Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1089: Great change on the Eastern Front

   Chapter 1089 The Great Change on the Eastern Front

   Every few days

   A shocking scandal broke out at the White House in Philadelphia. The Daven-Porter government has been secretly negotiating with the Japanese side about the surrender of the country, which has pictures, content and truth. It instantly destroyed the image of the Daven-Porter government painstakingly building forward.

This big scandal, first exposed by the "Philadelphia Sunday Post", came from a senior Daven-Porter government who was involved in secret negotiations with Japan, who was extremely dissatisfied with the government's weak pro-Japan policy and angrily revealed the secret. content of the negotiation.

   To tell the truth, this high-level government official is not a secret agent, nor is it a means of the Political Intelligence Bureau. The Political Intelligence Bureau does not have such a single-handed ability in the United States.

   It can only be said that no matter whether it is a country or an individual, when you are unlucky, you will get stuck in your teeth when you drink cold water.

  There are also hard-line advocates and compromise factions within the Donkey Party. The original intention is to build a unified and strong free American country, but the governance philosophy is different, which is understandable.

   But at this critical point in time, the big melon broke out, which was undoubtedly a fatal blow to the Daven-Porter government, which triggered a strong political earthquake in Philadelphia, and everyone was in an uproar for a while.

   Some urban riots and large-scale demonstrations that have just subsided have reappeared in the streets and alleys of various cities. Emotional demonstrators held up a portrait of President Davenport with a black cross, and defined him as a "shameful betrayer", "enemy of the United States", "traitor" and "Japanese politician"...

   In fact

  The peace talks between the United States and Japan have continued on and off for more than a year, and the sound of the stairs has always been heard, but no one has come down.

   The main reason is that the peace negotiations between the two countries have huge differences, involving the occupied territories and many harsh conditions for humiliating and humiliating the country, as well as huge war reparations. Unless the United States regains lost territory, it must be a humiliating surrender treaty.

  There are also huge differences among the people in the United States. The hardliners advocate fighting to the end, expel the Japanese aggressors, restore the unity of the United States and the integrity of national sovereignty, and win the final victory.

   The idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to complete and difficult to achieve in a short time.

   In addition, there are neutralists and capitulators, and there are various opinions among the people, which have been debated for a long time.

   The problem is that after the outbreak of the "Nakajima Kenzaburo Incident", the American public generally held a very hostile perception of the Japanese side, and the hard-liners who advocated fighting to the end were greatly strengthened, and this senior member of the Donkey Party was also one of them.

At this sensitive time, they continued to negotiate secretly with the Japanese side, colluded with the Japanese side, and were close to reaching a surrender agreement. This really hurt the feelings of the American people. Coupled with the division of southern states such as Georgia and Florida, ordinary The American people's trust in the current government has dropped to freezing point.

  Many members of the Donkey Party rebelled against the water. The U.S. House of Commons quickly passed the impeachment case of no confidence in President Davenport. The Senate held numerous hearings and appointed an independent federal prosecutor to conduct an in-depth investigation into the secret negotiations between the United States and Japan.

   in a turbulent

  The American public opinion is almost full of shouting and killing, and the US-Japan peace negotiation will naturally come to an end, and there will be no more follow-up.

   In order to prove his innocence, the Daven-Porter government ordered an attack on the Japanese army entrenched in Kansas City. With the rumbling of cannons, the **** war between the United States and Japan started again.

   And all the high-level hopes of peace between the two countries were in vain.

  November 7th

President Daven-Porter was attending a mass rally at the National Library of New York. Richard, a young man who suddenly broke out, pulled out a pistol and shot five shots in the chest. He was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital, and the murderer was also arrested. White House guards were killed on the spot.

   And at this time

   A thunderclap from Moscow in Eastern Europe attracted the attention of the whole world. The Workers' Party overthrew the capitalist government of Russia and the Duma Parliament and established a workers' regime.

  The changes in the political situation in Tsarist Russia have had a profound impact on the world structure. Its importance is far greater than that of the U.S.-Japan war. It also affects the final pattern of the current world war.

  The transoceanic telegrams between London, Paris, and the Red River Valley continued. The new foreign minister, Earl Zhu Wei, left for Europe. He was about to exchange views with Britain, France and other countries on the situation in Russia, and was ready to take a unified action to deal with it.

   After the 1st Army and the 3rd Army entered the Western Front, the 4th Army also entered France and began to prepare a large-scale all-out offensive.

  The goal of this attack was to invade the German mainland and force the Allied group led by Germany to surrender under strong military pressure, so it was named "Operation Showdown".

Because Britain and France suffered huge losses in the military and economy in the 4-year war, the glory of attacking the German mainland was composed of the French 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th and 7th Army, and the British Expeditionary Force 1st , the 2nd, 3rd and 5th were undertaken by a total of 9 army groups, totaling 2.23 million people.

The "Showdown Action Plan" will be divided into three groups, launching a general offensive from the French-German border and the Belgian-German border, the newly established Air Force of the Ocean Empire (formerly the Royal Army Air Corps), and the 301st Division of the Imperial Armored Forces (Honorary Red First Division) , 303 Division (Armored Tiger Cavalry Division), 304 Division (Armored Panther Cavalry Division) will cooperate with the British and French armored forces to launch an assault, breaking the German line of defense in one fell swoop.

The 1st, 3rd, and 4th armies of the Imperial Expedition, the French 3rd, 4th, 8th and 9th armies, and the 4th and 6th armies of the British Expeditionary Force have all become the general reserve of "Operation Showdown", according to the needs of the battlefield Attack at any time.

"Operation Showdown" is a large-scale general attack organized by the Allied Powers. It involves a large-scale army, a complex organization, a large number of personnel, and an unprecedentedly vast battlefield. The preparations for war are complicated and difficult to complete in a short period of time. .

  Everything is ready, at least after July-August 2018.

During this period

   Only after May 2017, the Ocean Empire has sent more than 1,770 fighter jets, 633 bombers, more than 2,600 tanks of various types, more than 3.7 million shells, 42,000 light and heavy machine guns, and countless firearms.

  The Allied Powers are preparing for war intensively, and at the same time they are watching the east nervously...


   "So... is Tsarist Russia going to withdraw from the war unilaterally and make peace with Germany unilaterally?"

  The lotus flowers in Taiye Pond with rippling blue waves are in full bloom, a beautiful scene, and the gentle breeze brings people a cool and comfortable feeling.

   Early December, entering summer in the northern hemisphere

   The temperature in the Red River Valley is as high as 20 degrees during the day. In the lush Daming Palace, flowers are blooming and birds are singing in unison. It is really a paradise.

  Li Fushou was wearing a light-colored moon-white robe, with his hair tied back at will, his slender figure was elegant and dusty, and his temperament became more and more honorable.

He walked leisurely into the waterside pavilion near the lake, waved his hand to the crowd behind him who were following each other, and said with a warm expression; "Everyone, sit down, listen to the music by the lake today, appreciate the lotus and discuss government affairs, Kaizhi also prepares for you. After ordering exquisite snacks, don't have a lot of fun, we don't have to be cautious when we sit and talk, just feel comfortable."

   "I respectfully thank you for your grace." After everyone thanked them, they sat down in the water pavilion.

   Naturally, there are court maids who serve the imperial refreshments, exquisite snacks, melodious guzheng music from a distance, and enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of you, which is really like a feast on Yaotai in a dream.

  Today, the newly-appointed Minister of the Interior, Earl Tanzheng, also appeared among the ministers. The veteran intelligence chief accompanies the last seat. After drinking a sip of tea, he stood up and said with his hands clasped together;

   "Report to Your Majesty;

  According to reliable information from Moscow, the new Russian government is very determined to unilaterally make peace with Germany. The proponents and opponents of the bill are evenly matched. Although it was not passed twice in a row, it was proposed for the third time.

   The main thing is that the head of the new Russian government firmly supports the conclusion of a treaty with Germany, and withdraws from the war that wastes money and labor, so that the country has the opportunity to recuperate its battered body, squeeze out the abscess, and regain its health.

   According to this situation, it is very likely that the new government of Tsarist Russia will eventually make a unilateral peace with Germany, and we should make preparations early. "

   Sure enough, history is still moving forward firmly along the original trajectory, and there is no deviation in this part.

   This news is not a secret. Britain, France and other countries also know it. The ministers in the cabinet and the military leaders here did not show any unexpected expressions, and they calmly accepted the great changes on the Eastern Front.

   Today's Eastern Front battlefield is in a strange peaceful state.

  The Russian troops stationed in Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and the Balkans have packed up and retreated towards Moscow, packed up and ready to go home.

  The combined forces of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not have a large-scale offensive, and the area under the jurisdiction of the Second Expeditionary Army stationed in Kyiv was peaceful, and there was no enemy to challenge.

  Li Fushou nodded. He knew that if there were no accidents, the German-Russian "Brest Contract" would most likely be signed in the near future, and Russia would pay a heavy price to withdraw from the world war.

  According to the contract, Soviet Russia ceded 3.23 million square kilometers of territory, which was mainly in Europe, almost including more than 70% of Russia's elite areas, and promised to pay 6 billion marks.

  Although the cost was huge, Russia successfully withdrew from the First World War, bought a breathing time for the newly born workers' regime, and was able to rest and solve many internal and external problems.

   Such great courage is not the quality of a leader that everyone can possess.

   At least in President Davenport of the United States, this is not seen.

  The United States is in the same situation as Russia, which is eager to withdraw from the war. It needs time to lick its wounds, clear all kinds of internal and external troubles, reunite people's hearts, and focus on internal construction and anti-separation. This is the current top priority.

  It is a pity that President Daven-Porter clearly recognized the current dangerous situation, but he did not have enough courage to break his wrist.

   Therefore, the United States is still mired in the quagmire of war, and it is difficult to extricate itself from the war. The battle with the Japanese army on the Great Plains in central North America is really lively, and there is no sign of stopping for a while.

   One more word

  After the re-emergence of the U.S.-Japan war, the Republic of California quietly lifted the sanctions against Japan, and also cancelled or reduced many tariffs and transit fees to reduce the economic pressure on the Japanese side.

   The private Somali bank has just loaned Fusang a loan with a total amount of 45 million Jinyang for a period of 5 years and an interest rate as high as 16.5%. This may be the highest interest loan in Fusang.

  No way, all the major banks of the empire have closed their doors to Japanese loans and have not opened them for the time being. The North American Expeditionary Army waited for rice to cook, and the Fusang people were desperately ill and went to the doctor, so they could only borrow the money while holding their noses.

   I have to say that this group of Somali businessmen is very courageous, and they really dare to borrow money. The high interest they offer is also cruel enough.

   (end of this chapter)

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