Authentic Magic Gate

Chapter 690: : Rolling flow (2)

Lonely Demon God, the demon domain that is good at is the magic domain of forbidden law. The master of the peak wiped out Ye Ting's Thousand Lights, although it was shocked and brilliant, he exerted the power of the law in the spell to the extreme. Lei Guang flew, which made people feel a sense of despair.

Ye Ting's Qinglian fairy robe fluttered, and dozens of huge butterflies flew behind her head. It looked really mysterious. His power of thunder came from behind Lei Box. The thunder power in the thunder box serves as an introduction, attracting the vitality of the surrounding world, and easily completing the lightning method of the condensed lightning of Xiao Zhutian.

The use of mine box in this way is not the use of permanent equipment. It will definitely be damaged. If you go back to repair it, it will also reduce the life. But Ye Ting is rich and can fight.

Besides, the original intention of Ye Ting was to consume this mine box, which was to prepare for tens of thousands of years of war. This kind of small damage in the ring competition can repair itself without returning to the minefield. If he didn't have this ability, he would have advanced into the virtual realm.

The three primordial gods each control a kind of Lei Yin, which is Ye Ting's unique method. The Daomen Sanlei Seal, the Demon Gate Sanlei Seal, and the Buddha Gate Sanlei Seal, the foundation of this kind of Xiaotiantian Lei Seal will not change.

Only with him like this, Yuanshen can simulate the laws of the other two religions, in order to smoothly control the combination of Lei Yin of Xiao Zhutian.

Suppressing the Devil's Green Lotus, and splitting the three gods of the gods. Ye Ting's practice is not irreproducible. It's just that the newcomers want to reach his level. In addition to the invincible Yuanshen at the beginning, they have to obtain it directly from the demon Qinglian seeds will do.

Ye Ting doesn't have this ability now, only the Lord of Stars and Starfish can do it.

To a certain extent, Ye Ting is unique. It is not impossible for later generations to follow suit, but it lacks causality. First of all, you have to reincarnate a virtual monk, forget the past. Then plant the seeds of the demon green lotus in the soul, let this kind of seed take root and germinate, protecting the Yuanshen who lost memory to grow up step by step.

How many difficulties and obstacles are there? Almost every step is a robbery.

Ye Ting learned too much in the battle. Looking back at his past and future, in his thunder. There is also a special taste, a bit like Qinglian sword song, telling his understanding of the law.

Lord Na Feng was still calm, but his heart was suffering because he couldn't find any way to fight back.

Ye Ting did not go all out, but was suppressing him, making him unable to fight back. When he was about to fight back, Thunderlight became extremely dense. Strike off his counterattack.

He dispelled the illusions with a powerful magic heart, but under the ring, in the eyes of the infant monk, the thunder light released by Ye Ting gradually condensed into three Thunder giants, holding the Thunder Warhammer, and madly bombarded the Lord.

The three Thunder giants, with the seamless, thunder light disillusion almost seamlessly.

The battle situation was passed back to the Qifeng. Most of the Master Feng regretted that they should not challenge Ye Ting, the huge butterflies controlled by Ye Ting. Obviously it is in line with his thunder tactics. This is almost an unsolvable problem. Unless his primordial spirit is much stronger than Ye Ting and his equipment is strong enough to reach the bottom of ignoring Lei Fa, he can break through Ye Ting Lei Fa blockade.

This is still the case where Ye Ting's tactics do not change. Now Ye Ting is blindly blocking and has not launched a killing attack.

A small Zhutian thunder ban method made Ye Ting directly famous on Jin'ao Island. At least half of the peak masters think they are not as good as Ye Ting. In the other half, most of them lost their confidence.

Master Li Feng of the 138th Qifeng. Although the ranking is at the end, it can be a lonely devil. It's really something to restrain Leifa. Everyone knows that Master Li Feng counterattacked for the first time, and they could not destroy tens of thousands of lightnings with one finger.

Lord Na Feng was persecuted by Ye Ting, not angry, but calmly prepared all the spells he knew, and then was interrupted by Ye Ting one by one.

If it was a battle with the dead outside, he would have given up a very long way to fight a dead net. Now the master of this peak finds that his spell operation is not jerky because of frequent interruptions, but it is getting smoother and there are vague signs of improvement. This is not a trivial matter. When his disciple Bai Mochou played against Shangguanding, it was a textbook, but there were still many problems in his eyes.

Now he played against Ye Ting and found his own problems, and each round of the attack has improved. Not to mention losing a sapphire rune, even if he loses ten, he will not be distressed.

Suddenly he sent a message to Ye Ting, saying: "Can I pass on what I got today to my disciples?"

Of course, what he said was some secrets seen in Ye Ting. Naturally, there is no need to ask Ye Ting. He asked a question, saying that he inherited Ye Ting's feelings.

"It's fine above the true story." Ye Ting replied.

The chief surnamed Li Feng screamed, the spell in his hand suddenly became fierce, but it was he who used his secret secret to forcibly break through Ye Ting's blockade, and the two sides' fierce attack became fierce.

Ye Ting's Leifa has been unable to completely block the opponent's shot, but he still has time to break it halfway.

"Two more hours, I have a gratitude!" Li Feng said, this time the whole ring is upset around, this is to admit defeat, openly expressed his own combat ability is not as good as Ye Ting.

The victory and defeat have been determined, but Lord Li Feng will fight again, willing to pay the price.

Lord Li Feng knows that it is critical now. Even if he comes to Ye Ting to ask for advice in the future, it may not have the effect today. This is a chance. With this battle, not only is the fighting power increasing, but there are signs of breakthrough.

He also knew that Ye Ting was consuming resources in such a fight, so he offered to give Ye Ting compensation. Ye Ting was not good to refuse, not to mention playing against this Li Feng master, he was not without gain.

Master Li Feng's spell balance has reached a level. As long as he neglects a little, any of the five elements of the spell will become the main attack. This is the first time Ye Ting has seen this style of play.

Usually people who know everything will be sparse, but Master Li Feng has practiced the five elements spell to a truly balanced state. If Master Li Feng grows up, this style of play will crush monks who don't know how many equal states.

At the same time, Lord Li Feng is also a wonderful person. He publicly admits that it is good to fight against Ye Ting. Then the leader who challenged Ye Ting naturally will not have the same experience. Try to gain some benefits from Ye Ting.

And Li Feng said this publicly, it is impossible for others to take advantage of nothing. He spent a lot of money himself, but he also attracted Ye Ting, even if the two sides had a friendship.

Under the face of the cold and expressionless expression of Lord Li Feng, a magic heart is exquisite.

Ye Ting and the master Li Feng used his spell to fight for more than two hours before Master Li Feng accepted the defeat. Ye Ting wanted to return to his cave, but was pulled by Master Li Feng and said, "Brother Ye, there is nothing left or right. Why not go to see me?"

Most of these virtual realms are advanced after the change in Kyushu, and their seniority is similar to that of Ye Ting.

Ye Ting thought for a while and said, "Alright, I just read the information of Jin'ao Island. The language is unclear. I have to ask my brother for details."

Master Li Feng laughed, flew up with Ye Ting, and went straight to his own Qifeng.

After seeing Ye Ting pass the first difficulty, the owner of Jinao Island stopped communicating with his disciples normally and stopped paying attention. Ye Ting followed Li Feng to a snow-covered mountain. Lord Li Feng landed. There was a building community at the foot of the mountain. The long courtyard wall was meandering and undulating. In front of a moon gate, several monks greeted him and called him Master.

"This is Lord Ye Feng, your uncle." Lord Li Feng introduced it, and gave Ye Ting the names of several disciples, the realm in detail. These are disciples who have entered the room. In the future, if they walk outside and fight, if they have friendship, Ye Ting will take care of them.

Lord Li Feng took Ye Ting to the snow mountain and entered his cave house.

His cave house is somewhat peculiar. Within a space of three thousand miles, it is a huge city, and the style of this city is somewhat like the Fengxing area controlled by Ye Ting. Tall buildings, various metal rails, large vehicles propelled by the fire attribute, and various environments modified by the lowest-level spells.

The number of mortals living in the city is huge, which is different from Ye Ting's cognition. He doesn't know why this is the case in Li Feng's cave.

Lord Li Feng invited Ye Ting to come to his house. It was a huge building with a height of hundreds of feet. Lord Li Feng asked Ye Ting to sit in the living room, opposite the huge crystal window, overlooking half the city.

"Brother Ye, how am I here?" Master Li Feng handed a bottle of wine to Ye Ting. He also took a bottle and leaned on a large leather chair. He did not ask Ye Ting to drink. He took a sip.

"Interestingly, by observing the lowest level of power, you can control your most delicate balance." Ye Ting said the key to Li Feng's practice.

"It's not difficult to join, how difficult it is to get along. The people in the Daomen are hypocritical. I really like to deal with mortals. I have to invest, and I can't break the magic heart. The key is the mystery of my practice."

"Most people will think that the gain is not worth the gain ~ ~ Ye Tingdao.

"Yes, mortal life is a hundred years, and many experiences are like Baiju's gaps, too short, and almost meaningless. Shouyuan, a virtual monk, is usually more than one million years old. The monk of the Three Disasters, Shou Yuan is almost equivalent to the world. But only the short-term, the strong. "

"Only for a short time, can there be heroism?"

"Mortal people are controlled by seven emotions and six desires. In just a hundred years, encounters are often worth tens of thousands of our monks. We have practiced in the cave house for decades, and mortals have already experienced birth and death. So when needed, mortals Will make choices that our monks could never make. "

"It makes sense." Ye Ting opened the bottle and sniffed. The spirit in this bottle was extremely toxic. However, this toxin is very clean and does not hurt the soul. If this toxin can be extracted, the cost will certainly not be low.

"I invited Brother Ye to come over, mainly to thank Brother Fang Cai for giving me a face, and to accompany me for more than two hours, which was consumed, and the brother also knew that the brother was not rich in money, but some special materials were not available to others. Yes, please ask your brother to come over and bring something back to him. If there is something special for him, just exchange a little bit here and communicate with each other. "(To be continued.)

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