Chu Yi was like a bolt of lightning, killing all directions unstoppably in the dark realm.

He held the God-killing Sword in his hand, and the sword light cut through the darkness like a meteor. Countless strange creatures fell down one after another. His figure was like a god of death, ruthlessly harvesting lives.

Behind Chu Yi, a bloody patch of broken limbs and arms covered the ground, which was proof that he had resisted the attacks of countless strange creatures.

His steps were firm and fast, and every swing of his sword seemed to contain huge power. The sword energy on the God-killing Sword condensed into a Primordial Origin sword light, which shot into the enemy group, making every strange creature unable to resist.

Chu Yi suddenly felt a familiar breath filling the air, which shocked his mind:

"Is that you?!"

Chu Yi immediately turned around and locked his eyes in one direction with lightning eyes. He knew that there must be someone he had known there before, and someone he was very familiar with.

He speeded up and ran in that direction, hoping to find the answer.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with excitement and surprise, because he finally saw Feng Qingyan, his best friend and former superior.

Feng Qingyan's fiery red hair burned in the darkness, her figure was graceful and upright, and her eyes were firm.

She holds a sharp sword and fights with a huge strange creature. She is agile and fast, as if a fire goddess has descended into the world.

Chu Yi shouted excitedly:

"Sister Qingyan!!" His voice was full of surprise and excitement, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Feng Qingyan also turned around and saw Chu Yi in surprise, and her eyes lit up instantly.

When she realized that this was Chu Yi, a long-lost joy surged in her heart, and she shouted to Chu Yi:

"Little brother! Why don't you come to help!!" There was a hint of ridicule in his voice, as if he was teasing his slowness.

When Chu Yi heard this, a sly smile appeared on his face.

He clenched the God-killing Sword in his hand without hesitation, and a heart-stopping cold light flowed from the sword.

His eyes were firm and sharp, like a bloodthirsty cheetah.

A Primordial Origin sword energy came out from Chu Yi's hand, like a bolt of lightning piercing the night.

The sword energy was extremely sharp, carrying the power of destroying everything, and struck straight at the strange creature.

The strange creature felt the killing intent emanating from Chu Yi, and it let out a shrill scream.

However, before the screams dissipated, the Primordial Origin sword energy had penetrated its body.

The huge body of the creature trembled for a moment, and then collapsed to the ground, exuding a strong bloody smell.

Chu Yi rushed towards Feng Qingyan in an instant. The two reunited after a long separation. Endless thoughts surged in Chu Yi's heart. He had too many questions to ask Qingyan.

Chu Yi hugged Feng Qingyan tightly, as if only in this way could he be sure that it was really her.

Chu Yi's voice was filled with eagerness and desire:

"Sister Qingyan, what have you been through? Why did I meet you here? Where are Senior Xiao and the others? What happened to Xuanyuan Yi? How is Lin Shaoqi doing now?"

Feng Qingyan was shocked by Chu Yi's hug, and it took a moment to react.

She replied with a hint of joking:

"Okay, okay, if you hold me like this, aren't you afraid that Anna will be jealous?" There was a smile in her eyes.

Chu Yi let go of his hand in embarrassment and scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Sorry, sorry, I was just excited."

At this moment, Chu Yi felt that his mood was mixed with joy and doubt.

He thought of the difficult years he had experienced with these people and their common goals and missions.

Feng Qingyan sighed and frowned, revealing a deep sense of helplessness and worry.

Her voice was heavy, as if she was carrying the suffering of the entire world:

"After you left, the entire Blue Star was attacked mercilessly by demons."

"Soon after, the Galactic Empire's army poured in again, putting huge pressure on our remaining forces."

"Just when we were almost unable to resist, attacks by alien creatures came one after another, pushing us to a desperate situation."

Chu Yi looked at Feng Qingyan in shock, his eyes shining with disbelief, and his voice was full of surprise that could not be concealed:

"Sister Qingyan, why are you here!"

Feng Qingyan explained with a wry smile, a hint of bitterness and helplessness in her voice:

"It was Zhao Wutian who saved us."

"At that time, we had almost given up hope of survival and had no way out."

"Just when we were on the verge of collapse, Zhao Wutian suddenly appeared and led us to transmigrate time and space and come to this dark and dark realm."

Chu Yi took a deep breath, with a look of helplessness on his face.

His voice revealed endless nostalgia and sadness for the past:

"Alas, now the Blue Star has been completely destroyed and turned into a Death Star."

Chu Yi's eyes were like cold ice, full of flames of hatred. He said firmly to Feng Qingyan:

"Sister Qingyan, I will never let go of those demons, the Galactic Empire, and the alien species. None of them will escape my grasp!" His voice was full of determination and firmness.

Feng Qingyan took a deep breath. She knew that the most important thing now was to restore Blue Star's vitality. She responded firmly:

"The most important thing for us now is to recuperate and restore Blue Star." There was a hint of anxiety and helplessness in her voice.

Chu Yi's brows furrowed. He felt that time was pressing, and he said anxiously:

"This is the only thing we can do for the time being, but even if Blue Star recovers completely, it may still be destroyed in the future!"

Feng Qingyan gently touched Chu Yi's shoulder, her eyes flashed with determination, and she explained gently:

"Now we can only rely on rest and rest to regain strength. There is no other faster way."

"We have to be patient and hold on."

Chu Yi suddenly showed a sly smile and said with great determination:

"I have a bold idea. I plan to create a brand new world, a world that belongs to us!" There was a hint of mystery and excitement in his eyes.

Feng Qingyan was a little confused by Chu Yi's words. She didn't know what Chu Yi's plan to create the world actually meant, how he would realize it, and what he needed to rely on to create such a world.

Create a world? Feng Qingyan couldn't imagine what kind of realm one could achieve this.

There is a chaos treasure in Chu Yi's body - the Chaos Bead, which contains endless power and mystery.

Chu Yi knows very well that only when his realm reaches a certain level can he fully control the power of time and space.

Even further, he can master the laws of time and space, achieving the Primordial Origin Golden Immortal.

The Great Principal Golden Immortal can easily create the world, but Chu Yi's strength is far from enough compared to it, let alone the Primordial Origin Golden Immortal.

His level was really too low, so low that it made him feel extremely distressed. All of this took time to accumulate.

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