After reading this travelogue, Lu Zhe couldn't help but sigh at the vastness and splendor of the world of the sky. According to the introduction of the continent he knew, the South Heaven Xiuxian World was just a larger place, but it still gave him such a vast feeling. The road is long and arduous! He was curious about the things described above, but now he didn't have enough strength to go to the South Heaven Xiuxian World, and he hadn't even settled the four countries. "Sir, there is news from the Central Plains." Wang Hu walked into the room and handed a piece of information to Lu Zhe. Lu Zhe opened the information and looked at it. It was about the war in the Central Plains. Another force of the Dakun Kingdom was defeated, and a large area of ​​land was eaten up by the South Kingdom. This should be a commonplace, but Lu Zhe noticed that the forces mentioned in the intelligence were somewhat interesting.

"Which side does this Seventh Prince belong to?"

During this period of stability, he also carefully learned about the various forces in Dakun Kingdom, especially those committed to expelling foreigners and restoring the country after the war. He has seen all kinds of princes and princes, but he has never had any impression of this Seventh Prince.

Why did he suddenly appear?

Seeing Lu Zhe's confusion, Wang Hu also scratched his head, with a trace of embarrassment on his face,

"Sir, this Seventh Prince has never been well-known before, and our people have not planted anyone in her territory.

Until recently, she suddenly rose up and defeated the Northern Kingdom's generals in one fell swoop, and then she became famous in the Central Plains."

Wang Hu also learned about it recently, and he repeated it carefully, and Lu Zhe finally understood.

It turns out that this Seventh Prince had never been low-key before, accumulating his own strength, and had never taken the initiative to attack.

He had been staying in the mountains, developing slowly, and thinking of accumulating food and slowly becoming a king. Until recently, he suddenly made a big move.

For some unknown reason, he took the initiative to attack and defeated a main force of the Northern Kingdom.

However, after repelling the main force of the Northern Kingdom, the people of the Southern Kingdom seized the opportunity and stole his home. Now he is fleeing all the way, and no one knows where he has gone.

If these were all fine, what interested Lu Zhe the most was that this Seventh Prince was actually a woman!

It is not uncommon for women to be commanders in the sky. After all, this is a world of cultivation. As long as they are strong, no one will object to becoming an empress.

However, this Seventh Prince is a little special. Because of family involvement, he was exiled to a remote area. Now his strength can be said to be hard-won.

Qingzhou Domain is now staying out of this war, preserving its strength, and will not care about these things. ,

The reason why this information is marked and passed on is because it is uncertain where the Seventh Prince is going.

After being defeated, the Seventh Prince's troops were divided into many teams, one of which was heading towards Qingzhou.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe put down the information: "Just pay a little attention to this matter, don't take it too seriously."

Qingzhou is now strong, even if the other party attacks.

Besides, there is Qinglang Hou entrenched in Dongtian. Once a big force attacks, they can get the news in advance.




At the same time, in the caravan from Central Plains to Qingzhou, several women with dirty faces and clothes wrapped all over their bodies gathered together.

A fire was lit in front of them, and there were other people resting around.

"Captain, what should we do next?" A person suddenly spoke while drinking the rice porridge distributed by the caravan.

"Let's go to Qingzhou for the time being and see what's going on there. If it's really as the caravan said, we'll send a message to His Highness."

Chu Lin looked at the thick rice porridge in the bowl and was very curious about Qingzhou.

They had just started their business but it collapsed. Now they urgently needed a safe place to recuperate. Such a place was not easy to find.

The safe place did not have enough conditions for them to recuperate, and the places with enough conditions were suffering from war.

Only a few places met the requirements, so for safety reasons, they were sent out in advance to investigate the situation.

"I hope Qingzhou is really as they said, so we don't have to run around."

The faces of several people were gloomy. They were soldiers under His Highness the Seventh Prince, all of them were girls. In this chaotic world, women suffered much more than men. In order to protect themselves, they followed His Highness the Seventh Prince to form a female army.

"I hope..." Chu Lin didn't know what to say. She had been displaced with His Highness the Seventh Prince since she was a child. She knew what this war-torn era was like. She was worried.

I didn't have much hope for the situation in Qingzhou, but I couldn't bear to break it when I saw the hopeful eyes of the girls.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

After a half-hour rest, the caravan set off again. They needed to get to Dongtian before the next heavy snow.

The journey ahead was not smooth sailing.

They often encountered small groups of bandits. After seeing such a large team and the polar snow wolves pulling the carts in front, the general bandits would tacitly give up this goal.

But there were also many stubborn ones who were blinded by the benefits and blocked the caravan's way.

The small robbers were easily solved by the caravan guards.

When they encountered a large number of bandits, Chu Lin panicked. As soon as she found the other people, she was ready to take the opportunity to slip away when she saw that the situation was not right.

But to their surprise, there was a martial arts master in the caravan who defeated the bandits.

Finally, they arrived at Dongtian safely. After Dongtian, it was Qingzhou.

"This is Dongtian City. Rest in Dongtian City for one night and continue to set off tomorrow."

After the leader of the caravan made his words, he left directly without caring about the refugees. After a while, someone brought a lot of tents made of strange materials and ordered them to build a residence.

After building the residence, there was nothing to do. Chu Lin looked at the people sitting on the ground in a daze around her and sighed in her heart.

She found the other sisters and discussed going to Dongtian City to get some information together.

This place is adjacent to Qingzhou Region, so they can know the real situation of Qingzhou Region.

When they were about to enter Dongtian City, the soldiers guarding the city gate saw that they were dressed like refugees and immediately stopped them.

"Stop, refugees are not allowed to enter the city!"

Being stopped by the soldiers, Lin Ai looked at the captain Chu Lin behind her.

Chu Lin stepped forward calmly and smiled at the soldier: "This young man, we are going to Qingzhou Domain, to visit relatives there, not refugees."

As he said, he quietly took out ten Tianqiong coins in his hand.

When the soldier saw it, he immediately looked around, coughed, and took the bills away like lightning.

"Ahem, so you are going to Qingzhou City, go in!"

Chu Lin and his friends successfully entered Dongtian City.

However, just as they entered, the people of the Wanli Caravan came to the city gate with the city guards.

"Keep an eye on the city gate. The people led by the Wanli Caravan can enter Dongtian City, and other refugees will be stopped. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The soldiers guarding the city understood clearly. This was not the first time.

The previous few times when the Wanli Caravan passed by, they would find their leaders and let the refugees enter the city. This time was no exception.

However, since the higher-ups didn't say anything, they naturally had to follow the rules and make the money.

Chu Lin and his companions, who hadn't walked far yet, saw this scene.

They were surprised at the influence of the Wanli Caravan, and Chu Lin also gritted his teeth at the soldier who had just taken his money.

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