Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 511: School

  Chapter 511 Examination

After several consecutive days of seminars, Li Fushou was dizzy and ended his private meeting with German professor Neuhaus-Müller. After learning about his plan, Li Fushou gave him a high degree of affirmation and then sent him very politely. Leave.

  Treat these experts and professors, the Earl of Queensland has always placed a relatively low figure and respected them.

  Queensland has formed a good social atmosphere of respecting knowledge, valuing talents, and R&D. This is inseparable from Li Fushou’s words and deeds. The so-called so-called good at the top, the bottom will be effective, this is particularly obvious.

  After returning

  Li Fushou walked crookedly and came to the room temporarily assigned to the secretariat staff. Tian Shan, Li Sizhong, Li Sixian, Li Siren, Li Siyi, Shi Changfu and other secretaries immediately stood up to greet them and said in unison; "I wait to welcome the master."

   "Nothing serious, just come and have a look, you guys sit down."

  Li Fushou waved his hand, walked to the edge of the chair and sat down at random, beckoning everyone to sit down and talk.

  "Thank you, Lord, for giving your seat." After the crowd answered politely, they sat down one by one.

  This was originally their own chair, but the secretaries weren't as casual as they were sitting at the beginning. They all straightened their upper bodies, leaned their hands on their knees, and sat only half of their buttocks, respectfully waiting for the master's words.

  Li Fushou is also accustomed to this pie;

  You tell him to relax a little bit. It will be like this again after a while. It's useless to say anything, it's only for them.

  For a long time, once his subordinates behave lazily in front of him, Li Fushou is not used to it. He feels a little uncomfortable. Isn't it strange?

"During this period of time, everyone has come to Mozambique and have seen many places, learned about the human geography here, and have a rough idea about it, and may also have some opinions about this place. I just want to know your impressions of this place. Don’t have your own thinking?"

  Li Fushou threw a topic, and several secretaries all started to think about it. How to answer it to get the appreciation of the master?

  "Master, let me just start with a few words?" Tian Shan held his fist and respected his hand. He was the principal here, and the first answer was his unwillingness.

   "Okay, let's talk about it briefly. Just talk about it."

"In reply to the master, I think Mozambique is a treasure of Queensland bestowed by God. Before I came here, I didn’t know that Africa still has such a good place. The climate is pleasant and the aquatic plants are beautiful. The temperature may be slightly higher, but the large plains here are broader and more fertile, especially the lower delta region is particularly suitable for growing rice. The average maximum temperature in the southern region is 19 or 20 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature in the northern region is 26 degrees Celsius, with plenty of sunshine. , Three-cooking a year is no problem. This is the staple food of the Chinese. With the industrious and ingenious Chinese immigrants, they can make countless tricks. It is simply a heavenly choice, and there is no deep North-South contradiction. It is worthy of deepening. Develop and build this place into a paradise for Chinese immigrants not inferior to Australia."

  "Well, we can really ask for anything here. This land is a blank drawing board, and it will certainly present a prosperous and beautiful scene in the future. I have no doubt about this."

Tian Shan’s answer was quite satisfactory. Li Fushou followed his comments and grinned at this point. He was very satisfied with the progress of African colonization and continued; “Actually, I have doubts about this place before the site visit. Unexpectedly, the forest coverage here exceeds 60%. The plains and streams are crisscrossed and lush green. What is especially commendable is the pleasant climate. It is neither as cold as South Africa in the south nor as hot as Mozambique in the north. No wonder the British I have been looking at this place, my eyes are too poisonous."

   "Congratulations, sir, for being able to put this treasure in the bag."

   "Ha ha ha... I promise you good words."

   "Master, I want to say something..." Li Siren raised his hand to speak.

   "Okay, let's talk about it."

  Li Siren paused for a while in a serious manner, and said after organizing the language;

  "Return to the master;

  Recently, I read the map carefully and did some homework in private. My understanding of Africa has changed from ignorance to clarity, and I feel that I have benefited a lot.

From the perspective of Humbleman, Africa is a nearly primitive and undeveloped continent. There are no more than 10 indigenous kingdoms that can be called modern, including Ethiopia, which borders Somalia, including Egypt and Libya, and the Kingdom of Madagascar and South Africa across the Mozambique Strait. , Other vast areas are still in a semi-primitive state, and the local indigenous kingdoms do not even have clear boundaries.

  The power of Europe, America and Queensland has entered here and is facing a huge development opportunity.

  Look on the map

The whole Africa has two huge green lungs. One is the Congo River Basin, which covers an area of ​​3.7 million square kilometers in Central Africa. The 2 million square kilometers of the essence area now belongs to the territory of His Majesty the King of Belgium. It is called the "Free State of Congo". Great place without compromise.

  The other is the middle and lower reaches of the Zambezi River basin with a drainage area of ​​more than one million square kilometers. It is now the land of Lord Earl.

  Both areas have common characteristics. They have developed river branches, abundant water, rich resources, high forest coverage, and pleasant climate, which are suitable for human survival and development.

  Compared with Shangri-La Island, I think Mozambique is more suitable for investment and human development. The reasons are as follows:

  One is what the Lord Earl said, here is a blank drawing board, you can let Queensland freely splatter the ink and build it into the beautiful home you want, so I won’t repeat it here.

Second, the region is a continent after all. From the perspective of geopolitics and international influence, Africa will surely become a hunting ground for European and American countries in the future. Competition and compromise are the eternal theme. This is a stage where powers come on stage, not Shangri-La. Such a one-man show is far more important than other overseas territories, and its influence in the region will certainly be reflected in the international community. This is very important for Queensland.

   Third, the humanistic environment developed here is more friendly.

For example, comparing the two overseas territories of Borneo and Shangri-La, Borneo is hotter and raging with tropical diseases, especially the low-lying terrain of Central Sumatra, and the flooding situation is more serious. With the exception of a few areas, the further development of most areas is quite difficult. .

  Shangri-La also has such hidden dangers. In areas with heavy rainfall, the average annual rainfall reaches 5,000 to 6,000 mm, which is almost every three to five rains. Areas with less rainfall are generally on plateaus above 1,500 meters above sea level.

  The plateau platform has relatively little arable land, presenting chaotic and fragmented mountain valleys, and the development needs to invest in capital and energy. This is especially obvious in the development of the Jinshui River Basin.

These problems do not exist in Mozambique, especially the vast plains with an area of ​​300,000 square kilometers downstream. The development cost is relatively small, which is extremely suitable for large-scale continuous development. If the initial rations and housing problems of immigrants can be solved, 1 million immigrants a year None of the above is a problem.

  Especially gratifying is that there are millions of indigenous black residents here. They can build roads, towns, piers, and embankments for the colonization. It is simply a gift from God. If you don’t hold it firmly in your hand, it can be described as a violent thing.

  Finally add one more point

  The Kingdom of Madagascar, which the master has always liked, is on the other side of the strait, and the Mozambique region is built. That island country is the meat in our mouths, and we can eat it whenever we want.

  Humble opinion of the humble job has been published, please criticize and correct me, master. "

  Li Siren stood up and bowed respectfully, then sat on the stool with his hips half-buttocked, placing his hands on his knees and waiting quietly.

  The expressions of several other secretaries collapsed; man, you have finished talking by yourself, and we have nothing to say.

Li Fushou's slender fingers tapped the seat handle lightly, and his eyes carefully examined Li Siren. This is a young man of medium stature, 26 years old, an outstanding student from the Young Eagle School, graduated from the History Department of Honghe Valley University, and worked in a local township. In three years, the performance appraisal is the upper class.

  This young secretary usually seldom talks and is not amazing. He didn’t expect that there is still something in his belly. What’s more rare is that he has a high intention to look at problems and can analyze pros and cons from an international geopolitical perspective. This is commendable.

good, very good.

"Tian Shan."

   "Master, please give orders."

  "This Li Siren will serve as your assistant in the future, share more daily work, don't be afraid, he will be exhausted, young people...just do more things, experience more, and naturally broaden your horizons."

   "Follow the master's instructions." Tian Shan knew that this lucky guy had entered the master's eyes, and gave Li Siren a quick wink. Why not hurry up and thank you?

Li Siren was hit by great happiness. At this time, the joyful mood almost gushed out from his chest, and his head was dizzy. He didn't react until the look of the boss at his head passed over, and he quickly stood up and fists with both hands and fists to the ground; "Thank you for your cultivation, Siren... Siren can only repay by knotting the grass."

   "Get up, everyone has the opportunity, but you were lucky enough to seize it."

  Li Fushou stood up, and everyone else quickly stood up. Li Fushou glanced around, and the others bowed their heads in shame.

  There was an extremely precious opportunity in front of him, but he watched it slip away. This huge psychological gap really made people regretful and mad.

  Tian Shan is the deputy director of the Secretariat, and his assistant is the assistant to the deputy director. After a few years of work, he may be promoted to the deputy director.

  Compared with the status of a first-level secretary today, it is really shining and has a promising future.

  Li Fushou, of course, knew that their psychological activities had suffered a huge blow, but they could not speak to comfort them. This kind of psychological gap needed to be adjusted by themselves. Those who could not get out were not qualified to stay in the Secretariat and continue to work.

   "Okay, keep working hard."

  He walked out of the house with his hands behind his back. The secretaries in the house bowed and saw him off under the leadership of Tian Shan, saying, "I'm waiting for the master..."


  Li Fushou faintly replied, and walked out of the house a few steps with long legs, turned the corner and disappeared, leaving only the secretaries in their hearts and Li Siren who was still intoxicated with great joy.

  (End of this chapter)

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