Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 289 Cultivation Resources, Stellar Level Alien Core

On the soft big bed, Chu Yi hugged Anna tightly, and the warmth between their bodies blended together, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

Chu Yi whispered softly:

"Xiao Na, I decided to go to the Dark Realm again. Our current training resources are not enough, and there are demons there."

In this intimate space, Chu Yi's palms gently stroked Anna's hair, and their eyes revealed a deep dependence and determination.

Anna responded softly:

"I want to go to the New Human Empire. I want to find my father personally..."

Chu Yi's voice revealed firmness and determination:

"We'll go when I come back."

Anna embedded herself tightly in Chu Yi's arms, feeling his heartbeat and warmth, and she said softly:

"I will always wait for you to come back, any time..."

At this moment, Chu Yi and Anna's hearts were closely connected, and they were full of hope for the future.

Time passed quickly, and the next day, the sun gently shone on the Nosiya star, shining on the earth that had regained its vitality.

After experiencing the resurrection of the mysteries of life, the people on Nothiya are on the right track.

Chu Yi sat up from the bed and felt the power flowing through his body.

A firm determination surged in his heart. He was going to the Dark Territory to find training resources and hunt demons.

Soon after, Chu Yi stood alone in the vastness of the universe.

His short black hair was like a comet in the night sky, shining with mysterious light.

He was wearing a dark golden robe, revealing his noble and mysterious temperament.

Chu Yi's eyes were extremely firm, as if he could penetrate the illusion of the universe and see the eternal truth.

Chu Yi raised his right fist and gathered all the strength in his body. He took a deep breath and shouted resolutely:

"Open it for me!"

As he punched the void, the space instantly split open, forming a space-time passage leading to the dark and extremist realm.

Chu Yi stepped into the time and space channel, and his body seemed to have been transmigrated by the endless darkness, and finally set foot in the dark realm.

In this mysterious realm, silence reigns, with only a faint light flickering from a distance.

Chu Yi turned into a stream of light, passed through the darkness of the dark realm, and quickly flew into the depths.

His figure flickered in the darkness, leaving blurry afterimages wherever the light passed, as if they were traces of time and space intersecting.

He kept flying and transmigrating just to explore this mysterious dark realm.

Deep in the dark realm, strange creatures slowly appeared in Chu Yi's field of vision.

Its body is huge and strange, exuding a suffocating aura.

Chu Yi felt the powerful energy emitted by these creatures, and he knew that these were the star-level creatures he was looking for.

The strangeness of the monster is beyond words, as if it were from another world.

Its body is twisted, and its limbs change shape irregularly, like a living thing in the dark, which makes people shudder.

Chu Yi quickly demonstrated his terrifying strength, the breath of stellar Rank Ten burst out instantly, and the God-killing Spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

The gun body exudes a sharp cold light, as if it has a unique power, which makes people feel awe.

"Heterogeneous, here I come!" Chu Yi's voice was full of firmness and determination, and he rushed towards the monster without fear.

He gathered all his strength and unleashed the most powerful move in the God-killing Spear Technique:

"God-killing spear technique - Primordial Origin Wuji style!!"

The tip of the spear was filled with endless energy, and for a moment, he seemed to have become the incarnation of a god.

The power of the God-killing Spear reached its peak in Chu Yi's hands. He swung the God-killing Spear and cut through the void.

The magnificent surge of energy is infinitely powerful.

Pour out the power of Primordial Origin, like a beam of destructive light, instantly surrounding strange creatures.

The strange creature let out a painful howl:

"Ouch! Ouch!!"

Its body began to tremble violently, as if it was about to be torn into pieces by the power of the God-killing Marksmanship.

Chu Yi's eyes were firm as he approached the monster step by step, a cold smile appearing on his face.

He swung the God-killing Spear mercilessly, and every blow carried destructive power.

The monster tried its best to resist Chu Yi's attack, but its body could no longer withstand such a powerful force.

Chu Yi said coldly:

"Your resistance is in vain, you can't escape my grasp, give up..."

Chu Yi launched another fatal attack, and the evil spirit emitted by the God-killing Spear was like a hot flame, surrounding the monster.

The monster let out a heart-rending scream, and finally collapsed into countless fragments and dissipated in the air.

In an instant, a strange core appeared in front of Chu Yi's eyes, and black light emanated from the core, like stars in the dark night, mysterious and strange.

The alien core contains terrifying energy. The stellar-level alien core is like a black diamond. The black light emanating from its interior is like a thousand-year-old black ice, shining with mysterious brilliance.

Chu Yi stared at the alien core in front of him and felt the terrifying energy emanating from it.

Deep in the dark realm, Chu Yi's eyes revealed his excitement for the alien core. He took a deep breath:

"Very good, this deep place of darkness is simply a blessed place!"

Chu Yi carefully put the alien core into his space ring, and then continued his brutal killing journey without hesitation.

There was a bloody storm, and Chu Yi's body was stained with the blood of strange creatures.

There was a cold light in his eyes, his body was upright and powerful, and he held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand.

Like a bloody demon, he pounced on these strange creatures fiercely and ruthlessly.

Every wave is a dance of death...

In the Demon's Dance, Chu Yi's body was like a black whirlwind, instantly transmigrating one dark realm after another.

His figure is as fast as a ghost, and every swing of the God-killing Spear carries the power of destruction.

The God-killing Spear kept slicing through the body of the strange creature, and each thrust carried endless power.

The gun in Chu Yi's hand was like a bolt of lightning, its speed was so fast and terrifying.

His figure is elegant and gorgeous, and every time he fires a gun, he can accurately hit the vital points of strange creatures.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, like a god-like existence, he sent the enemies to the stage of death one by one.

As time goes by, Chu Yi gradually accumulates more and more alien cores.

When Chu Yi opened the space ring, a alien core like a sea of ​​stars came into view.

There was a magnificent scene in front of him, with thousands of star-level alien cores flashing with extremely powerful energy.

The number of alien cores in the space ring has exceeded a thousand, and each one is a star in the universe.

These heterogeneous cores emit strong energy fluctuations, as if they are a collection of endless stars, each one a microcosm of the universe.

These alien cores are star-level alien cores, not comparable to ordinary alien cores.

Each star-level heterogeneous core contains vast energy, when Chu Yi stared at these heterogeneous cores.

He seemed to be able to feel the energy surging inside them, bringing an unparalleled shock.

However, these were still not enough to meet his needs.

He is eager to obtain more alien cores, and he needs more training resources, not only for himself, but also for Anna, Xiao Tianjue, Fatty and Sister Qingyan.

All of them need these cultivation resources, and only with the support of these cultivation resources can they go further.

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