Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 295: Shrinked version of Majesty class ironclad ship

  Chapter 295 Shrinked Version of Majesty-class Ironclad Ship

  The fierce reaction of Li Fushou was completely expected. Lord Hugh Howard has the potential to develop from a small yin coin to an old silver coin, and he shrugged helplessly for the first time;

  Don’t ask me, I don’t know wow!

   "I can't believe it. This is a misinterpretation of the original intent. It will trample on my sincere respect to Her Majesty the Queen. Joe, don't tell me that you don't know." Li Fushou was extremely angry, seven points fake and three points true.

Lord Hugh Howard smiled awkwardly and said, "Don't do that, Lee, let us all be rational. You can think of it as a good deal for you, and the Royal Navy will use actions to prove that it is all It's worth it, we really need this type of warship."

  "Deal?" Li Fushou yelled as if he had been stabbed, with an angry expression on his face;

"I do not allow such words to insult my respect to the noble Queen, Joe, I am offering the celebration gift with a pious and grateful heart. It is as flawless as white jade, condensing the respect of myself and the people of Queensland. ..."

   "Please allow me to interrupt, Li, we all know what is going on, please don't tarnish my ears, let us be rational..."

"Shut up, Hugh, if you continue to have this offensive attitude, I will not recognize you as the Special Representative of the Admiralty, and I will never allow you to talk in this arrogant tone. This will never be a deal, never Can."

  Li Fushou’s attitude was decisive and irrefutable, which made the atmosphere in the living room suddenly tense.

  Two distinguished figures clash, Sir William White and Professor Allen Johnson can only stare at them with big eyes and small eyes, unable to intervene at all.

   "Okay, okay, I apologize for what I said wrong, this is by no means a deal." Lord Hugh Howard felt the other party's difficulty, it was really impenetrable.

This is obviously a deal, but the other party refuses to admit it, so he can only throw his own bargaining chip and say; "Out of gratitude, the Imperial Royal Navy South Pacific Task Force will be stationed in Port Moresby on Shangri-La Island. Do you think How about this condition?"

  This means that the Royal Navy will endorse the rights and interests of Shangri-La Island, and despise all of this to weigh its own weight, which also includes the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

  If it is true

  I believe that the Kingdom of the Netherlands will succumb soon, accepting the fact that Shangri-La Island is the first land discovered and owned by the Earl of Queensland, and accepting it as a precondition for peace talks to achieve a breakthrough in peace talks.

  From now on, the sovereign rights and interests of Shangri-La Island will no longer be questioned.

  Look, the friendship of the Royal Navy of the British Empire is so effective. Sending a few old warships to the port for a while, no one in this world dares to refuse.

   "We welcome the Royal Navy fleet to enter the ports including Shangri-La Island at any time, and we are optimistic about this." Li Fushou's answer was full of diplomatic commands, and he was not satisfied with such conditions.

  I thank you for a hammer! A few months earlier, I don’t know where it is?

  Now the dust has settled to pick up the ready-made cheap. The Colonial Department of the British Empire issued an announcement last year. Why didn't you see your fleet stationed?

   "If the fleet can be stationed in Samarinda and Machen Port to bring peace to the current turbulent situation in the East Indies, I will be very grateful." Li Fushou calmly put forward his conditions.

  Compared to the settled Shangri-La Island, Borneo, which is currently densely covered by war, is the focus of attention.

  If he can take advantage of the power of the Royal Fleet of the British Empire, Li Fushou really doesn’t mind doubling his 1 million ship purchase fund.

Samarinda is the capital of Borneo. It is located along the coast of East Kalimantan. It is the center of Dutch colonial rule in Borneo. It is also the political, economic and military center of East Kalimantan. The city is relatively developed. Higher.

  This is a symbolic port city, not as simple as it seems.

  Machen Port, the capital city of South Kalimantan, is also very important.

  Even if the Royal Navy fleet of the British Empire loses a broken sampan, the Government of the Dutch East Indies will have to think twice about it, is it daring to continue fighting?

  Hugh-Lord Howard was dumbfounded and couldn't help laughing. He was not authorized before he came and had no right to agree to such conditions; "Lee, the Dutch have been operating in Borneo for more than 200 years, and we cannot ignore all this."

   "Hehe, so you can't convince me."

"There will always be a solution, Lee, let's take a look at Sir William White's ingenious design. I was fortunate enough to appreciate this masterpiece in advance on the cruise ship from Calcutta to Sydney. I believe you will definitely like it too. "

   "Is the Royal Navy like it? Queensland doesn't need such a giant ship."

"Lee, I can assure you that this class of ship is definitely worthy of your attention. I have had an in-depth conversation with Sir William White. This class of ship contains his thoughts on ship design for many years and adopts a unique high freeboard design. In order to deal with sea areas around the world, including the Atlantic Ocean, the combat effectiveness is still not affected under severe sea conditions, and the main gun is arranged along the axis of the battleship, and the thickened main armor belt is arranged, which has the strength beyond the current level of iron-clad battleships. It's really great, it's an incomparable gift..."

  Hugh-Lord Howard's endless chattering recommendation set off a shocking storm in Li Fushou's heart. Could it be that the former Dreadnought was born ahead of schedule?

  He cast his gaze on the ship design drawings hung on the wall, and the marked technical indicators were clear at a glance.

  The designed displacement of this class ship is 8,800 tons, and the full load displacement is 9,660 tons.

It has two main turrets, one front and one rear, arranged along the central axis. It is equipped with a new twin-mounted 305mm main gun, which can fire armor-piercing projectiles with smokeless gunpowder. The penetrating ability is much higher than that of the previous 13.5-inch gun, while the weight is greatly reduced. .

  The biggest advantage of this type of ship’s main gun arrangement is that the firing stability is greatly enhanced, reducing the impact of the main turret on the hull roll when firing, which is conducive to the full firepower on the port and port sides, with a wide field of view and small shooting dead angles.

  This arrangement allows the main turret to adjust the firing angle more freely, and allows all the main guns to fire in the same direction, thereby increasing the intensity of the battleship’s firepower.

  The thickest part of the main armor belt of this class is 426 mm, and the thinnest part is 102 mm. The front of the main turret is 402 mm thick, the front of the secondary turret is 122 mm thick, the conning tower is 254 mm thick, and the deck is 70-76 mm thick.

  This type of protection far exceeds that of iron-clad ships. Compare it with the first-class iron-clad ship Dingyuan, which is known as the “largest ship in Asia”;

  Dingyuan ship Iron Fortress has a waterline armor thickness of 355mm, underwater armor thickness 305mm, 305 gun mount armor thickness 304mm, gun shield thickness 15mm, and commanding tower armor thickness 203mm.

  This armor protection data is quasi-first among the first-class iron-clad ships, and it is inferior to that of the first-class ships. The difference is not even a bit.

  In particular, it is worth pointing out;

Sir William White used the latest Harvey steel armor plate in the design. This is a high-hardness carburized armor steel. The armor protection is 77.1% higher than the previous generation. The protection is amazingly improved, and it is simply impossible to penetrate. Armored fortress.

  In other words, it is more expensive.

Finally, there was a breakthrough change in the maneuverability of the ship. Although this class of ships also uses coal-fired steam engines like the ironclad ships, the boiler technology used is more advanced than that of the ironclad ships, allowing the quasi-10,000-ton battleship to run for nearly 20 knots. The speed is simply an amazing result.


The main steam iron armored battleship of the Royal Navy of the British Empire generally has a speed between 13 and 15 knots. First-class iron armored ships such as Zhenyuan and Dingyuan can only run 15 knots at most when the tonnage is less than 1500 tons. Speed.

  Using so many new design ideas, new technologies and new materials, the combat effectiveness of this class of ships has made a qualitative leap, and its strength has crushed its peers.

The direct consequence of    is the high cost of construction, which is almost needless to say.

  How does this class of ship look like a reduced version of the "Majesty" class battleship, but the "Majesty" class battleship is a behemoth with a full load and displacement of 16,000 tons, and it will be at least 10 years before it will be born. What is going on?

  Careful observation, and hearing Sir William White’s detailed answers to the design ideas, Li Fushou suddenly realized;

  The design concept of this type of ship was not born ten years later, but has been considered and matured a long time ago, only waiting for the time to be implemented.

  The British Empire has many excellent ship designers and talents. There are no less than three top ship designers who can compare with Sir William White, and there are more young and middle-aged outstanding designers.

  The opportunity to be commissioned by the Admiralty to be the chief designer of a first-class battleship is precious. Many outstanding designers look forward to it, symbolizing the pinnacle of their personal career.

  Even if you are a big figure in the industry like Sir William White, you still need to participate in the design selection competition. The opportunity is rare.

It turns out that this class of ship is really a preliminary version of the "Majesty" class battleship, which contains Sir William White’s in-depth thinking on ship design for many years, and thus made innovative design practices, which are all applied to this new ship. , This special girl is an experimental version to verify the idea.

Due to the limitation of the design displacement, only one main turret was designed in the bow and stern. The twin 305mm main guns were used. After the hull was greatly shortened, as many as 12 152mm secondary guns and 16 76 guns could not be arranged. Millimeter secondary artillery, 14 47mm secondary artillery. Therefore, the firepower of the secondary artillery was greatly reduced.

   Also due to the limitation of displacement, the thickness of the main armor belt is reduced, the coal bins are reduced, and the power plant is reduced. The original super battleship has shrunk to a heavy cruiser.

After listening to them for a long time, Li Fushou asked the core question; "It seems that this ship is really good, what is the cost?"


  Lord Hugh Howard suddenly got stuck, he glanced at Sir William White, and his eyes urged him to answer the question.

  Sir William White hesitated and replied; “This class of ship uses a lot of new technology and equipment in the design, especially the expensive Harvey armor plate, so the cost of the ship may be higher...”

   "How much higher?"

   "Probably...well, according to rigorous calculations, the cost of the first ship is about 660,000 pounds, and the cost of subsequent ships will drop a little..."

  Sir William White did not finish speaking, Li Fushou had already stood up with a dark face and walked away.

  What's the joke?

   is purely a silly boy, is Lao Tzu’s money blown by the wind?

  (End of this chapter)

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