Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 253: DC transmission bottleneck

  Chapter 253 DC Transmission Bottleneck

  After a day off after the meeting, Li Fushou once again brought his entourage to the Songjiang Reservoir to inspect.

  Today's Songjiang Reservoir has lost the hustle and bustle of the previous construction period, and has become silent, revealing another thrilling beauty in the calm.

Between the tall mountains on both sides of the strait, a magnificent reservoir building rises from the ground. It presents a beautiful inner arch shape, which is more than a hundred meters high from bottom to top. It intercepts huge floods in the dam, showing that humans are unparalleled. Creativity.

  This is a huge water conservancy project that has changed the world, and it can be called a miracle in today's era.

  Climb to the top of the Songjiang Reservoir. This is a concrete platform that is more than 1,000 meters long. Flower beds on both sides are planted with green trees and flowers. In the middle is a flat passage with a width of 26 meters. The layout is magnificent.

The blue waves in the reservoir area are rippling, and you can see the obvious tree-like structure in the reservoir area through a sightseeing binoculars, with many branches and branches extending into the distance. In the distance, green hills and vegetation are lush, and the warm sun shines on the water surface of the reservoir area and sparkling waves, just like Quiet ink painting is average.

   look downstream

The steep and straight dam with a height of one hundred meters makes people feel infinitely small. The diversion tunnel at the bottom of the dam ejects a long white water dragon, pushing the turbine of the power plant to run at full speed, which is a downstream urban belt. A steady source of abundant electricity.

  Now it seems

  The decision to invest huge sums of money to build the Songjiang Reservoir is extremely correct. The abundant power of the reservoir not only supports the power demand of the downstream Songjiang Town’s industrial development, but also lights up the entire city, becoming the town with the best night commercial and economic development under the jurisdiction of the Red River Valley.

  At this point, even Red River Valley City is inferior.

  The power supply in Red River Valley City is quite tight nowadays. There is no way to lavishly light up every street, and there is a huge gap between supply and demand.

  Although several small hydroelectric power stations have been built in the future, the electric power provided is very limited, and this cannot be solved in a short time.

  The world’s small thermal power technology is still immature. It not only consumes high energy, but also has very low power generation efficiency. The billowing black smoke from burning pollutes the atmosphere, which is not cost-effective in any way.

   is based on this

  Red River Valley deliberately suppressed the impulse to increase production of the Hongshan Iron and Steel Plant and the Hongshan Coking Coal Plant, which are large power consumers, and put the focus of its future development on the Songjiang base.

The same is true for   Hongshan Coking Coal Plant, whose planned production base is located in the middle section of the Huangpu River, about 27 kilometers away from Songjiang Town.

The high-quality coal from Hongshan will be transported here through the port, and the abundant electric energy of the Songjiang Reservoir will be used to produce coking coal, tar, coal gas and a series of other coal chemical products, forming a coal chemical industrial park in the middle reaches of the Huangpu River, becoming an export earner. A powerful pillar to take a lot of banknotes.

  The blueprint in the conception is beautiful, but it faces the problem of long-distance power transmission, which has become a roadblock to the Songjiang base of the coking coal plant in the plan.

  Unless this big problem is solved, the construction of the Songjiang base of the coking coal plant will be impossible to talk about.

  The distance from Songjiang Reservoir to the planned Songjiang Base is about 62 kilometers. According to the existing DC transmission technology, the loss is too large. Only about 25% of the electricity can be transmitted to the base, and the other 75% is lost midway.

The disadvantage of   DC transmission is that the longer the distance, the greater the line loss.

  In order to solve this problem, Red River Valley hired the famous French physicist Deppler to conduct research. After one and a half years of hard work, the research team led by Mr. Deppler successfully realized 62 kilometers of DC transmission.

  However, because the DC transmission voltage is difficult to continue to increase under the current technical conditions, the transmission capacity and benefits are limited, and the transmitted power is too small, and the voltage can only reach 1.5KV, which cannot meet the construction needs of Songjiang Base.

  The minimum voltage requirement of the Songjiang base of the Sequoia Coking Coal Plant cannot be lower than 3000 volts, which is a hard lever that cannot be lowered.

   "Brother Qianjin, how is the progress of Professor De Pro's research?" Li Fushou asked faintly, standing on the top of the high Dongjiang Reservoir dam with his hands in the distance.

  Luo Qianjin is the mayor of Songjiang, one of the former "Hongmen Nine Wolves", Li Fushou personally cultivated the young guards' core cadres, Songjiang Town’s current prosperity and development has his hard work, and he has won the trust of Lord Earl.

He replied with a respectful hand: "My lord Earl, I have communicated with Professor De Proul at the coking coal plant base a few days ago. He is very confident that he will achieve a qualitative breakthrough within two to three years, so that the DC transmission technology will reach the level of industrial application. ."

   "Oh, how sure are you?"

   "Sixty percent sure." Luo Qianjin hesitated for a moment, and replied bitterly.

  When communicating with Professor Droop, the old French man was full of confidence. If he was asked to answer that there is absolutely no problem with the DC transmission technology, everything will be done within two years.

   Luo did not dare to speak big words irresponsibly, so he left a little room.

  No one can say for scientific research. Maybe it will break through the technical bottleneck in a few days. Maybe it will take four or five years without any eyebrows. Who dares to make this package?

  Scientists can make random promises, but administrative officials can’t.

   "Sixty percent confidence seems to be lower, it's really troublesome." Li Fushou muttered to himself, went to sit down under a European-style pergola by the platform.

The small tables here are covered with white lace tablecloths, and there are exquisite afternoon teas on them. Li Fushou gently stirred the black tea with a spoon, took a sip, and said; "The budget of the Songjiang base of the coking coal plant is I have seen it, and hope to start construction in 1883 and include it in the investment budget for next year. It must be based on Professor Drop’s research confidence that the construction of the DC transmission station will not hinder the construction of the project. Investment case."

"Yes, Lord Earl, Hongshan Coking Coal Plant has more confidence than the town. These years, watching the development of brother companies in great strides, they can't wait to build new production lines, planned factories, production line facilities and coal. The scale of investment in the terminal is very large and it will take a certain period of time to complete the construction. The town basically agrees with their opinions and is willing to cooperate fully."

   "Well, the plan should be started one day earlier, and the plan should be started one day earlier." Li Fushou took a leisurely sip of tea, put down the cup, and tapped his slender fingers gently on his knees.

After thinking about it, he said, "Well, if there are continuous interruptions, the whole project is only an investment of more than 500,000 pounds, and 60% of it is not low. If the project is completed and the DC transmission technology does not meet the requirements, it will be lost. It is nothing more than some interest and costs. It can still maintain a low-intensity start. It is cost-effective from the perspective of creating jobs and stimulating the economy. For prudent considerations, your town and the coking coal plant have planned a two-step plan. Do not introduce so many production lines at once for the construction plan. It is safer to implement it in phases and batches."

   "Understood, I will communicate with people from the coking coal plant in the near future to urge them to modify the plan."

  "Also...relevant construction plans should be submitted to the budget committee first. Don't send them to me before they are mature. You have learned both of them. You are not allowed to do things that break the rules in the future."

   "Oh...the humble duty knows it is wrong."

   Luo moved forward to accompany him with a dry laugh, and he really complained enough about the haunted group of living in the coking coal plant.

  If it weren’t for their efforts, Luo Qianjin wouldn’t have been enthusiastic about putting the construction plan on the Songjiang Town Development Report and submitting it, but the Lord Earl was named and criticized.

Luo Qianjin’s willingness to help is also a bit selfish. Once the Songjiang base of the coking coal plant is completed, it will be able to produce a steady stream of high-quality coking coal, gas, tar and a large amount of asphalt and other coal chemical products, which will not only vigorously promote the economic growth of Songjiang Town, but also There are unlimited business opportunities inside.

All right……

  Don’t do this kind of stupid thing in the future, if you lose points in the impression of Lord Earl, no amount of economic benefits will be restored.

   Seeing that Luo Qianjin was crippled, Wu Mozhou laughed "hehe" beside him and didn't make a sound. He picked up his teacup and drank slowly. He felt like a mirror in his heart after years of ups and downs.

  The Red River Valley is like the sun rising in the morning, which is slowly rising and exuding infinite light and heat. People of insight want to follow the footsteps of Lord Earl closely, and the future development is infinitely bright.

  It's unwise to lose points for a little bit of petty gain.

  It seems that Luo Qianjin quickly realized this. This is the basic quality that an excellent official should possess. He is always self-reflection, and a child can be taught!

   "Brother Mo Zhou, you have a funny smile, don't you want to explain it?" Li Fushou asked.

Wu Mozhou turned around and smiled and waved his hand; "Master Yuanding is not going to make a fool of me. I just think that the scenery here is so beautiful. Here I want to ask you for a favor, and hope to allow it."

   "What else is allowed?"

Li Fushou waved his hand indifferently, pointing to the misty and misty beauty in the distance and said; "The old fellow Li An has already reported a plan to build a Chinese-style pavilion and pavilion in this area. Money, I will leave him to toss, and one of your estates will be indispensable when the time comes. Do you still have nowhere to go when you are old?"

   "Yuan Ding-sama's kindness, Mo Zhou dare not be ashamed."

"It's just a small thing, don't need to worry about it." Appreciating a house is nothing. Li Fushou naturally paid attention to it. His eyes swept across the magnificent dam, and an incomparable sense of accomplishment emerged in his heart; "The construction of Songjiang Reservoir I The most proud decision is that this engineering work is in the modern age and will benefit the future. Now it seems to be simply too worthwhile."

  "Yes, Master Yuanding, it's a pity that everything else in this place in Australia is good, but there are too few places suitable for building a reservoir. It is inevitable that there are some shortcomings in it."

   "Brother Mo Zhou said very much, and I feel the same." When it comes to this topic, Li Fushou can't help but sigh.

  The Great Dividing Range stretches for thousands of kilometers along the north-south direction of Australia’s east coast, blocking the warm water vapor from the ocean and forming Australia’s unique geographic and climatic characteristics.

  In the vast area between the Great Divide and the coast, there is abundant rain, lush vegetation and fertile land. It is a world-class excellent vast pasture.

  Bounded by the north-south Great Divide, the area to the west of the Great Divide enters the tropical desert climate and savanna climate zone, especially the inland areas are extremely arid, desert beaches and Gobi are endless, and birds and animals are extinct.

  Therefore, most of the rivers in Australia originate in the Great Dividing Range. They are mainly seasonal rivers. Only a few large rivers are capable of navigating, and the distance is very short.

  It is this geographical feature that makes few locations suitable for large-scale reservoirs. The ideal locations for large-scale reservoirs are mostly concentrated in southern New South Wales and Victoria. There is only Songjiang Reservoir in the Red River Valley.

compare to

  The Red River Valley Reservoir can only be regarded as a medium-sized reservoir. From a long-term perspective, it is very regrettable that it cannot afford the electricity demand of a metropolis with a population of one million people.

  Because of seasonal river factors, Australia's inland navigation conditions are poor. The wide Brisbane River has plenty of water. Coupled with the Red River Reservoir to regulate and store water in the dry season, it is possible to maintain more than 100 kilometers of waterways (passing 10,000-ton ships).

The situation of Huangpu River and Taihu Lake is also similar. In the rainy season each year, flooding forms a black swamp forest area with an area of ​​up to thousands of square kilometers. The flooding Taihu Lake and the swamp area are connected to form a piece, like a vast ocean, which has been repeated for thousands of years. Repeat this process.

  For grazing cowboys, the flood comes and drives the sheep out of this area, and waits until the flood subsides before returning.

  Because of the vast land and sparse population, there are no water conservancy projects in Australia, and there are very few farmland irrigation projects, which is completely unnecessary.

  Now that Songjiang Town is established, and the industrial and agricultural development in Songjiang Town and the Taihu Lake Basin is vigorously developed, it is impossible to walk away, and it is imperative to control floods.

  Take Huangpu River as an example;

  Every year after the onset of the rainy season, the floods from Dafeng Shuiling leaked endlessly. The wide river is several kilometers wide, and there is a vast ocean everywhere, which poses a serious threat to the safety of navigation.

In the dry season, the water in the upper reaches of the mountainous area decreases, and the Huangpu River converges into the main river channel. This is a channel with an average width of less than 100 meters. More than meters.

  Now the Songjiang Reservoir with amazing storage capacity has been built, which can empty the storage capacity before the onset of the rainy season, accept a huge amount of mountain torrents into the reservoir, and regulate and store floods in a planned way.


  Not only can the Huangpu River always maintain safe shipping conditions, but also can regulate and store the flood to reduce the amount of discharge, so that it will not be flooded by the flash floods that gather in a short time, causing greater economic losses.

  Long term

  A long embankment should be built along the low-lying south bank of the Huangpu River, leading directly to the seaport, and truly restraining the giant dragon of the Huangpu River.

  This is a long-term plan for the future, and it is not needed at this stage (within 10 years), because Songjiang Town is built in a hilly area with higher terrain, and neither Huangpu River nor Taihu Lake can pose a serious threat to it.

The recently adopted water conservancy plan for the Taihu Lake Basin is to cope with the flooding of water from the upper reaches of the mountainous area during the rainy season. By cooperating with the regulation and storage of Songjiang Reservoir, huge floods can be discharged into the Huangpu River through the Taihu Lake area in an orderly manner, without causing damage to large areas of fertile land. .

  (End of this chapter)

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