After tinkering for a while, Lu Zhe set the alarm for 6 o'clock, and fell asleep on the sofa without going to the bedroom.

The next day, Lu Zhe woke up without taking anything else, changed his clothes and crossed the sky.

The soft touch of animal skin came from his feet, and Lu Zhe opened his eyes. The door was not opened, and there was no sign of movement in the house.

Outside the house, shouts came into Lu Zhe's ears, and he opened the door and saw

In the open space outside, a group of half-grown children were dancing and doing some strange movements, and occasionally they would say hey ha.

Lu Zhe looked carefully and observed their movements.

"Mr. Lu!" Liu Yang came out from nowhere.

Behind him, Liu Yiyi was sleepy.

"Village chief." Lu Zhe's face was calm.

Every morning, Liu Yang would come here to watch the little guys in the village exercise.

The wooden house where Lu Zhe lived was next to the open space, so there was no need to worry about him stealing and learning.

Of course, in Liu Shan's eyes, although Lu Zhe had no traces of training, he undoubtedly revealed a domineering aura, and he did not think that Lu Zhe would look down on his low-level methods.

"I wonder what Master Lu thinks of this method of tempering qi and blood?" asked the village chief.

Tempering qi and blood?

Lu Zhe secretly paid attention and muttered in his heart: I only know how to sing and dance rap...

His face did not show any expression, but he just nodded lightly and did not speak.

Let Liu Yang have no evaluation.

"Actually, it's not without problems!"

Suddenly, Lu Zhe touched his chin,

"What's the problem?"

"Don't you think they are short of some cloth?"


Most of these people who are refining their qi and blood are children under 1.5 meters tall. Because of the lack of cloth in the village, they all wear animal skins.

Although it is early autumn and the weather is not hot, it is inevitable to sweat under such intense exercise.

At this time, wearing thick animal skins is not asking for trouble?

The few people who are afraid of heat have already taken off their shirts.

Perhaps it is normal in the eyes of the village chief, because the village has always been like this.

But Lu Zhe doesn't think so.

"Village chief, I want to go around and take a look. I need a few people to protect me. As a reward, I will give you some cloth. The quantity is enough for them to make clothes!" Lu Zhe pointed to the children in the open space.

"No problem, Mr. Lu, you can use those guys at will!" Liu Yang was happy, and the benefits came.

Lu Zhe chose Wang Hu and the other two who were more familiar to him to go with him. Liu Yiyi was undoubtedly among them.

Their goal was to find some stones with yellow spots, which were the original ores of dog-head gold.

After Lu Zhe asked the village chief, he learned that the humans in this world did not use gold as a currency equivalent, and the gold he described was not wanted by anyone in this world!

The original ores were almost everywhere.

The currency popular among humans was the Sky Coin issued by the Sky Empire, the strongest force on the continent!

According to the description of the village chief, the most powerful human force in the Sky Realm was the Sky Empire, which was recognized by everyone. The common language of the human race on the continent was also the Sky Language.

But strangely, the Sky Language and the Blue Star Xia Language were so similar that they could communicate with each other.

If there was really a difference, there were many complex traditional Chinese characters in the Sky Language font.

And the Xia language had basically been changed to simplified Chinese.

Lu Zhe didn't understand the reason, and he couldn't explore it.

After all, he was now in a village under the remote town of Bianchang in the Dakun Dynasty!

Very remote!

Lu Zhe had no choice about this, after all, the place of crossing was not chosen by him.

At present, Lu Zhe only knew these.

Liu Yang didn't know the rest. He was just a small village chief, and the farthest place he had been to was Bianchang Town outside Wanlilin.

"Mr. Lu, what you are looking for is just ahead! I remember seeing that kind of stone when I was digging sweet roots before!"

Wang Hu held the spear in his right hand and stabbed it hard, stabbing a snake that was trying to sneak attack into the ground.

The spear in his hand was made of hardwood in this world, and its quality was comparable to pig iron.

"Good!" Looking at the three-meter-long snake still twisting on the ground, Lu Zhe wiped his sweat implicitly.

How lucky he was to be able to run around in this forest alone without dying when he crossed for the first time!

"Yawn, I really don't understand why you are looking for those things, and you can't use them for cultivation!"

Liu Yiyi yawned and pouted and yelled.

She finally got a day off from her grandfather, so she didn't have to get up early to practice.

He was actually arranged to look for something with Lu Zhe.

"Hmph, remember to promise me the chocolate!"

"Don't worry, if you find something, let alone a bag of chocolates, I will support you and let you eat it every day, no problem!"

Thinking of the wealthy life after selling the gold, Lu Zhe Yindan smiled on his face...

Before, seeing Liu Yiyi's sleepy face, he took out a pack of Dema chocolates, but he didn't expect the effect to be remarkable.


The four of them came to a small hill. The hill was very large and surrounded by wooden fences. A large area of ​​the surrounding giant trees had been cut down.

"Now, this is the place where our village usually collects sweet roots. The thing you dug yesterday is called ginseng."

Following the direction of Liu Yiyi's finger, Lu Zhe saw a large area of ​​densely packed plants bearing small red fruits. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of them!

"The ones you dug before are not old enough to be used to brew Peiyuan wine. And they grow in the wild and don't look good. They are used to feed pigs in the village..."

Liu Yiyi kept talking, completely unaware of how awesome her words were to Lu Zhe.

Four hundred years of ginseng is not enough?

Why are you making the elixir of life?

Dumbfounded, Lu Zhe asked curiously:

"Then how many years do you usually use to make wine?"

"It's probably about eight hundred years old, and the better ones are over a thousand years old!"


Looking at the three people who looked like this, Lu Zhe silently closed his mouth and said no more.

Arriving at the hill, they took a detour along the fence, and dozens of minutes later, they came to a creek on the east side of the hill.

The stream came from nowhere. The water was sweet and crystal clear.

At the bottom of the river, countless stones with yellow star points are densely packed, covering the river bed.

There were so many that Lu Zhe could not see them at a glance! What's more, the whole body is yellow, which has broken away from the category of raw ore!

"I lost it! I got rich!"

Are they all nuggets? ?

so much!

The stream was very shallow, so Lu Zhe didn't care about his trousers, walked directly into the water, picked up a piece of yellow gold nugget, and his two little eyes turned into the shape of gold ingots!

"Haha! That's right, that's it. Get it for me!" Lu Zhe was overjoyed.

Let the three people on the shore come to help and pick up the big piece of nugget gold ashore!

The raw ore from the river came from nowhere, and it was quite large. The largest piece of it was as big as Lu Zhe's head!

"Ah~ the smell of money is so delicious!"

Looking at the pile of gold, Lu Zhe picked it up and kissed it twice.

Liu Yiyi looked at it with goosebumps and said with disdain:

"Hey Lu Zhe! What are you doing? That's a stone!"

"We don't understand this... rich people's world!" Wang Hu was also confused.

"Cough!" Sensing something was wrong, Lu Zhe coughed lightly and asked Dasha to take the gold nuggets with him in the bamboo basket he had prepared in advance.

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