Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 466: expenditure

  Chapter 466 Expenses

  In the courtyard hidden by the trees

Li Fushou sat at the top, and at the bottom sat the chief of the Red Fort Interior Office headed by the chief construction manager Li Ang. Li Xi, Li Le, Li Ning, Li Jing, Li Zhi, Li Yuan, etc. followed. The elderly who have been serving for many years, in addition, there are confidants such as Chen Shiheng, the chief of the tent.

   "This garden is well built. I can see that it took a lot of effort. I am very satisfied..." His gaze swept over everyone, and finally fell on Li An, the chief construction manager.

  Li Ang is a bit darker and fatter than a few years ago. His face showed the vicissitudes of the sun and wind, and the temples had turned white. It seemed that he did not worry less!

  "The madam is particularly fond of living in, it feels like returning to the homeland of China, which is enough to soothe the homesickness in my heart. General Manager Li Ang has done his best to build this garden and has achieved remarkable results. I should be the first!"

  Speaking of which

  Li Fushou has a gentle smile on his face. He has lived in Australia for a long time, and his wife Gu Liuyan will inevitably miss her hometown in her heart. The faint melancholy can't be dismissed.

  I came to Songjiang City, which is full of Chinese-style architecture, and lived in Changchun Garden, as if I was in a certain city in the south of the Yangtze River. The familiar local accent slang on the streets and lanes added a touch of cordiality.

  Mrs. Gu Liuyan likes this city very much, likes this Changchun Garden, and wants to stay here for a few more months...

   "Thank you for the good reputation, as long as the old lady is satisfied and happy, my thoughts on waiting will not be wasted."

   "Hahaha...I am really satisfied, when there is a reward."

   "Li An is ashamed not to be, this is our duty to be a subordinate." Li An stood up when he heard the words, bowing his hands.

  "You will be rewarded if you have done something, and you will be punished if you have done something. This is the reward you deserve." Li Fushou waved his hand indifferently.

This Changchun Garden cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, and it took thousands of craftsmen to build it for 4 years. Every year, the accountant allocates more than 100,000 pounds for engineering expenses, and finally built a Changchun that is comparable to the Gusu Garden. garden.

  As long as the wife can live satisfactorily, all the expenses are worth it.

  The many butlers worked hard and each had their own rewards, especially the construction manager Li Ang the most rewarded. After everyone thanked and thanked them, they left cheerfully, leaving only Chen Shiheng, the chief accountant, and other inquiries.

   "Shiheng, what can you say." After taking a sip of tea, Li Fushou put the tea cup on the table, raised his eyes and looked at Chen Shiheng and said lightly.

  Chen Shiheng replied in a respectful voice; “Return to the master, the public expenditures attributable to the internal accounts are listed according to the budget at the beginning of the year, and there is no major change for the time being.

  There are several increases or decreases in the regular expenses attributable to the private treasury of the inner account, please report them one by one.

The first item is the expenditure of the Young Eagle Plan. Compared with the same period of the previous year, it has increased by about 23%, reaching the level of 84,000 pounds per month. It is expected that there will be a small increase in the remaining months of this year, and the annual expenditure will slightly exceed the level of one million pounds. .

This change stems from the fact that "Guangjitang" went deep into the mainland of China and cooperated with immigration agencies to increase immigration introduction. More schools and branches were set up in the mainland, and more orphaned children were adopted. The annual number of more than 330,000 people increased to 427,000, and the adoption age was further relaxed to 10 years old, and an additional expenditure was added.

  The plan reported by Guangjitang contains relevant review approval documents, complete procedures, and conforms to the grand strategy of immigration promoted by the master. The internal accounting office should be allocated funds according to regulations, which is one of them.

The second item is the new round of fleet expansion plan reported by the Coast Guard. After the master’s approval, the plan will begin construction of the 3,600-ton "Brave"-class light cruiser in the next year, at the beginning of 1887. There are a total of 12 class ships, which are planned to be completed in 4 years.

  According to the plan

The "Brave" class light cruiser is an ocean-going escort-type high-speed cruiser. It is planned to be equipped with two twin-mounted 280 mm long barrel main guns, one in the bow and one in the stern, arranged along the central axis, with high-free outboard bows. In response to complex sea conditions, multiple compartments are used, and the armor belt design is strengthened to increase the sinking resistance of the main battleship.

This class of ship is equipped with 4 150mm secondary guns, 6 95mm Miss Australia secondary guns, 8 37mm French Haqiikes rapid-fire cannons, two triple-mounted torpedo tubes, a design speed of 26 knots, and the planned construction unit price is 245,500 pounds, the entire ship construction plan amounts to 3 million pounds.

  According to the 4-year plan period, the annual expenditure scale is about 750,000 pounds. It is planned to start construction from the beginning of January 1887.

  At present, the ship design work and related initial preparations have begun. The winning bidder is a consortium of Red River Shipyard and Australian Four Seas Shipyard with strong production technology. The initial expenses will be paid from the second fiscal quarter of 1886.

  According to the project budget

In the second fiscal quarter, a preparation fee of 26,000 pounds was allocated, 71,500 pounds in the third fiscal quarter, and 220,000 pounds in the fourth fiscal quarter for project design, processing equipment and shipyard renovation, preliminary material preparation, and import of marine steam machinery, etc. expenditure.

  The third item is the Jinshui River Basin Development Project.

  After the preliminary advancement of the project, the foundation of two new towns has been initially established, which will be used as a colonization base for further development step by step.

  After in-depth surveys by hydrological experts, more than 170 kilometers of the Jinshui River and Yushui River related river sections need to be dredged, strengthened along the banks and dams, removed the water accumulated in the swamp for thousands of years, and improved into fertile land.

  Relevant costs are increased in the later period and are not included in the original budget. However, it is imperative to dredge and strengthen the inland waterway. This has become a roadblock in the in-depth development plan of the Jinshui River Basin, which is realistic and urgent.

Nangong Yunfei, the commander-in-chief of the Jinshui River Basin Development, reported a detailed budget and passed the review of the budget committee. He planned to launch the colonial community to work together to reduce financial pressure through unpaid labor, calculate related materials, transportation and necessary costs, and try to reduce the total cost. Expenses still reach the scale of 260,000 pounds, which is expected to be completed in one and a half years.

  The development of the Jinshui River Basin is a colonization project in addition to public financial expenditures. Most of the funds for the project are allocated by the private treasury of Lord Earl. There is no budget for public financial expenditures, so you can only ask the master to make a ruling. "

   "Well, these are all necessary expenses, and the money spent is spent." Li Fushou said with a slight chin, his slender fingers tapped the tabletop lightly, and he said in a deep thought;

  "Immigration plan is the core content of the entire economic development, especially the young eagle plan is the most important thing. It concerns more than 400,000 orphans. Don't be afraid to spend money in this regard.

In-depth immigration is the general trend. Guangjitang has done a good job in this area. The relevant work must be supported. Funding should go through the procedures as soon as possible. It will be in place in the shortest time, and the time will be long... I am afraid that Zhu Wei will not be able to open the pot. .

  As for the second Coast Guard shipbuilding plan, this is also a compromise plan formed after repeated deliberations. Funds are allocated according to the fiscal quarter, and attention should be paid to strengthen the review and supervision afterwards.

  The third item of the Jinshui River Basin project overruns is a development problem. With the deepening of the expansion and development of the area, similar problems have been one after another, and there are still many places to spend money.

For such development problems, we can’t just think about funding from my treasury. I bet that the river section that needs to be dredged and reinforced is more than 170 kilometers. It may be repaired more and more. There are other unexpected situations. An inevitable problem in colonization.

A river is to be dredged today, a tunnel is to be opened tomorrow, a road is to be built the day after tomorrow, and a few bridges are to be built in a few days. Raise funds and materials, try to use local materials to reduce expenses. "

  Speaking of which

  Li Fushou paused for a moment, and ordered with a more serious tone;

"The dredging of the relevant main channel can be part of the payment, um... it is limited to 150,000 pounds, and the funds will be allocated in the remaining three fiscal quarters of this year. Other costs and materials required let Nangong Yunfei find a way. He also needs some pressure and can't count on this to solve the problem for him.

  It is necessary to raise funds through multiple channels, such as using market methods to obtain bank loans with the tax of future new towns as collateral to solve part of the urgent need for funds.

You can order dredging ships and engineering ships at the shipyard, and set up a special dredging ship fleet. The Jinshui River Basin is characterized by a well-developed water network and numerous main and tributary streams, but it is fragmented by the terrain of the mountains and rivers. In the future, projects in this area will not There will be less, so you must plan ahead and do your work first, so you can save a lot of money.

  To mobilize private financing, Queensland’s economic development now drives a large number of people to become rich. These people are not short of money, but lack of investment.

  In addition, the immigrants in the Jinshui River Basin cannot only enjoy preferential policies, but must pay unpaid labor. A series of policies can be formulated based on this, and work more and less, less work and less, and no hard work, thus inspiring the enthusiasm for colonization of immigrants.

  In short, there are many ways. The so-called one-person plan, short-term plan, and convey my words to Nangong Yunfei. If you only know that you can reach out and ask for money, what is the use of him as the development director? Do you eat dry rice? "

  Li Fushou’s final tone was already very severe. The scared Chen Shiheng quickly stood up and bowed in response, with a cold sweat on his back; “The master’s instruction is that all humble duties must be conveyed.”

   "Hmph, this Nangong Yunfei really doesn't know what to say." Li Fushou commented coldly.

  Chen Shiheng stood aside respectfully and did not dare to answer. He knew that Lord Earl had a bad impression of Nangong Yunfei. If he could not seize this last opportunity, he might have a terrible future.

  The capable ones go up, the mediocre ones go down.

  This is Hongbao’s consistent principle of employing people. Sitting in an important position in charge of one party, but the ability cannot match, the most likely thing is to be transferred back to do some prescriptive work, and it is no longer possible to release the sole authority.

If Nangong Yunfei does not have a stunning performance, he can basically declare the end of his official career. It is impossible to go to the upper level of the Red Fort core. At most, he will be transferred back to be a deputy director of the secretariat, responsible for some insignificant group rooms, or transferred to a certain office. As a deputy, the functional office is almost lucky.


The administrative mechanism of the Red Fort is very efficient. It comes from the sense of urgency in the hearts of the ruling officials. There is always great pressure on them. No one dares to slack off. Lord Earl doesn’t want to rub the sand and fool things for a while. It's okay, it will show up after a long time.

  The so-called; who slips what bird.

  The ruling style of the superior determines the overall ruling style of Red Fort. Li Fushou has always been diligent in politics, good at thinking, good at discovering and solving problems, and possessing pioneering thinking that ordinary people can’t keep up with, and his vision is extremely broad.

  The competent talents he cultivated personally, the ability is at least the top choice, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the earl’s law, and it is impossible to cultivate talents by heart. Isn’t it a waste of effort?

  (End of this chapter)

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