A look of horror appeared on Chen Tingting's face. Her eyes were fixed on the demon in front of her, and her heart was full of fear and helplessness. She said in horror:

"Xinyi, what should we do now? This thing looks really hard to mess with."

Li Xinyi also looked confused. She didn't know how to deal with the threat of the demon in front of her. She said at a loss:

"I don't know either!!"

Zhang Yang took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. He knew that the strength of the demon in front of him was beyond their capabilities:

"Let's go, this guy's aura is beyond our capabilities."

However, Wang Xiaofeng interrupted:

"Zhang Yang, we are seriously injured now and can't run far at all." His voice revealed despair and helplessness, and everyone was eclipsed.

Just when they felt helpless, a sword energy suddenly shot through the air.

Li Xinyi shouted in surprise:

"It's teacher, it's Teacher Chu who's here!" Her voice was full of hope and joy.

The demon infant was instantly split into two halves under the attack of the sword energy, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Yi smiled calmly, his eyes showing a trace of calmness and perseverance:

"Haha, I didn't expect you to encounter a demon, and this kind of special demon!"

Everyone immediately realized that this demon baby was not one, but a group.

The evil voice of the demon baby came from all directions again:

"Little humans, when I, the devil, achieve my mastery, I will crush you to ashes!" His voice was full of ridicule and threats.

However, Chu Yi sneered, his eyes revealing coldness and ruthlessness:

"Devil, you will never have this chance again."

Chu Yi raised the God-killing Sword in his hand. The sword's light flashed and was filled with the aura of destruction.

The demon infants felt the mighty killing intent emanating from Chu Yi's body, and couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

Although they are demons, in front of Chu Yi, they are like lambs destined to be slaughtered.

Chu Yi took one step forward, his figure was like lightning, and instantly came to the front of the demon infants.

The God-killing Sword in his hand pierced the first demon infant like a bolt of lightning.

The sword light flashed and the sword energy was sharp. The God-killing Sword seemed to possess endless power. Although the demon infants tried their best to dodge, they could not escape from the sword's edge.

The first demon infant screamed, his body was pierced by the sword energy and turned into a blood mist.

Chu Yi's figure flashed like a ghost, killing the demon infants with one sword after another.

Every sword carried the aura of destruction, making the demon infants feel extremely desperate.

The demon babies howled and besieged Chu Yi, but their attacks seemed to be just the breeze blowing in front of Chu Yi, unable to hurt his fur at all.

The God-killing Sword in Chu Yi's hand danced like a dragon and a snake, and the sword lights intertwined, killing the demon infants one by one.

Blood splattered and corpses lay everywhere. The descendants of the devil completely lost the ability to resist in front of Chu Yi.

Their blood dyed the entire battlefield red, and the bright red color formed a sharp contrast with Chu Yi's cold eyes.

The last demonic infant stared at Chu Yi in horror, his eyes revealing endless fear and despair.

Like a beast trapped in the abyss of despair, facing the threat of death, he no longer showed the arrogance and arrogance he had just shown.

The demon infant struggled wildly. Although his body had been cut in half, his will was still tenacious and unyielding.

The demon infant roared at the top of his lungs:

"Human, don't be proud! My clones are all over the Dark Realm, and you can't kill me!"

Chu Yi held the God-killing Sword in his hand, the blade of the sword flashing with cold light, like a cold blade of death.

He stared at the Demon Infant with cold eyes, showing no mercy.

With a sharp sword cry, the God-killing Sword in Chu Yi's hand slashed down like lightning, instantly cutting open the demon infant's body.

In an instant, blood gushes out from the broken part of the demon infant like a fountain, filled with a strong fishy smell.

Chu Yi's eyes were firm and decisive, and he said lightly:

"Then I will destroy the entire Dark Territory!!"

The demon infant's eyes were filled with fear and helplessness, and eventually turned into a pool of blood.

Li Xinyi swallowed and said in disbelief:

"Teacher Chu, you are really amazing! But who are these people?"

She turned her eyes to Xiao Tianjue, Feng Qingyan and others.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Okay, let me introduce it to you."

"This is Xiao Tianjue, my senior."

Li Xinyi looked at Xiao Tianjue and saw him with a long sword on his back, a determined look on his face, and sword energy flowing all over his body.

His gaze was as sharp as a sword, revealing an unparalleled majesty.

Both his figure and the aura emanating from him made people feel extremely awe-inspiring.

Continuing the introduction, Chu Yi pointed at another beautiful woman and said:

"This is Feng Qingyan, my sister."

Li Xinyi's eyes turned to Feng Qingyan, and she saw her long fiery red hair flowing like flames.

The curvy figure exudes a heart-stirring charm.

She smiled, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes, like a blooming flower, giving people a close and mysterious feeling.

Then, he pointed at two handsome and mighty men and said:

"These two are Xuanyuan Yi and Lin Shaoqi, my brothers."

They never expected that their teacher would know so many powerful people in this dark realm.

They couldn't help but began to have a deeper curiosity and awe about Chu Yi's identity and strength.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Okay, after your training, you have successfully reached the realm of Rank Nine."

"On Nothiya, this is enough for you to have a certain ability to protect yourself."

Chu Yi's smile was as warm as the spring breeze, revealing his pride and satisfaction for everyone.

There was expectation in his eyes, as if a loving father treated his children and gave them confidence and courage.

Chu Yi quickly found the time and space channel he entered.

Chu Yi stood in front of the passage, clenching his hands and exuding a powerful energy wave from his body.

He was focused and determined, and his eyes showed a hint of determination, as if he could see the other side of the passage.

The energy fluctuations emitted by his body became stronger and stronger, making the surrounding air thicker.

Finally, with a roar, the passage was opened again, and a bright light emanated from it, illuminating the entire starry sky.

After everyone transmigrated through the passage, their eyes suddenly opened up, and a magnificent starry sky unfolded before their eyes.

Countless stars are shining in the starry sky, and the light they emit is like the smile of an angel, warm and peaceful.

Among the stars, there are planets floating one after another. They have different shapes, some are as blue as sapphires, and some are as bright as rubies.

The entire starry sky exudes a mysterious and beautiful power that makes people fascinated.

Li Xinyi looked at Nosiaxing in front of her and said happily:

"We're finally back."

Li Xinyi looked at everything around her with joy, her eyes full of longing for her hometown.

Chen Tingting smiled proudly and said:

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Now we can be considered strong!"

Chen Tingting's laughter was filled with confidence and pride, and her eyes revealed a hint of provocation and arrogance.

Zhang Yang smiled and said jokingly:

"No, can you beat our teacher now?"

Wang Xiaofeng said excitedly:

"I didn't expect that we would become Rank Nine superpowers. When we go back this time, everyone will be impressed!"

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