Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 106: Sink it

   Chapter 106

The Spanish three-masted galleon has a length of less than 40 meters and a width of less than 10 meters. The stern, mast, artillery, winch and steering tower must be removed from such a narrow deck. The available space for more than 200 pirates is less than 1 square per capita. Meter.

  It’s not enough to lie flat in a bigger place, so on the Spanish barque, the pirates hang on a hammock like a fishing net, one next to each other like silkworm chrysalis.

  The dense and narrow deck aggravated the disaster. The pirates gathered together were inevitable. They were knocked down by heavy artillery like a bowling ball and crushed into a **** pile of rotten meat.

  Some clever pirates climbed up the mast, and some had no choice but to jump off the boat and fell into the sea like dumplings.

   "Oh, God, oh Maiga...what have I done?"

  See this scene

  The collapsed pirate captain hugged his head and shouted, but he wisely told him to turn and not stop, otherwise he would be crushed to the **** by the oncoming Taishan wheel. This was a desperate choice.

The two ships were moving towards each other very fast. The Spanish barque with a **** deck and desperate pirates cut into the inward curve at a steep angle, hanging over and over, leaving a miserable shout. .

  Standing on the bow

  Li Fushou and the others witnessed this terrifying disaster with their own eyes. Human mistakes were magnified sharply under the infinite power of nature, resulting in a scene called a **** slaughterhouse, deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

  At this moment, they looked at Li Fushou's back with a look of worship.'s incredible.

  Li Fushou was immersed in this shocking scene and did not slow down, which was too...too unexpected.

  The original decision to change the course was to avoid shelling from the pirate ship on the side of the Taishan wheel, turn to rush to the bow of the ship, and hit it!

  This is not a solution. It may cause damage to the bow of the Tarzan ship. If you are unlucky, it may leak and sink. The other party will definitely be worse, but the Spanish pirates have other ships that still have a way out.

  Meet the narrow road, the brave wins.

  It is not that the captain is precious and incompetent, but that the captain is bound by orders that conflict as little as possible, and the choices he can make are extremely limited.

   After Li Fushou took over the command, he would do whatever he wanted, and would overturn the previous orders at every turn, and hit you if I couldn’t avoid me. Geng Baogui obviously has no right to be so self-willed.

  What do you say about this situation now?

  It’s so cool. A pirate ship like a hungry wolf has been punished the most severely.

  "Heading to the right and forward...Um...4 degrees, report our speed and the distance of the other party." Li Fushou thought for a while before giving the order.

  At this time, a fanatical atmosphere was rendered in the cab, with a blind admiration of Li Fushou, no one questioned the staggering order.

   "Heading, deflection 4 degrees to the front right to maintain power output."

   "Report to the lord, our speed has dropped to 12 knots, and the speed of the three-masted galleon on the opposite side is 15 knots, and the distance between the two sides is about 22 chains."

  The short-term lateral drift of Taishan wheel on the sea caused the huge and heavy freighter to lose 5 knots of speed. The double propeller on the stern rotated at high speed under the support of abundant power. It took at least 15 minutes to accelerate to more than 16 knots again.

  The three-masted galleon passing by, with its wreckage and pain, has been left far behind the ship, so there is no need to think about it for a short time.

Oncoming was the second Spanish three-masted galleon, the pirate ship that chopped off the hooks. The full sails on the ship were all fed with the sea breeze, and the bow of the ship carved with the statue of the sea **** broke through and the waves galloped in. This big sailing ship is getting faster and faster in the sun, reaching almost 17 knots.

   "Report Master, the other pirate ship has turned, this..." The lookout at the top of the mast reported with excitement that was difficult to suppress.

  On the endless blue sea, the disaster of the three-masted galleon in front and the pirate ship in the back could see clearly, almost scaring them stupid.

  The pirate captain who reacted hurriedly ordered to close the gun door and re-tighten the fixed cable on the retractable artillery, and be sure to lock it firmly on the gun position.

  For the sake of their own lives, the pirates all ran madly, twisting the ship’s artillery with ropes like rice dumplings, unable to move at all.

  The old-fashioned retreat artillery used the cannon to move backward to offset the huge recoil after firing. Therefore, the fixed cable must be released before firing, otherwise the huge recoil could tear the ship deck apart.

  The rear slide of the artillery is a simple long plank, which is limited in the slide by the weight of the gun body. After firing a shot, it is pushed to the front side window and re-aimed, and so on.

  The tragedy of the previous pirate ship is vivid in my memory. Of course, the latter pirate ship can’t make this stupid mistake again. At the same time, it was frightened. After fixing the artillery, it turned sharply and fled like a frightened rabbit.

  The rhino couldn't catch the agile cheetah, and there was cheers on the Taishan wheel, with unspeakable joy from the heart.

  "Report to the lord that the pirates on the dhow on the right front are slaughtering merchant ships and merchants, please give instructions." The message from the watch post on the mast instantly extinguished the joy.

  "Binoculars, hurry up..."

  Li Fushou took the telescope with a solemn expression and held it in front of him to observe the sea in the distance.

  After a sharp turn to the left and right, an "s"-shaped track was drawn on the sea. In fact, the "Taishan" ship had returned to the original route, not far from the looted merchant ship.

  The small sloop pirate ship was tightly tied to the looting merchant ship by hooking, and the pirates on the ship also saw the tragedy that happened just now.

  The misfortune of the partner made the pirates fierce. They cruelly pushed the captured Qing merchants and crew to the side of the ship, hacked them to death with a sharp blade and axe, and pushed them into the turbulent sea.

  A piece of the sea was stained with scarlet color, and it looked shocking.

  Pirates vent their violent emotions through massacres. The helpless victims can only cry in despair, being held by the strong pirates to the side of the ship, accepting the fate of death.

  On the sunny sea, criminal atrocities are being performed.

  Li Fushou's hands holding the telescope turned white because of his force, he ordered word by word; "Go to the sloop pirate ship, hit it..."

   "Understand the master, head to the sloop pirate ship, hit it and sink it!"

  With a pilgrimage glow on his face, the helmsman reiterated Li Fushou's command firmly and controlled the huge freighter to crash into the sloop pirate ship.

  The distance is 18 chains...

  The distance is 15 chains...

  The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and the pirates who were stunned by the anger of vengeance discovered in horror that the huge hull of Taishan Wheel was approaching at high speed towards the sloop of less than 260 tons, and there was no sign of slowing down or turning.

  He is going to knock us down...

  The pirates on the dhow screamed in horror. They had no time to slaughter the remaining victims. They turned around and desperately cut the hook cables. The sailors flexibly climbed up the masts to untie the sails and let go of the huge sails.

  Distance 12 chains...

   Distance 8 chains...

  Although the pirates were frantically busy, allowing the sloop and the victim merchant ship to disintegrate smoothly, pushing farther and farther under the influence of the waves, opening the fore mast spinnaker at the fastest speed...

  But everything is too late

The Taishan wheel came with boundless momentum and braved the wind and waves. The sloop just unfurled the spinnaker and a few side sails. The sea breeze roared through the loose rigging, and the heavy pulley "kangkang" hit the mast and the wooden truss. , The pirates desperately turned the winch, and watched Taishan wheel getting closer and yelled in horror.

   ", no..."

   "Gosh, faster, we have to make this **** sailboat run,!"

   "It's over, we can't avoid the collision, I have heard the bell from hell, we're done..."

  "Please forgive the Lord for my sins. I am willing to use my life to wash away all the mistakes I have made. I sincerely pray to God for your mercy and lead the lost lamb into heaven..."

  On the occasion of death

  Conscientious pirates behaved differently, and some continued to spin the heavy winch crazily, hoping that the **** mainsail could turn to the windward side as soon as possible, taking them out of this almost mortal situation.

  Some climbed up the mast and tied themselves tightly with ropes, ready to face the violent impact. Some ran around on the deck, yelling hysterically, and didn’t know what to do?

  Some knelt on the deck to pray, greet their own destiny...

  On the Taishan freighter

   "Order everyone to leave the cabin and line up along the ship's side, hold on to the ship's side, prepare for collision, and prepare for shooting at the same time." Li Fushou calmly issued the order.

   "Yes, sir."

The guards and students filed out from the cabin, arranged along the ship’s side in an orderly manner, firmly grasping the ship’s side, carrying a long gun full of bullets on their back, and staring coldly at the horrified pirates. .

  Distance 4 chains...

  Distance 2 chains...

  The mainsail on the sloop pirate ship just ate up with the sea breeze, pulling the hull and starting to accelerate, about less than 5 knots, slowly making the pirates desperate.

The Taishan wheel rode up from the rear side of the sloop at a speed of 13 knots. Amidst the screams and the sound of the sour wood breaking, it was like a huge sea hammer hitting the eggshell, slamming it. Rolled into the sea water.

Pushed and crushed by an unparalleled force, the side of the main mast of the sloop, which is more than 30 meters high, was inserted into the sea. A huge torn hole appeared in the wooden hull, and the blue water poured in.

  The pirates on the mast are like the **** trembling from the bull devil, falling into the sea, splashing white waves one after another.

   "Attention all personnel, shoot freely at the target on the sea surface, the master issued a strict order, not to stay alive to these evil pirates."


  After experiencing a strong impact and vibration, a new order was issued, and the guards and students all took out their guns, and it was a mess of guns at the pirates floating and sinking on the sea.


  Under the intensive shooting of hot bullets, the azure blue water turned red, and the flowers of revenge were in full bloom.

  The few survivors on the cargo ship saw all this and trembled with excitement. They knelt down on the deck in tears and let their tears flow.

"Oh, I hope the blood can wash away the crimes of the pirates, and all the dust will return to the dust. The precious captain, you will take over the command, arrange for personnel to pick up the survivors on the ship and take care of them properly." Li Fushou sighed and shook his head. Everyone walked out of the captain's room with admiration gazes.

   "Yes, sir."

  After experiencing all this, Geng Guigui seems to have grown up in a short period of time.

  After he took over the command, he gave orders in an orderly manner and arranged follow-up matters.

  (End of this chapter)

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