Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 259 You’Re Not Bad, You Can Warm Me Up

Chu Yi's eyes were cold and firm. Through the body of the dead woman, he seemed to see endless hatred and determination.

Her death did not touch his heartstrings, but only made him more determined to seek revenge.

Chu Yi stared at Anna closely at this moment and said to her softly:

"Xiao Na, you can move freely first. If you have any trouble, remember to contact me with the Primordial Origin mark!"

Anna nodded slightly in response and patted Chu Yi's shoulder gently, worry and determination flashing in her eyes.

She knew the pain and anger in Chu Yi's heart, but she also understood that he was ready to face everything.

The tacit understanding between them requires no words, only mutual support and understanding:

"Okay, Ayi, you have to be careful."

Chu Yi took firm steps, his brows showing arrogance.

He knew that only through killing and revenge could he bring inner peace and satisfaction.

He is determined to embark on a bloody path, and he is willing to do anything for the destruction of the Galactic Empire.

As Chu Yi's figure disappeared into the distance, a cold wind blew by, blowing away the surrounding dust.

His departure took away the peace, leaving behind haze and uneasiness.

Chu Yi's arrival was like a dark whirlwind, sweeping through every place mercilessly.

He was holding the God-killing Spear, and the tip of the spear was as hot as a demonic flame, flashing with the light of death.

Whenever he appeared, the smell of blood filled the surroundings, and people's heartbeats seemed to be suppressed by this terrifying atmosphere.

Countless lives fell under Chu Yi's hands, and his killing method was like the art of murder.

His marksmanship is precise and swift, and every blow is aimed directly at the enemy's vital points, making them irresistible.

His figure was erratic on the battlefield, like a ghost in the night, making people feel at a loss.

The sound of killing continued to echo around Chu Yi, like the whisper of death.

His eyes were cold and ruthless, seemingly devoid of any emotion, as if he was just a cold-blooded killer.

However, hidden deep in his heart was a powerful pain and despair.

Chu Yi slaughtered tirelessly, and his soul had long been swallowed by darkness.

He used to be an innocent and kind-hearted person, but a trick of fate led him to embark on this bloody road.

Deep in his heart, there is unspeakable pain and sadness, and every killing is his fight against fate.

However, Chu Yi's killing was not without purpose.

He is burdened with a heavy mission to find answers to everything he has lost.

Revenge became his only way out and his resistance to fate.

In the darkness, the smell of blood filled the air, as if there was a demon controlling everything secretly.

Sharp shouts and frightened begging for mercy came one after another, filling the entire corner.

Every sound was filled with despair and fear, echoing in the air like a ghost.

Chu Yi sneered, his eyes flashing with cold murderous intent.

"Devil, you must die a good death!" An angry voice suddenly sounded, carrying resentment and hatred towards Chu Yi.

However, Chu Yi didn't care and responded with a sneer:

"Even if I don't have to die well, I want you all to die!!"

The sounds rose and fell one after another, as if a symphony of hell was playing on this dark stage.

Every voice carries endless pain and sorrow, and every cry represents a living life disappearing in the darkness.

However, there was no regret or flinching in Chu Yi's eyes.

He firmly believes that he is the embodiment of justice and the light in the darkness.

He held the weapon in his hand tightly, ready to continue his killing journey.

The sound kept ringing, like a ghost in the darkness roaring in this cruel world.

Neither the devil's ridicule nor Chu Yi's roar can change the reality of this dark world.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, instantly turning the entire scene into chaos.

With a bang, a figure appeared in front of Chu Yi's eyes, like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night, bringing a powerful aura.

"Stop it, I'm not allowed to kill them!!"

Chu Yi stared at the person in front of him closely, his eyes revealed perseverance and determination, and he said without fear:

"Stop? It's absolutely impossible for me to stop."

"No one in the Galactic Empire deserves to live!"

Although the thin man looked weak, the firmness exuding from him made people shudder.

He faced Chu Yi without fear and said firmly:

"I can't tolerate you continuing to kill people! No matter the reason, they are innocent."

Chu Yi sneered, his eyes flashing with indifference and hatred, and he hit back fiercely:

"Innocent? They were just born in the Galactic Empire. Their fate was already doomed. They don't deserve mercy!"

The atmosphere of the confrontation between the two became increasingly tense, and the entire space seemed to be frozen.

There was firm belief in Chu Yi's eyes, and the thin man became more determined and fearless.

Their conversation was like two powerful forces colliding with each other, arousing endless sparks.

In an instant, the man's eyes were piercing, and he transformed into a broad sword, with a cold light shining on the sword.

This giant sword is like a giant dragon, exuding frightening pressure.

Chu Yi sneered, with a trace of disdain and ridicule in his eyes:

"Want to do something?? Very good!!"

"You're not bad, you can warm me up!"

Chu Yi took a step and disappeared instantly, with a god-killing spear in his hand.

The God-killing Spear at this moment is covered with faint golden patterns, which seems to contain infinite power.

The two of them stood on the battlefield with overwhelming momentum.

The man raised his giant sword, and the blade cut through the air with a low whistling sound.

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly, and his body exuded an invisible murderous aura, as if he had transformed into a bloody killing god.

The battle was about to break out, and the two figures intertwined.

Swords and spears collided with each other, emitting dazzling sparks.

The momentum of the giant sword and the God-killing Spear competed with each other on the battlefield, causing ripples in the air.

Every collision was accompanied by violent shocks, and the battlefield was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

Chu Yi's eyes were firm and cold, and he waved the God-killing Spear towards the man.

The spear tip is like lightning, the sword energy is like a sharp blade, and the two interweave into flashes of light.

The man showed no sign of weakness. He used his giant sword to attack like a violent storm, and every swing of his sword contained the power of landslides and earth-shattering.

He was tall and mighty, and every time he swung his sword, he seemed to tear the world apart.

His swordsmanship is like a devil's dance, full of wildness and destructive power.

Their bodies and weapons merged with each other to form a magnificent and cruel picture.

Chu Yi nimbly dodged the man's fierce attack and counterattacked with the God-killing Spear.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the gun intersect. Between the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, the rhythm of the battle is like an exciting symphony.

Their movements are quick and precise, and every move is a life-or-death contest.

During the battle, there was no trace of nervousness in Chu Yi's eyes, but a joking look, as if he was playing tricks on the man.

The man has a beast-like aura, and his strength and speed are terrifying.

The battle continued, and the figures of the two men intertwined on the battlefield, and their strength intertwined into a majestic picture.

Every collision was accompanied by a huge impact, and the ground on the battlefield was shaking.

The smell of blood filled the air, and the cruelty and ruthlessness of the battle made people feel heart palpitating.

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