Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 256: First Arrival In The Galaxy Empire, Desire For Revenge

Three days later, Chu Yi said goodbye to Fatty and Nangong Shirong.

Chu Yi said to Fatty and Nangong Shirong with a serious face:

"I'll leave it to you here. Remember what I said and try to avoid hurting innocent people!"

"And those Arctic beasts we brought, don't let these beasts cause trouble!" His eyes were firm, seeming to hint at his determination.

The fat man nodded and replied seriously:

"I understand, Brother Chu."

"You and sister-in-law should be careful. You don't know how long it will take you to come back this time."

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Trust me, I'll be back before long!"

As a result, Chu Yi took firm steps and embarked on the road of revenge.

Chu Yi and others passed through the gate of time and space and returned to this universe.

Their hearts were filled with the hatred of their enemies, as well as endless regret for Blue Star.

The Sixiang-class starship moved forward slowly in the universe. Chu Yi stood quietly on the bridge, looking out the window at the riddled blue star.

This former home is now beyond recognition, with dilapidated buildings and ruins ruthlessly telling a story of blood and fire.

There was a deep feeling of helplessness in his heart, but he knew that they had to move forward to take revenge and make those guys pay the price.

Anna walked to Chu Yi, patted his shoulder gently, and said softly:

"Don't lose hope, Ayi."

"And I will definitely find my father." Her eyes revealed determination and courage, like a bright starlight, illuminating Chu Yi's heart.

Chu Yi nodded slightly, his eyes flashing with determination.

His finger gently pressed the start button of the starship. In an instant, the starship cut through the dark night sky like a meteor and disappeared into the boundless universe.

The starship is flying deep in the universe, and countless stars are shining with charming light around them, like a magnificent picture of the starry sky.

Chu Yi leaned against the porthole, his heart filled with hatred of alien species, the Galactic Empire, and the evil Demon Race!

Chu Yi couldn't wait to ask at this moment:

"Bury Tang San, where can we find a large number of alien species?"

Buried Tang San replied in a deep voice:

"There may be some alien species in the Dark Realm, but their whereabouts are often elusive."

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with determination and he said:

"Haha, let's go to the Galaxy Empire first!"

Tang San frowned and asked:

"Are you planning to face the Galactic Empire alone?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Yi's lips and he replied:

"Of course, Blue Star has been destroyed by them, I must annihilate them all with my own hands!"

Burial Tang San said in a deep voice:

"Chu Yi, do you know who the culprit is?"

A trace of anger flashed across Chu Yi's face and he replied:

"Of course I know, they are from the Galactic Empire!"

Tang San sighed and added:

"I'm talking about a specific person. There are trillions of members in the Galactic Empire. It will not be easy to find the culprit."

Chu Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes sharp, and said domineeringly:

"I don't know exactly who it is, but as long as they destroy Blue Star, I will make them pay the price!"

Now Chu Yi's mind is filled with killing and destroying everyone in the Galaxy Empire.

Chu Yi sat on the bridge of the starship, his eyes as firm as steel, staring at the distant Galactic Empire.

A raging rage arose in his heart, driving him forward.

The starship glides silently in the vastness of the universe, and every jump is a challenge to fate.

Chu Yi's determination was like the edge of a sword on the edge of a cliff, sharp and fearless.

Ten days passed slowly...

At this moment, the Milky Way, the Galactic Empire.

A huge planet of Transcendent Level stands in the starry sky.

It is like a huge beast, extremely majestic and majestic.

Vast continents spread across the planet's surface, with towering mountains and meandering rivers.

Viewed from space, the size of this planet is unimaginable. Visually, it is trillions of times larger than the entire Blue Star.

This giant planet exudes a mysterious and ancient aura.

The climate on the surface of the planet is changeable. Sometimes it is a scorching desert, sometimes it is a vast ice field, and sometimes it is a drizzling tropical rain forest.

There are all kinds of strange creatures on the planet. They are unique and beautiful, as if they come from another mysterious world.

As the sun rises and sets, the color of the planet is constantly changing, from golden to blood red to deep purple, exuding a mesmerizing charm at every moment.

The planet's atmosphere is filled with a distant atmosphere, as if it holds the secrets of the entire universe.

A layer of mist floats in the sky, shrouding the planet.

And in this layer of fog, the stars shone softly, like countless twinkling gems dotted on the dark sky.

The stars at night are even more stunning. Countless galaxies intertwine in the sky, forming beautiful and spectacular nebulae.

The continent on the planet is vast and fertile, with undulating mountains and dotted with lakes.

Pieces of green grassland stretch to the horizon, with lush trees and blooming wild flowers.

The sun shines through the clouds on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow, giving the ground a golden halo.

This planet is really too big, and there are countless humans, trillions of humans.

Endless crowds of people intertwined into bustling cities on the largest planet in the galaxy, and towering skyscrapers rose from the ground on the endless plains.

People are bustling in the streets and alleys, like an endless river flowing through the brightly lit night.

This huge planet seems to be a palace of giants, with countless humans running around on it like ants.

Whether you look down from a high altitude or close to the ground, you can only feel the endless crowds and endless buildings, as if you have entered an endless maze.

On this huge planet, people live in a variety of environments.

Some people live in tall city towers, gazing at the endless starry sky;

Some people live in vast farmland and forests, growing together with nature.

No matter where they are, people are full of desire for the unknown and love for life.

Anger burned into raging flames in Chu Yi's heart. He glared at the peaceful scene of the Galaxy Empire, and the dissatisfaction and hatred in his heart poured out like a tide:

"Why do the people of Blue Star have to suffer, but you can enjoy peace? You should all be punished! You should all die! You should all die!!"

In the starry sky, a huge starship suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yi's ship.

Chu Yi frowned, his eyes firmly fixed on the foreign starship.

It was towering and solemn, like an indestructible boulder, exuding a frightening aura, and a warning voice came from the starship:

"Foreign starships, please stop immediately, otherwise, we will take coercive measures!!"

As the warning echoed, the atmosphere in the starry sky instantly became tense.

The large starship emits majestic energy fluctuations, making the surrounding stars dim.

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