. Although they come from a wild planet, you have all seen their strength. They can completely crush you!"

Yang Tianxiong suddenly lost his words. His mouth opened, but no sound came out.

His eyes blinked, showing a hint of embarrassment:

"Well, indeed, if you are strong, you will be a top person no matter where you are!"

At this moment, a sales lady walked over kindly, her eyes fell on Chu Yi, and she asked:

"Hello, how can I help you?"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Well, I want to take a look at the genetic medicine you have here."

The sales lady replied enthusiastically:

"Okay, please follow me."

She led Chu Yi and others to a special sales area.

The sales lady pointed to the shelves filled with various genetic medicines and said:

"What's on display here is all of our genetic products."

Chu Yi waved his hand politely, indicating that he wanted to browse it by himself first.

The sales lady nodded and said:

"Okay, you can come to me anytime if you have any questions."

Looking at the dazzling array of genetic potions, Chu Yi was filled with a strong impulse and wanted to buy them all back.

Suddenly, Anna's excited voice sounded:

"Ayi, come here quickly and take a look, this..."

Chu Yi hurriedly walked over and asked:

"What's wrong, Xiaona?"

Anna said excitedly:

"Ayi, look, this is Apex Level gene potion!!"

Chu Yi looked at the description of the ordinary Apex Level genetic medicine on the label:

——Can achieve immortality, but there is no increase in combat effectiveness.

——Not for sale!

Chu Yi frowned and wondered:

“Since it’s not for sale to the outside world, why is it still displayed here?”

Wu Tianqi explained:

"Chu Yi, this kind of genetic medicine that can achieve immortality can only be purchased by those with power and influence."

"You just arrived here and few people know you."

Chu Yi suddenly realized:

"So this is ah!"

Wu Tianqi patted Chu Yi's shoulder in a friendly manner and said slowly:

"I'll do it! I know the manager here!"

Soon after, a mature man appeared.

He is a tall man with a mature charm about him.

He has neat, short black hair that is slightly fluffy, giving people an urge to get close to him.

He wore a well-matched suit that showed his attention to detail and taste.

The shirt of fine material clung to his skin and accentuated his muscular figure.

The dark suit jacket highlights his maturity and stability, and the slim tailoring further highlights his confidence.

His arms are strong and strong, and every movement exudes irresistible charm.

His voice is deep and magnetic, revealing his composure and perseverance.

"Haha, it turns out to be Brother Tianqi! Long time no see!" Chen Qifeng walked forward excitedly, opened his arms, and hugged Wu Tianqi happily.

Wu Tianqi also laughed and said:

"Manager Chen, long time no see!" His eyes narrowed to slits, and his face was filled with joy.

"Let me introduce to you, these are my friends Chu Yi and Anna. They are both stellar powerhouses!" Chen Qifeng pointed at Chu Yi and Anna, his face full of pride.

Wu Tianqi said to Chu Yi:

"This is Chen Qifeng of the Star Chamber of Commerce, Manager Chen!" There was a hint of admiration and friendliness in his eyes.

Chen Qifeng didn't expect that this young man and woman were actually stellar powerhouses. His eyes widened a little and he said with a smile on his face:

"Hello, hello, welcome to the Star Chamber of Commerce! Let's talk inside, let's talk inside!" His voice seemed a little excited, and he kept rubbing his hands, expressing his inner excitement and expectation.

Soon after, Chen Qifeng led Chu Yi and others into a luxurious living room.

The living room is spacious and bright, with luxurious and elegant decoration.

A huge crystal chandelier hangs from high up, emitting soft and warm light, illuminating the entire room.

Thick carpets cover the ground, and the soft texture makes people feel as if they are stepping on clouds.

The walls are covered with valuable artworks, each painting showing delicate brushwork and outstanding creativity.

Rows of exquisitely carved wooden furniture are neatly arranged, demonstrating the owner's ultimate pursuit of details.

Chen Qifeng said enthusiastically:

"Brother Chu Yi, no matter what you need, as long as I have the authority, the treasures of the Star Chamber of Commerce are open to you! Take your pick!"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Manager Chen, thank you very much for your warm hospitality."

"I need some genetic medicine and some mechanical technology. I am very interested in genetic Ascension and mechanical Ascension."

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