Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 308 Shangguan Lingwei Appears Unexpectedly

At this moment, endless roars came from the starry sky in front of Chu Yi.

As the roar came, the dark night in the starry sky seemed to be torn apart by a huge thunder, and the boundless darkness was replaced by a dazzling light.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly and he stared straight ahead, only to see a huge figure slowly emerging in the starry sky.

Under the brilliance of the starry sky, Chu Yi felt the majestic aura of the endless true dragon permeating the air, as if the entire universe was dominated by this unparalleled power.

The body of the real dragon was like a galaxy hanging upside down, and its scales shone brightly, reflecting the shock in Chu Yi's eyes.

With the roar of anger like thunder, Chu Yi's eyes were locked on the endless true dragon. Its huge dragon pupils were burning with flames, as if it contained endless wisdom and power, which made people's hearts tremble.

Chu Yi frowned in confusion. He never expected that the real Dragon Race would appear in this desolate land.

He frowned, trying to find a reasonable explanation from this unexpected scene:

"This is the real Dragon Race, why does it appear here?"

A familiar female voice came from a distance, and Chu Yi's heart moved. He immediately recognized that it was Shangguan Lingwei's voice.

This voice carries a sense of challenge, which makes Chu Yi's heart beat faster:

"Chu Yi, accept my challenge!!!"

Chu Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. He hadn't seen each other for a hundred years. He originally thought that when they met again, it would be a scene where friends met. Now, are they going to start a fight as soon as they meet?

Shangguan Lingwei's black hair fell like a waterfall, which was in sharp contrast to her knife-like face.

She wore a black real dragon armor, which made her graceful figure even more concave and convex.

Chu Yi looked at Shangguan Lingwei's gesture of pointing the sword at him, and couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart.

He understood that Shangguan Lingwei's move was not out of malice. He sighed, understanding that this battle was unavoidable and the only way to resolve the dispute between the two was with swords:

"Shangguan Lingwei, I haven't seen you for a hundred years, do you really want to fight with me?"

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were firm, and her voice revealed deep persistence:

"Chu Yi, I have been waiting for this moment for a hundred years."

"In the past hundred years, I have gone through countless hardships to become as powerful as I am today."

"Are you sure you're ready? Don't let me beat you to pieces!"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, his eyes revealing calmness and confidence:

"Shangguan Lingwei, why are you so persistent? You should understand that you can't beat me."

Shangguan Lingwei raised her eyebrows playfully:

"You won't know until you fight whether you can beat it or not. See, I have conquered the entire True Dragon Race now."

Chu Yi said with calm eyes:

"Blue Star has been destroyed. We are all homeless. Now we should unite and rebuild our homes!"

Shangguan Lingwei laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, Chu Yi, you are the emperor of the Spark Empire, but you failed to protect Blue Star. You are guilty, you sinner!"

Chu Yi's heart felt like being pricked by needles, and he silently endured Shangguan Lingwei's accusation.

Her words penetrated deep into his heart like a sharp sword, and for a moment, he was speechless:

"I have wiped out all those alien species, and I have razed the Galactic Empire to the ground!!"

"There are also those demons who have been killed by me and fled across the universe."

"And you, what are you doing here? You have strength but do nothing. You coward! You don't deserve it!!"

"Those people from the Shangguan family died innocently and tragically on Blue Star. Where were you when the entire Blue Star suffered! You deserve to die, you damn guy!"

"Ah? You speak, Chu Yi. Why don't you speak anymore? Do you feel guilty?"

"Tell me, as the emperor of the Starfire Empire, what are you thinking about? What did you do when your hometown was destroyed?"

Chu Yi smiled bitterly, his eyes were like lake water washed by wind and rain, with a hint of helplessness and regret, and his lips trembled slightly:

"I was wrong!!"

Shangguan Lingwei said angrily, her voice shaking the entire universe like thunder.

Her eyes were like two stars burning with anger, exuding an irresistible pressure.

Every word she spoke was like a sharp blade, piercing deep into Chu Yi's heart:

"Are you wrong? Can you get back hundreds of millions of Blue Star lives with just one wrong sentence! Why do you still have the nerve to live! Why don't you die!"

Chu Yi's eyes were a little dim, and his pupils seemed to contain the sadness and helplessness of the entire universe.

His hands were clenched into fists, and his knuckles were slightly white, as if he was squeezing all the pain and self-blame into his heart:

"I, damn it!"

Shangguan Lingwei laughed loudly. Her laughter was as beautiful as the sound of nature, but it also contained a hint of madness and determination.

Her figure is as straight as a sword, and her eyes are shining with blazing light:

"Today, I will defeat you, and you will all listen to me from now on. I will kill all the demons in the universe!!"

Shangguan Lingwei struck with a sword, and the sword energy was like a mountain, rolling up thousands of waves like a huge wave, and instantly flooded the entire battlefield.

But Chu Yi stood there, his eyes dull, as if he was bound by the power of time stasis.

With a sound of "touch!", Anna's figure was like lightning, and she quickly flashed in front of Chu Yi.

The sword's edge met with the sword's edge, causing a harsh metal collision that shook the entire battlefield.

"Ayi, cheer up, I can't live without you!!" Anna said softly.

Guan Lingwei's eyes widened angrily, glaring at Anna, her voice full of anger and disdain:

"Anna, you traitor! Where were you when the Bear Kingdom was destroyed? What qualifications do you have to stop me?"

Anna smiled, with a hint of determination in her eyes:

"Shangguan Lingwei, the past cannot be changed, but the future is still within our control."

"Let's stop fighting and we can look to the future together."

Shangguan Lingwei's posture was high and her eyes were firm as she said to Anna:

"Come on, no more nonsense, let's start fighting!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the two sides immediately started a fierce duel.

Anna holds the sacred sword tightly, while Shangguan Ling Wei holds the strange true dragon sword that exudes a mysterious aura.

In the vast universe, the battle between two women caused a shocking sound.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The aftermath of the battle continued to emit powerful energy fluctuations, making the entire universe tremble.

The clash of weapons and swords seemed to be the most intense symphony in the universe.

Every collision is accompanied by the destruction of countless planets, which instantly turn into dust and fireworks in the universe under the collision of the sword.

The showdown between the two women seemed like a cosmic disaster.

The heat of the battle continues to rise, and their figures are intertwined in the universe.

Every clash of swords brought an infinite burst of energy, plunging the entire galaxy into chaos for a moment.

The sparks of battle bloomed in the starry sky, like a gorgeous fireworks show.

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