The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried in a graveyard.

Not only in the wild, but also in some damaged sections of roads in Bianchang Town, renovation has begun.

Lu Zhe's main point is that if you want to be rich, you should first build roads.

While he was busy here,

he had already laid on the rocking chair, enjoying the beauty's service.

"Push harder."

Feeling the force on his shoulders lighten, Lu Zhe reminded weakly.

"Humph, a strong massage is good enough, but you are still picky." Cynthia curled her lips and increased the strength of her hands a little.

"Well - comfortable!" Lu Zhe looked very happy.

Then he asked again:

"How is the secret technique going?"

"Guess?" Cynthia's mouth corners raised,

Lu Zhe paused, carefully felt the spiritual power fluctuations on her body, and found that it was very weak, even a little lower than that of the extraordinary people who had just entered the first level.

Discovering this, he also knew the result.

Cynthia took out a printed secret technique, [Hidden Breath Technique].

Lu Zhe flipped through it and found that the effect of this secret technique was very good. According to the description above, after practicing it, you can roughly hide your spiritual power fluctuations.

After a small success, you can adjust your breath at will, so that Lu Zhe can disguise himself as a first-level without any problem. Even in battle, as long as he does not burst out the second-level strength, it is difficult for others to detect it.

The role of the Hidden Breath Technique is not limited to this. Its biggest role is to hide your breath, which is very useful in escaping and hiding.

"Not a bad secret technique, where did you get it?" Lu Zhe asked in surprise.

Some secret arts are more precious than skills. There is no rank restriction and they can be used at almost all levels. It's just a matter of how big or small the effect is.

This Hidden Breath Art is a relatively precious one. I'm afraid it's worth a lot.

Cynthia's face was bitter, as if confirming his guess:

"I've spent all the spiritual medicine and spiritual wine you gave me."

This is when the other party is being hunted down and urgently needs resources to break through. Otherwise, they would not sell this secret art that would never appear in the forum.

In a disguised sense, she was also picking up a leak.

"It doesn't matter. If there are no resources, I can earn more. It will be very troublesome if the secret art is gone." Lu Zhe waved his hand indifferently. He was even surprised that he had picked up a big bargain when he heard that she could exchange the Hidden Breath Art with such a small amount of things!

"How is the company developing?"

After putting away the secret art, Lu Zhe suddenly remembered that he had brought a large amount of gold, jade, and precious wood last time. He didn't know how he handled it. Hutou Village had collected a large amount again, waiting for him to move it over!

"Almost half of it has been processed. Excluding the money used for development, I probably made more than a hundred small goals!"

More than a hundred small goals?

This no-cost business really makes money!

Lu Zhe couldn't help but sigh. Now this money seems to have lost its effect on him, but after knowing that he has so much money, he still can't help but be very excited.

"You only care about the company, but not your sister?" Cynthia pinched Lu Zhe's shoulder heavily,

"You? Breakthrough to the second level?" Lu Zhe's physique is strong, and he didn't feel any pain, only comfort.

As soon as he finished speaking, the second-level spiritual power fluctuation came from behind him,

The spiritual power is very active, and it seems that it should have broken through soon.

"Good thing, let's have a big dinner tonight!"

"Okay!" Cynthia's face was happy, and then she seemed to think of something and reminded:

"Don't let others know that you have reached the second level, especially the extraordinary bureau."

"Of course I know." Lu Zhe didn't understand why she asked such an obvious question.

"I mean, try not to 'break through the second level' in the future."

"Why?" Lu Zhe sat up slightly,

"I heard...something went wrong in the Xia Kingdom's supernatural world, and they might recruit people." Pursing her lips, she told Lu Zhe the news she got from her mother.

The Xia Kingdom's supernatural world is suspected to have been severely damaged,

Is there a sign of invasion from the Western supernatural world led by the Ugly Country?

Lu Zhe was shocked and almost thought he had heard it wrong.

What a joke, the Xia Kingdom's supernatural world is the leader of Blue Star, almost single-handedly challenging the entire world!

Can it be invaded?

He couldn't help but wonder:

"Is it true?"

"I don't know either, it's the news from my mother." Cynthia was also unsure and hesitated.

To be honest, she was also quite shocked when she heard about this matter, but after her investigation, she found that there were indeed signs of invasion of the Xia Kingdom from the West, which forced her to pay attention.

Lu Zhe frowned. If the matter was true,

, which means that the current situation of Blue Star may change.

Moreover, Cynthia didn't know, but he had a vague guess in his heart.

The only place that could cause problems for the extraordinary forces of Xia Country was probably the mysterious inner world...


Time flies, with the progress of the major infrastructure of Bianchang Town and the advancement of urban governance.

The overall environment has improved visibly.

The war in Dakun Country has begun. It is said that the direction of the imperial capital is the most dangerous, turning into a meat grinder for warriors, and a large number of martial arts masters die every day.

Tens of millions of troops are fighting, and the battlefield range reaches thousands of kilometers!

Fortunately, Bianchang Town is remote and has not been affected for the time being.

But this situation is only temporary. As the scope of the war expands, most people flee to avoid the war.

Their first target is remote places, such as Bianchang Town.

In order not to be impacted, Lu Zhe must be prepared in advance.

At this time, the sun had just come out.

Lu Zhe stood in the yard and poured a small cup of aura-filled nectar into his mouth. The next moment, the temperature of his abdomen rose instantly.

A burning sensation came, followed by a huge energy filling his body.

He did not dare to neglect it and quickly practiced Tai Chi.

After so long, he moved the ancient martial arts from the Blue Star to verify it. He found that among all the body-building methods he had so far,

the effect of Tai Chi far exceeded others, and it could not be measured by the grade.

It can make people absorb aura almost perfectly and promote blood circulation.

As Lu Zhe continued to practice, the energy in his abdominal cavity was quickly utilized.

The blood and qi in his body rose and continued to impact his body.

Finally, at a certain moment, his face suddenly flushed, and his body felt comfortable as if the Ren and Du meridians were connected, and the powerful blood and qi flowed out of his body.

"Finally, I broke through the great warrior!" Lu Zhe exhaled a hot breath and shot three meters away.

Including him, there are currently six great warriors in Bianchang Town!

That's right, in addition to him, there are three other people who have also broken through to the great warrior realm during this period.

One of them is Liu Yiyi, and the other two are members of the hunting team.

As time goes by, the large amount of resources invested before began to play a role.

People in Hutou Village broke through one after another. Almost every day, someone broke through to the warrior realm, and someone continued to break through in the warrior realm.

Now the number of warriors in the village has reached an astonishing 20%!

Moreover, this proportion is still expanding. In the near future, it will even reach 30, 50, until one day all members are warriors!

"Huh, keep a low profile, and keep a low profile."

Lu Zhe took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

Although there are many warriors, there are still too few high-end combat forces. It is not the time to get carried away.

In addition to warriors, in the practice of the extraordinary system, more and more people have successfully broken into the first level. The fastest practitioner is Li Lingling, who actually broke into the second level two days ago!

It made Lu Zhe jealous beyond recognition!

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