Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 108: Plymouth

  Chapter 108 Plymouth

  Li Fushou was overjoyed. The few people in front of him were the talents who had served as a parent official. They were first-class talents. They were carefully selected by Yue Zhang Gu Yanchuan to assist Li Fushou in doing important things.

  Any one can be the ruling party.

  For so many days on board, Li Fushou has treated him with the courtesy of his guest, and his intention to win favor is very obvious. Nowadays, he has finally obtained the high recognition of these four pillars. How can he be unhappy?

  Whether Juren or Jinshi, they belong to the top of the pyramid in the feudal talent selection system. Talents and knowledge are all a temporary choice, and the unsatisfactory experience of officialdom is even more valuable.

It just so happens that this trip to Europe will bring subversive cognition to the four guests. Breaking the original concept of Tianyuan is only the beginning, and there are more outdated concepts that will be broken and erected, which will force the old concepts to be turned upside down. The change.

  The benefits are obvious. Seeing the tremendous changes brought about by the European steam industrial revolution, they will become the first batch of Chinese elites who open their eyes to the world. These officials who were once floating in the old bureaucracy will be transformed into elites with global awareness.

  The ultimate beneficiary must be the Chinese power of Red River Valley.

  After a day and night of sailing, the Taishan Ferry finally arrived at Port Said on the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the northern end of the Suyunshi Canal.

  This is an oasis with a large area. You can't see the date palm trees bring moving green vegetation at a glance, the wildflowers are in full bloom along the canal, and the vegetation is luxuriant.

  Looking at the endless blue Mediterranean Sea, breathing the warm and humid air, everyone on the boat shouted with excitement.

   "Europa, here we come..."

  The shore of Port Said

  The Ottoman officials wearing high hats have two upturned beards, arrogantly directing the dockworkers' operations, and when they hear the cheers, they look up and show their arrogance.

In his opinion;

  These young Orientals are marveling at the extraordinary craftsmanship of the Ottoman Empire. They have dug the Suez Canal connecting Europe and Asia. They are really a group of unseen hillbillies.

  At this time, he had forgotten that it was the French who presided over and built this world-renowned man-made canal, or he didn’t want to mention it at all.

  The Taishan wheel sailed out of the canal and raised huge sails for the front and rear masts, which were filled with the sails under the action of the sea breeze. The huge chimneys emitted a large amount of black smoke, and the propellers were running at high speed, leaving long snow-white tracks on the stern of the ship.

  Under the bright sunshine in early March

  The ship's bow broke through the blue waves and galloped forward, heading towards the political, military, economic and cultural center that dominates the world today...Europa.

  After a short stay in Istanbul to supplement fresh water, coal and vegetables, etc., the Taishan wheel sailed to the northwest along the Mediterranean Sea, bypassing the Spanish coast and finally arrived in Portlymouth, England.

  Plymouth, Devonport

  This is the home port of the home fleet of the Royal Navy of the British Empire. Tarzan sailed along the channel to the area outside Devonport. From here, you can see from a distance in the anchorage of the surrounding fjord, there are countless iron-clad warships staying.

   Against the blue sky and white clouds

The iron-clad battleship moored quietly in the anchorage of the fjord, the huge and cold hull exudes unspeakable majesty, the high muzzle is glowing with a touch of roasted blue, and the heavy sea shells sprayed from here have laid the foundation for the day. Fall the glory of the empire.

  One after another, steel battleships lined up, spreading out on the wide sea level of the fjord, neatly like sea splits.

  When these terrifying steel giants exposed tall triangular masts on the sea level, spewing thick black smoke and ink the sky, they came with irresistible majesty and slashed through the waves, sending out the message of the world's ocean overlord;

  Power and axioms are within the gun range of the Royal Navy of the British Empire.

  Li Fushou and everyone on board Taishan stood quietly on the side of the ship, feeling the mighty military appearance of the empire at close range, and a trembling feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

  In the face of the strong, there must be enough respect.

  This is the foundation of a maritime empire, which supports the arrogance of the whites of Ungru-Saxon into the bloodline, and also supports the glorious history of maritime development of the empire that never sets for more than two centuries.


The "Mayflower" carried 102 Puritans and set sail from here to the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, USA. It docked near Cape Cod on November 11 and arrived successfully after more than two months of stormy waves in the Atlantic Ocean. Only one person died.

In 1815, the French emperor Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena, which belongs to the United Kingdom. He boarded a sailing warship in Plymouth and looked back at the city. His eyes showed infinite dissatisfaction and emotion, knowing that there is no hope to return again in this life. Continental Europe.

  St. Helena is a volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, 1,900 kilometers from the west coast of Africa and 3,400 kilometers from the east coast of South America.

  On May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island, ending the glorious life of this great European emperor.

  Look back at history

  I can even feel the shocking feeling brought by the seaport city of Plymouth. The imperial warship that sets sail from here carries the mission given by Her Majesty to conquer and discover...

  " this the huge naval fleet of England? It's so shocking, it's too big." He Fang was obviously shocked and couldn't help saying.

  There is no need to say anything at this moment. Any language is pale and weak. Only by experiencing this shocking scene in person and intuitively feeling the strength of the British military can we understand why the British country is the world's hegemon, while other countries are not.

  After the Taishan Ferry arrived at the port

  200 students will break up here, go to Manchester, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich and other places, enter various colleges and universities for further studies, and receive the baptism of advanced civilization in the steam industry era.

  Plymouth, UK has regular liners to France, Germany and Italy. Students will leave on the liner and start their study abroad career in Europe.

The staff of the Normandy Import and Export Company, who arrived earlier, have made comprehensive preparations for receiving Li Fushou and his entourage. They have rented 17 horse-drawn carriages for travel in the UK, and have reserved hotel rooms in the urban area to meet the large number of staff. For staying in.

   Arrived in Plymouth on March 7th, which is 190 miles to the north of London. After a short rest, Li Fushou and his party need to go to London immediately to accept the noble confession.

  It is stated in the letter from Buckingham Palace;

  Her Majesty Queen Victoria will hold a grand noble honour and ensignment ceremony and the subsequent spring dance at Windsor Castle at about 10:00 am on March 14th. You must be dressed in costumes to attend.

  Finally, I only have less than a week. The dresses, carriages and other things to attend the ceremony need to be prepared, so the time is still very tight.

  Mr. Hills, an American business partner, has arrived early, and he has traveled through the upper class of London to get to know people. It is said that the effect is not satisfactory.

  Usually at the beginning of the year

  Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom has to go to Saint Delinggan in England for vacation, where there are royal estates and residences. Her Majesty the Queen is the big landlord here.

  At the beginning of February

  Her Majesty the Queen will return to London, prepare speeches, sign documents and reply letters with the help of her personal secretary, and handle some official duties.

  Meet some foreign ambassadors, church patriarchs and commanders of the Royal Navy and Army every week to discuss some matters of concern to the British Empire.

  Tuesday night is a fixed time to meet with the British Prime Minister. Mr. Prime Minister will report on government affairs to Her Majesty the Queen and talk about some topics of mutual interest by the way.

  The annual award ceremony will be held in spring, sometimes in Buckingham Palace, sometimes in Windsor Castle, according to the wishes of Her Majesty the Queen.

  The Fiordland Hotel is located on a mountain along the coast. From the balcony of the luxurious suite, you can overlook the entire Devonport, and you can see the magnificent scene of the huge naval anchorage.

  Li Fushou was sitting on the balcony sipping coffee, watching all this silently, not knowing what he was thinking?

   "Mr. Yuan Ding, I don't know if I will bother you at this moment?" Xin Changjun, Pan Shoudao and Wu Mozhou came together and bowed their hands in salute from a distance.

   "Where is it, I'm going to invite you to come over and see it." Li Fushou smiled and stood up to say hello, and then invited the three gentlemen to sit down.

Pan Shoudao looked at the spectacular lineup in the bay with deep emotion, and said, "I wait until the frog at the bottom of the well knows the world is big today. The navy is just a little toy in front of the powerful ships and guns of the English nation. It is pitiful and even more awakening!"

"Yeah, my elder empire has actually fallen to this point. The princes and ministers in the court are extremely pedantic and do not think about change. Don't you know the truth of thousands of sails on the side of the sunken boat and Wan Muchun in front of the diseased tree." Xin Changjun sighed, his emotions appearing. not tall.

  The scene they saw today had a great impact on them. There was a shock from the root of their thoughts. Some of the original pride in my heart has long since disappeared, leaving behind a deep level of reflection.

   "You and I are like merchants, don't talk about politics, come... drink tea." Li Fushou raised the teacup and took a sip, watching the three people who seemed to be worried and laughed.

  These people must have some new ideas. If they want to say it, they will naturally say it.

  Sure enough, Xin Changjun pondered and said;

"Mr. Yuan Ding, we also have a general understanding of the situation in Australia on board. Red River Valley will devote itself to opening up trade routes and establishing ocean trade routes as far as Europe, North America and the Far East. The three of us discussed it privately and thought The students from Jiangnan should be divided into several routes to investigate the social, economic and military situations of England and France, as well as Germany, and collect first-hand information personally to strengthen understanding of the countries of Europa, so that they can do things in a targeted manner in the future, so that they will not be blackened. Laughing and generous, do you think it is okay?"

   "Oh, this idea is very good, very insightful, I naturally support it." Li Fushou readily agreed.

  This attitude simply caused Xin Changjun and the three to be astonished. They thought it would take a lot of talk, but they didn’t need it at all.

  Li Fushou keenly noticed that in Xin Changjun’s words, he should not only examine the social economy, but also the military situation, showing that there is something in everyone’s mind.

  Although the inconvenience has been revealed to the mouth, I am already preparing for it tacitly.

  "How long are you going to study and travel?"

"According to the itinerary, Mr. Yuan Ding will stay in England for two months, and then go to France and Germany. How about we meet in Munich? This is about three months, plus the summary of the situation is enough. "

   "Where is brother?"

What is missing among them, Li Fushou naturally asked, Xin Changjun said helplessly; "Brother Fang has developed a keen interest in the British Navy these days. I heard that Captain Geng Baogui is studying at Manchester Naval Academy. I’m not ready to walk with us anymore."

   "Oh, this is good." Li Fushou was delighted to hear it.

  He Fang was born in the two rankings, and his reputation is much higher than that of the others. It is not comparable to those donated by donated officials. It is an out-and-out academic tyrant.

  In addition, I was just 36 years old this year, the youngest among the people. It is no surprise that I want to try some new businesses.

  (End of this chapter)

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