At this moment, Chu Yi has brought four people to the dark realm.

The Dark Realm is like an endless ocean of darkness, making people feel as if they are in boundless darkness.

The surroundings were filled with a thick atmosphere of darkness, which was suffocating.

In the dim space, a black curtain enveloped the earth, like an independent world in the night.

The darkness exudes a strange aura, which makes people feel chilly.

Chu Yi's voice echoed in the dark realm, like an icy cold wind passing through the dark land.

Although his words were brief, they revealed a firmness and determination, as if he was used to this dark world:

"This is the Dark Realm. You have to find the strange creatures here, kill them, and then take away the alien cores in their bodies, do you understand?"

Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng stood in the dark realm, with a hint of nervousness and excitement on their faces.

Determination shone in their eyes, and they faced this dark realm without fear:

"We got it teacher!"

The four of them followed Chu Yi's footsteps and cautiously walked through the darkness of the Absolute Darkness.

Their goal is to find those strange creatures with powerful powers and precious alien cores.

Suddenly, a biting cold wind blew, and the bodies of the four people shivered.

Li Xinyi couldn't help but shudder, but she immediately retracted her trembling hand and showed a firm posture.

As they walked through the dark maze, they heard strange noises.

It was a low and strange roar, as if a demon was roaring from deep underground.

The four people's hearts beat faster, but they did not flinch.

Finally, they came to a huge cave.

The cave is filled with dark energy, giving off a suffocating aura.

In the deepest part of the cave, they saw their target: a huge and ferocious strange creature.

Chu Yi stood in front of everyone, his tall and straight figure exuding confidence and determination.

His eyes shone with wisdom, as if he could understand everything.

He nodded slightly and said in a positive tone:

"Well, the strange creatures here are not very strong. The four of you should be able to kill them! Go ahead!!"

Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng held the weapons in their hands tightly. Their palms were slightly moist and their hearts beat faster.

Their eyes reveal perseverance and determination, ready for a fierce battle with the creatures.

They know very well that only through a life-and-death struggle with these creatures can they obtain the alien core.

The strange creature is huge, its skin is covered with thick scales, and it shines with gray-black light.

Their eyes are ferocious and sharp, like two burning gems.

The sharp claws and fangs shone coldly in the dark cave, exuding murderous intent.

They roared low and hoarse, as if to warn the challengers of their arrival.

As soon as the battle began, Li Xinyi quickly rose into the air, the sword in her hand cut through the air, a silver sword light streaked across the creature's body, and blood spurted out instantly.

Chen Tingting followed closely behind, the spear in her hand dancing like the wind, stabbing at the vitals of the creature, each stab carrying the power of destruction.

Zhang Yang deftly avoided the creature's attack and used his agility to counterattack. The two swords in his hands flashed with cold light.

Wang Xiaofeng used his own strength to wield a huge battle ax, and every slash carried the power of shattering the space.

After a fierce struggle, the four finally succeeded in killing the strange creature.

Their bodies were covered in blood and pain, but their eyes shone with victory.

At this moment, they felt the joy and sense of accomplishment of victory, and at the same time understood the growth and resilience brought to them by the strange creatures.

Li Xinyi stared at the alien core shining with mysterious light in her hand, her eyes shining with surprise.

Her hands trembled, as if she could feel the powerful energy fluctuations it radiated, like a bright star, and her face showed an expression of surprise:

"Is this the legendary alien core? I can feel the powerful energy fluctuations it emits!"

Zhang Yang nodded immediately, his eyes flashing with excitement and expectation:

"That's right, our teacher didn't lie to us, there really are alien cores!"

Wang Xiaofeng stroked his chin and frowned slightly.

He pondered, filled with hesitation.

He knew that the value of this alien core was immeasurable, but now they only had one.

How to allocate this precious resource has become a headache:

"However, now we only have this alien core, how should we distribute it?"

Chen Tingting echoed softly:

"It's definitely a problem."

There was a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

She understands everyone's concerns. After all, this alien core is of great significance to everyone.

But now they can only face reality and find a fair and reasonable solution.

Just when everyone was confused, Chu Yi suddenly appeared beside them and said mysteriously:

"You can divide this alien core into four parts!" His voice was low and confident, as if he possessed infinite wisdom.

Chu Yi made an unexpected suggestion, dividing the alien core into four parts. This idea shocked everyone.

Li Xinyi stared at Chu Yi doubtfully, her eyes full of doubts:

"Teacher, do you really think this method is feasible?"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, his expression revealing great confidence:

"Of course! Trust me!" His tone was firm and sure, making people trust him.

Chu Yi's body shook, and sword energy suddenly rose from his body, condensing into a stunning God-killing sword.

The sword body is like the starlight in the Milky Way, shining with an icy cold light, as if it has its own unique vitality.

As soon as the God-killing Sword came out, the power contained in the sword seemed to tear apart the space. Chu Yi raised the sword and swung a sword energy towards the alien core without hesitation.

The sword energy cut through the alien core like a meteor, and headed straight for the target with a roar that broke through the sky.

The sword energy passed by, and the alien core was immediately cut into four parts. Each part was ruthlessly split. The four alien cores were suspended in the air, exuding strange energy fluctuations.

Chen Tingting's eyes widened and she exclaimed:

"That's amazing, Teacher Chu is so amazing!" She was deeply shocked by Chu Yi's strength, and her admiration for him was beyond words.

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked in his heart, and he secretly said to himself:

"Teacher is indeed extraordinary. How strong are you? Even though we have reached Rank Eight, we still can't figure out your true level!"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Okay, you can start absorbing it now! I have divided this alien core into four parts. Just one part for each of you." His voice was full of joy and encouragement, making people feel extremely warm and peaceful. Peace of mind.

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