After eating steak yesterday, let's have a pig's trotter today!

Cut off the front leg of a flower-eared pig, stew it for a few hours, and then put it back into the pot, and a large pot of fragrant braised pig's trotter will come out!

After thinking about it, Lu Zhe took out another jar of Peiyuan wine.

Before, he didn't know that there were extraordinary people on Blue Star, and the effect of Peiyuan wine was too strong, so he didn't dare to give it to ordinary people easily. Now that there are extraordinary people, this Peiyuan wine can be explained.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a lot of cooperation between him and Cynthia in the future, and now they are half partners.

It's just right to take it out now to seduce her.

Smile in his heart.

At the table, Cynthia sat on the chair.

Even for breakfast, she can eat spiritual porridge. She has been looking forward to this lunch for a long time!

"There is wine?"

"We are alone, it seems that my brother is trying to do something bad by taking out the wine!" Cynthia looked at Lu Zhe jokingly.

But Lu Zhe ignored her, just calmly picked up the wine and poured a large bowl, took a bite of braised pork trotter, and ate the wine.

It seemed that he had no intention of talking to her.

"Huh, man..." With a slight smile, Cynthia also tasted it, but as soon as the wine entered her throat, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, and she said in surprise:

"Spiritual wine?"

"Well, what's wrong?" Lu Zhe pretended to be indifferent.

"This is spiritual wine, you just drink it casually?" Cynthia was a little skeptical about life, this is spiritual wine!

On Blue Star, cultivation resources are scarce, spiritual fruits and spiritual medicines are already scarce, and there are even fewer to brew spiritual wine.

A few people who brew spirit wine will also use exclusive formulas to make the power of spirit medicine more perfectly absorbed.

But no matter which method, after taking spirit objects, they will practice the exercises to fully absorb the spiritual power in the spirit wine.

For example, Cynthia secretly practiced the exercises after eating three bowls of spirit porridge in the morning to absorb all the effects of the spirit porridge.

But there are really no people like Lu Zhe who drink it as ordinary wine, do nothing after drinking it, eat it with relish, and even lie down to sleep directly after the meal!

If he drinks it like this, the utilization rate of the body itself is not high, and most of it will be excreted.

In other words, if other extraordinary people who are not doing well know that Lu Zhe is doing this, I am afraid they will rush to drink it*.

"Haha, no way? It's 2023, there won't be anyone who can't afford to drink spirit wine at home?"

Lu Zhe made an exaggerated expression, as if he was looking at a manor slave in Heizhou, revealing disgust.

In fact, he wouldn't drink like this normally, he would still practice if he needed to. But this didn't stop him from pretending now!

"You... are such a naughty brother!" Cynthia was angry, but she could do nothing about it!

After all, he is rich!

She rolled her eyes at Lu Zhe, and simply stopped talking, letting go of her stomach and eating.

In the end, a large pot of pig's feet, plus half a jar of Peiyuan wine, almost made Cynthia finish it all by herself!

Later, Lu Zhe was full and lying on the sofa, watching Cynthia eat for a while, practice for a while, and the wine jar was drained by her in the afternoon!

When Lu Zhe woke up, he looked at the bottom of the wine jar, and his eyes almost popped out!

"Haha, brother, you are so amazing. In just one afternoon, you have improved your sister's strength so much!"

When Lu Zhe was looking at the wine jar with heartache, Cynthia walked out of the bathroom.

Because of the bath, she took off her disguise. The whole person turned into an attractive blonde again!

Wrapped in a bathrobe, Lu Zhe used a lot of herbs from the Sky World. It can be seen that the wound on his shoulder has almost healed.

Cynthia came to Lu Zhe with excitement on her face.

This afternoon, after she used up all the Peiyuan wine, she actually broke through to the middle stage of the first stage!

Without relying on extraordinary potions, she broke through with her own poor talent and half-baked cultivation method!

This made her very happy!

On Blue Star, people who usually take extraordinary potions generally don't practice the method again.

Because although extraordinary potions can make people break through and improve quickly, there is a very big flaw, which is that it will reduce their own cultivation talent!

So people who usually take extraordinary potions are basically people with poor cultivation talent and it is difficult for them to use the method to achieve extraordinary!

Unsurprisingly, Cynthia is the same.

So after the breakthrough today, she felt incredible and was so happy.

However, she was happy, but Lu Zhe's face

But it turned dark.

Damn, if you can't break through after drinking this big jar of Peiyuan wine, how can you be a human?

"Don't compare, just give me money!"

Lu Zhe stretched out his hand mercilessly with a sneer.

He has no shortage of spiritual wine, but it doesn't mean he can be prostituted like this, even by beautiful women!


Cynthia paused, with a trace of embarrassment on her face. She was so happy before, but she didn't expect these...

"No money?" Seeing her like this, Lu Zhe knew what kind of person she was.

"No money is okay, I give you two choices, either give yourself to me, or hand over all the cultivation techniques you know!"

"Give me the techniques!"

Glancing at Cynthia Abyss with disdain, Lu Zhe looked as if it was just what he expected.

As early as when he learned about the cultivation system of Blue Star, he wanted to find some cultivation techniques of Xia Country to see what the difference was with the Sky World.

But he never had time to ask Cynthia.

However, judging from the spiritual power that Cynthia has been emphasizing, it seems to be similar to the immortal cultivation system in the Sky World.

After dinner, Lu Zhe and Cynthia both came to the room and sat in front of the computer.

Lu Zhe witnessed Cynthia slowly turning on the computer, logging into Penguin, and then finding a private file from the collection.

Click to open it, and there are three cultivation methods in it.


"Why do I feel like you want to treat me as a fool?"

Lu Zhe, who was originally puzzled, saw her open the file and then told herself that this was the method he wanted, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Sister didn't lie to you, it's this!"

Seeing that Lu Zhe didn't believe it, Cynthia explained again.

It turns out that the cultivation method is not the kind of small notebook that Lu Zhe thought he carried with him.

With the development of technology in modern times, the storage method of cultivation methods is generally to keep a copy and save it on the computer at ordinary times, so that it is not easy to lose and can be convenient to use.

And it is conducive to inheritance.

It is not the form of taking out one book at a time in ancient times.

This is also a point that Blue Star is better than the Great Kun Dynasty.

Of course, it is unknown whether there are any inheritance stones of martial arts in fantasy novels in the entire Sky World.

Based on this situation, it is no problem for Cynthia to save the martial arts directly in Penguin.

Her previous account has been closely monitored. This is her private Penguin, and it will not be traced if she logs in now.

After listening to Cynthia's explanation, Lu Zhe curled his lips. It was all caused by the evil novels...

Let's get back to the topic.

Lu Zhe opened the three martial arts and looked at them one by one.

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