“BOSS! Nope! You personally went down to conduct an experiment or something…”

At the entrance of the test site, Bai Ze dragged several researchers on his legs, and they were using their lives to prevent Bai Ze from entering the experimental site.

It’s no wonder, after all, this will be nearly 1,400 times, rounding up to hundreds of millions of experiments but only get the results of the explosion, any person with a little brain will not let a living person to conduct the experiment.

“Stop pulling it! My pants are about to be torn by you! If you don’t let go, I’ll let you all go to the playground!” ”

Maybe these researchers still want some face in their hearts, and the power of pulling Bai Ze’s pants is less, but the whole person still hangs on Bai Ze’s legs and refuses to come down.

“Okay, I’m just going to look at the parts, I’m not shooting, okay?”

Bai Ze really couldn’t help this group of researchers with some tendons, so he had to promise that they would never stand on the shooting position, so he took off these leg pendants.

Walking to the pile of parts that had just been produced, Bai Ze recalled the process of disassembling and installing the Ring Star rifle before, and his outstretched hands bounced out like a spirit snake out of a hole, and quickly found out the parts he needed from the pile of parts, and within a few seconds, a brand new firearm was born in Bai Ze’s hands.

Flipping the gun in his hand, Bai Ze found that the gun in his hand was not much worse than the gun of Circle Star, but why did it explode as soon as it was shot?

Comparing this new gun with a prototype firearm, and comparing all the previous explosion records, Bai Ze found that most of the explosion sites occurred at the moment when the sub-ejection was ejected.

“A few of you, try pressing the chamber a few more layers. I suspect that the chamber is not enough to withstand it. ”

Several experimenters followed Bai Ze’s instructions suspiciously and sent a batch of gun chamber parts processed according to Bai Ze’s requirements.

Bai Ze quickly completed the disassembly and assembly work, and then handed over the obviously larger gun to the experimental robot.


Under the operation of the experimenter, the robot lifted the rifle towards the range and pulled the trigger.


“Boom ————!”

This time the experiment was barely successful, and the impact point in the shooting range turned into slag within a radius of eight meters, but unfortunately, this firearm installed by Bai Ze was covered in white smoke, and it was almost impossible to see.

“Alas, it seems that the strength of metal on the earth is still not enough, and it may not be enough to completely restore the maximum power of firearms…”

Bai Ze’s heart turned a few thoughts, such as directly robbing the weapons of the Ring Star Army back, or using his points to buy some technology and the like.

Just thinking of this, Bai Ze shook his head and took this out of his mind.

I can’t find hemp for my wife.

Since this power cannot be completely restored, wouldn’t it be good not to use the maximum power?

Bai Ze clapped his hands and told the group of researchers his thoughts, and as a result, their eyes lit up and said yes one after another.

As a result, under normal circumstances, there are very few failures, and a new pulse rifle that can blow up a radius of eight meters when fighting was born in Bai Ze’s brain hole and the hands of researchers.

This rifle can not only use normal gunpowder bullets, but also shoot energy bullets by changing energy blocks. When in crisis, it can also cause a large explosion by overloading the firearm and shooting the energy of an entire energy block at once. Conversely, once the firearm is overloaded, it takes eight hours for the firearm to cool down completely before it can be used again.

After the gun was researched, Bai Ze originally wanted to call it a pulse rifle, but the researchers suddenly committed Wen Qing’s disease, saying that this name was too common, and Bai Ze had to think of a code name for it or something.

Bai Ze was distressed for a while, and simply used the name of the hunting team and put the name of “Delta” on the body of this rifle.

Not long after, a Marine team equipped with “Delta” rifles infiltrated the battlefield where the Mist Branch forces and Tren’s strength clashed, guarding behind the Mist Branch Magic Squad like a spirit behind it, clearing the traces of activity for the three magical girls. At the same time, this Marine team also played against the team that specifically targeted the magic team a few times, although there were victories and defeats against each other, but because of their efforts, the magic team was still calling the wind and rain on the battlefield, but this is another story.

Temporarily putting aside the issue of the power of firearms, Bai Ze left the institute.

“I don’t know what Solomon asked, so I’ll go over there and see how things go.”

After saying that, Bai Ze turned around and disappeared, and at this time, Anna, who heard that Bai Ze came to the research institute, hurried to the research institute.

Anna, who did not see Bai Ze, was a little disappointed, but seeing the new weapons developed by Bai Ze, she immediately thought about how to make the most of these new weapons.

Bai Ze, who didn’t know that Anna came to find her, returned to Dumbaron, and as Bai Ze expected, this guy Solomon was already standing at the city gate with a smile on his face waiting for him.

“Welcome to my Lord! I waited for luck and had already pried open the mouths of those two captives! ”

“Is it? Solomon, you did a good job. ”

Bai Ze praised, and then saw Solomon so excited that he directly pumped over.

Helplessly pinching Solomon’s people to wake him up, Bai Ze was about to let go, but Solomon came again and said, “My Lord actually touched me and waited for me, it can be said that he died without regrets” and then pulled it again.

Reluctantly, Bai Ze had to carry Solomon to Julia’s house, threw Solomon on the carpet, and waited for Julia’s pharmacist to wake up Solomon while drinking tea.

Watching the medicine man expressionlessly take out a large handful of mint leaves, knead them, squeeze out the juice, put it in a container, put it under Solomon’s nose, and heat it up with fire.

Steam came out of the container and burrowed into Solomon’s wide open nostrils.

“Whew… Suck…… Ahem! ”

After a violent cough, Solomon opened his eyes and saw the medicine man who had spat on his own face.

The medicine master took out a wet cloth and wiped his face expressionlessly, and after packing up his things, he muttered something in his mouth and walked out.

Solomon and Julia did not hear it, but Bai Ze heard it clearly, and the medicine man muttered something from his mouth: “Don’t fall into my hands next time, if you don’t let you have diarrhea to collapse, I won’t be a pharmacist.” ”

It seems that people from other worlds are quite personal.

In short, now that Solomon is awake, Bai Ze can finally ask the two captives what news they revealed.

Solomon saluted Bai Ze and looked up and said.

“My Lord! The enemy is on the moon! “_

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