Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 242: North Queensland Development

  Chapter 242 North Queensland Development

  Brother Yutou has quietly made a lot of money these years, all of which are invested in the restaurant business, ready to throw off his arms and make a big deal.

The restaurant is a three-on-three paved floor. The stone-built house is tall and bright. It looks quite magnificent. It costs 240 pounds for a year’s rent. The tables, chairs and benches inside are all set up. After the tribesmen in their hometown arrive in the Red River Valley , Immediately chose auspicious days to open.

  The market here was just fine. After the opening, it was really a prosperous business, especially the two watery little girls sitting in the accountant, which almost let the matchmaker break the threshold.

  In the past few years

  With the development of the city, various industries have prospered. Commercial banks and warehouses need a lot of people. Therefore, there are many hiring businesses at the entrance of the immigration guidance camp. The red plaque says;

  High salary, full board and lodging, after signing an employment contract for more than five years, the immigration loan will be repaid on behalf of you, saving you high annual interest, and expiration can help you apply for naturalization and other favorable conditions and recruit excellent talents.

  Ordinary laborers are not uncommon, and craftsmen with a strong skill are most welcome.

  Whether it is a painter, a blacksmith, a sealer, a carpenter, a clay-sculptor, a paper-cutting artist, or an artist of blowing, pulling, playing and singing, this inclusive immigrant city needs it.

  Especially those who can write and draw are particularly popular. Therefore, the school graduates trained by the "Young Eagle Project" are the most sought-after. The graduation season is a busy time for businessmen to get together and recruit people.


  The huge inertia generated by the rapid social and economic development can create hundreds of thousands of jobs every year, widely distributed in light industry, commerce, port transportation, catering services, entertainment and opera, urban public facilities and residential buildings.

  This kind of economic boom, in turn, will make the cake bigger, increase residents’ income and living standards, and at the same time can absorb more immigrant employment.

  The most promising development in Queensland today is the education and medical industry. The first batch of babies born have reached the age of school. From all kinds of private kindergartens to elementary schools have sprung up, and the medical industry has also made great progress.

  The booming media companies have brought demand for the wedding industry, which is a strong driving force for the toffee, wine industry, clothing and catering industry. Social needs are captured by keen businessmen, and the development shortcomings in the city are gradually improved.

  Red River Valley is an emerging metropolis of immigrants, all walks of life are developing and improving day by day, here you can find almost everything you want.

Antique calligraphy and paintings from the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, printed editions of poetry and songs, wood carving and brick carving, jade ceramics, silk satin, East Indies spices, Swiss clocks, French canes and wine, British cotton, American kerosene and various Industrial manufactured products, almost everything.

  The city has not stagnated due to the Shangri-La Island war. The city is still advancing step by step. The opening of the Red River Valley and Brisbane double-track railway has closer the connection between the two central star cities and has become a twin engine for the strong economic development of Queensland.

Now Queensland has launched a northern development plan. People who want to own a ranch, whether they are white or Chinese, can apply for Huitong Golden Ticket Loan after purchasing the ranch for the purchase of sheep and the construction of houses and sheepfolds, which are finally repaid with wool That's it.

  After the climax of the southern development plan, Red River Valley fully promoted the implementation of the northern development plan, hoping to form a situation where both wings will fly together. This will not only help expand the influence of Chinese immigrants on the entire Queensland state, but also hopefully become a new economic growth point.

  The people of the country have always had an extremely deep affection for the land. As soon as the Northern Development Incentive Plan was launched, it immediately aroused the great enthusiasm of the people, and there were many people who responded.

  The private pasture in the northern development plan must not be less than 2,000 acres. This is a very high threshold. Don’t even think about it if you don’t have thousands of pounds of assets.

  Because it is a freehold property, the purchase of 2,000 acres of pasture land requires at least a thousand pounds, which has turned away more than 90% of ordinary people.

In order to implement the northern development plan, the State Council allocated special funds. The Earl of Queensland also generously sponsored part of the funds to renovate the northern road. After the wide carriage road was tamped and compacted, it was paved with thick cinder and the mule carriage ran on The top is fast and steady.

On the road from Brisbane to the north, you can often see Australia’s unique four-wheeled mule maple cart, which is constantly migrating to the north. This type of cart is generally hauled by two strong mules and horses. Wide and long, suitable for long-distance migration and grazing needs.

A four-wheeled tarp mule cart with two healthy horses or strong mule traction costs more than eighty pounds. Long-distance migration requires two spare horses. The bridle saddles are complete and add up. It costs hundreds of pounds.

  For this money, you can buy an independent garden house in a small town. It is a western-style house built of rocks with a separate bathroom and a Roman colonnade.

Brisbane is about 1,700 kilometers from Cairns on the east coast of the North York Peninsula. There are more than 800 kilometers to the north from Cairns to reach the northern Cape York town. The 2500 kilometers of coastal area is undulating hills and crisscrossing streams. It is the world Excellent ranch.

Such a vast area is basically in an undeveloped state. There are one or two small towns and mining cities separated by hundreds of kilometers. The residents are mostly between hundreds and thousands of people. Apart from Cairns, there are basically no towns with a population of tens of thousands. .

  On the road to the north

There are seven four-wheeled mule carts with sackcloth and more than 10 cowboys wearing broad-brimmed cowboy hats, riding on tall quarter horses, driving large herds of cattle and sheep all the way north, on the cowboy’s armed belt. Wearing a revolver, and a spear in the front of the mount, the sturdy wilderness is about to come out.

  Among these cowboys, there is an old and strong cowboy with gray hair and a weather-beaten face engraved with determination. He ran up to the hillside to observe the surroundings, with rich experience like an old wolf.

  This is Old Mike, the first white cowboy leader of Irving Manor, and one of the earliest white cowboys following Li Fushou.

  The migration team of 6 families is headed by Mike, and consists of two white cowboys and four Chinese cowboy families.

  In addition to the old Mike’s family, the Hudsons were also white cowboys in Irving Manor and old Mike’s old friends for many years.

  In addition, there are old Mike’s eldest son-in-law Zhao Qishan's family, his younger son-in-law Mai Guangtian's family, Ma Limin's family, and Lu Qiang's family. These are friends who have been friends for many years, and they chase their ranch dreams together.

  They have been driving the cattle and sheep all the way north for more than a month. They have walked more than 700 kilometers north from Brisbane to a seaside town called Proserpine.

   By the way, this town is now renamed Qingdao Town.

   "Zhao, Hudson, we will stop when we cross this bridge and don't go any further." Old Mike shouted.

  Several horses galloped in the distance. The first person was Zhao Qishan, Old Mike's eldest son-in-law, a tall young man, his face was tanned by the strong Australian sun.

   "What's the matter, Daddy Mike, it's still early!" Zhao Qishan galloped to the front to restrain the horse, and asked with some doubts.

"The cattle and sheep have been walking for more than a month. I can see that the fat is quite strong. I can't continue to walk. The water plants nearby are beautiful, and there are also streams flowing down from the mountains. We stayed here for a period of time to feed the cattle and sheep. The fat will leave later, anyway, the ranch will not be able to run away after buying it." Old Mike replied calmly.

   "Well, let's drive the herd to the valley to the west. It's too close to the road, and the grass is almost bald."

   "Okay, set up camp a little earlier today, and everyone has a good rest."

   "I know Daddy Mike, then we're going to do something."

  Several young riders shouted and went away, drove the large herd of cattle and sheep to the valley with more abundant water and grass to the west. This is something that they have been familiar with for many years, and they do it well.

Hudson stayed where he was, and waited for the young man to leave before saying; "Old man Mike, gave up the post of Mayor of Pines. I still feel sorry for you today. What a great town it is! The population is already There are more than 10,000 people. After the newly-established Guards Tiger Cavalry Division is stationed, it is hopeful that it will develop into a star town in the south. Although it is impossible to have Beilun Town and Songjiang Town as dazzling, it will not develop into a city with a population of tens of thousands in the future. questionable."

   "Qingdao Town is also good."

  "Qingdao Town? I doubt whether this newly established town has a thousand residents, and there is not even a railway. I estimate that the railway will not be built in at least 10 years. It is a completely barren land."

   "But there is the ranch I dreamed of. This is the ranch I dreamed of when I was a boy, a ranch of my own."

   "The ranch, this is what makes people's hearts excited."

  Hudson looked at the endless gentle hills in the distance, with a look of fascination in his eyes. He sold his luxurious mansion and quit his public office to pursue such a dream, isn’t it?

The land in the Red River Valley or New South Wales from the south to Beilun Town is owned by the Lord Earl, who can sell dozens of hundreds of acres to individuals to build mansions, but it is impossible to sell tens of thousands of acres to private pastures. .

  The Southerners are very hostile to the northerners, so the only place where the dream of a private ranch can be realized is the vast northern part of Queensland.

   thought of here

Hudson was also a bit aggrieved. He sold everything and even the company’s shares, but only raised more than 2,600 pounds and bought a 6,000-acre ranch near Qingdao Town, which is already quite large. .

But the old guy Mike bought a 25,000-acre ranch, and even his two sons-in-laws bought 3,000-4,000 acres of ranch. Together, it’s a big place, and it’s only a dozen or so away from Qingdao Town. Miles, the railway planned in the future will pass through here.

  Where does this old guy get so much money?

  Is it because he was the mayor...Hudson was full of doubts.

  The 10 miles near the northern extension of the planned coastal railway are all non-sale items and no development plans are allowed.

The location of Mike Ranch is very good. It is very close to the coastal town of Qingdao. Qingdao Town is also an excellent bay port. In the future, a railway artery will be built. In addition to grazing cattle and sheep, a vegetable production base and a dairy cow base can also be established. Urban residents provide fresh produce and milk.

  These are the unique advantages that other ranches don’t have. He is really a lucky old guy.

   "Mike, do you think the price of wool will increase in the future?" Hudson asked.

   "It will definitely rise, there is no doubt about it."


"Because Lord Queensland is the largest rancher in the world. He employs hundreds of thousands of cowboys to work for him on his ranch. It is impossible to lose money all the time. Look, our flocks arrived. It's time to shear the wool in Qingdao Town. The price will not be less than one penny and two pounds of wool by then. We have already made a profit at this price. Of course, Lord Earl will make more." Old Mike is very confident.

One penny and two pounds of wool is a profit or loss point. A well-run farm can make a little profit. This is actually the result of deliberately lowering the price. The best level in history has reached the price of one penny and one pound of wool, which is very profitable. Pictured.

  A ranch that employs 40 or 50 cowboys can easily earn 2,000 pounds a year and maintain a high standard of living, just like the Irving Ranch.

Old Mike, as a person close to the top in the Red River Valley, knows many secrets that Hudson does not know. It is a long-term strategy to suppress the southern wool price. As long as the southern states are completely unified, the wool price will have a rocket-like rise, up by two. Three times are not uncommon.

  Many wealthy Chinese people have poured into the pasture industry. It is not because of the prophet of Chunjiang plumbing ducks that they plan to make arrangements in advance.

  I realized that it was too late until the day when the southern states were truly unified.

  As for whether Lord Earl of Queensland will unify the southern states?

  As long as you are not mentally handicapped, you can see that this is a general trend. Except for those stubborn farmers in the south who don’t believe it, most people in Queensland already agree with this view, including white people.

  For ordinary white people in Queensland, it does not matter who will be the master of this continent in the end. Skin color is not important. It is too far away from ordinary people. The important thing is who can bring him a better life?

  The white population of Queensland apparently chose the Lord Earl of Queensland. There are a large number of white cowboy recruits in the two newly formed cavalry divisions. They are willing to fight for the honorable Lord Earl of Queensland. This is the glory of the northerners.

  The cowboys have to teach the Southerners with their guns and let them know who is the boss on this continent?

  In the entire Australia, no one can have the lofty prestige that the Earl of Queensland sings, and millions of people should follow. No one can have his status and nobleness, no one can have his wealth and wealth of an enemy.

  Also, Lord Earl is young and attractive, which is an obvious plus.

on the hill

  Hudson rode a few steps, came to Old Mike’s side and asked; "So you made up your mind to give up everything and pursue your dreams, is there no other reason?"

   "Damn it, Hudson, what do you want to know?"

"Brother Mike, it’s not surprising that you can get a beautiful place with aquatic plants, but where did you get so much money? Damn, this question has been bothering me for a long time. You know, I was once the chief of the grazing site, and I got it. Salary and dividends are no less than you."

  "Hehehe..." Old Mike smiled slyly, did not answer this question, and walked forward leisurely with his legs knocked on his belly.

  This large-scale anti-corruption operation in the Red River Valley also involved him, an old fellow. In the end, Lord Earl of Queensland put a horse on the face of the old brother for many years. Can you talk nonsense about this disgraceful thing?

  (End of this chapter)

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