The live broadcast made everyone realize the horror of monsters, and also showed the strength of the superpower. Some announcements began to appear in society looking for superpowers, and ordinary people who don’t want to become superhumans after learning about superpowers?

Countless rich people spend a lot of money to invite the supernatural to appear, and some of the supernatural who are not doing well, that is, the contestants, will naturally not miss this opportunity and can change their lives at once.

For a while, society began to change.

began to accept the existence of the supernatural, and at the same time, many people learned about the crazy war, and naturally began to investigate this matter, and at the same time cultivated new people to strengthen themselves.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Bai Ze, and what Bai Ze has to do now is to travel through the world!

After getting this ability, he has been plotting this matter.

Why conspire? Because he doesn’t let others know, once he knows, he will definitely worry about whether something will happen to him, and he is likely to follow him to another world. If you go together, Bai Ze will worry that the strength of the people around him is not enough, and if he is alone, he can solve the problem when encountered.

After all, crises are everywhere and opportunities at the same time.

However, the opportunity Bai Ze will help them find, and the crisis can be blocked by itself.

In Bai Ze’s room, there were a lot of miscellaneous things in front of him.

“Eat, there you go. Quilt, there you have. Water, there you have. Tents, there you have. Kitchenware, there you have. Life-saving tools, there you have. Antibiotics, there you have. Well, that’s pretty much it. Bai Ze looked at a large number of things in front of him, and his face showed seriousness.

This trip has to take into account all aspects, after all, no one knows what the other world is like. Although Bai Ze has a strong strength support, it does not mean that he can do whatever he wants.

Caution is king.

“Ready.” Bai Ze grinned, put on his backpack and began to prepare for the crossing.

Close your eyes and feel your ability, instantly feel the white light appear in your field of vision, suddenly open your eyes and suddenly see the starry sky.

Groove! How did I run the universe here?!

Bai Ze looked around in disbelief with wide eyes, quickly checking that there was something wrong with his body.

Then Bai Ze looked around in confusion, as if he did not have the slightest discomfort in the universe, except for holding his breath and being a little unaccustomed, there was nothing wrong with it.

So it seems that I have been able to survive in a vacuum? What a great look.

Bai Ze sat cross-legged in the vacuum, letting himself float away.

The situation around him made him feel speechless, and there was no planet around him that could land, which meant that this crossing failed. Arrived at a planet with living things, came to a world of locations.

Continue crossing.

Bai Ze used the ability to cross again and disappeared in place in an instant.

The next moment, when Bai Ze opened his eyes, a crimson meteor came towards him.

Groove! How is there a shooting star!!

Bai Ze was shocked at that time, clenched his fist and blasted directly forward.

Bump – boom——!!

The pop with no end in sight was directly blasted to pieces by a punch!

Space shook, and it was hard to believe that the universe could actually vibrate.

And Bai Ze was really scared, and if he wanted his strong strength to support, I am afraid that he would have been cold for a long time.

Sure enough, it is dangerous to cross the world, fortunately I didn’t take them with me, otherwise I would really suffer.

Adjusting his mood, Bai Ze once again used the crossing skill.


This time it was not as dark as before, but very bright. Bai Ze opened his eyes and looked around, only to see that the surrounding trees were very dense, and there was a sound of metal hitting between the trees.

“Whew… Finally arrived where there is life. Can I go back? Bai Ze felt his own world, and then found that he could go back anytime, anywhere.

“It is worthy of the ability to travel through the world, you can move anytime and anywhere, as long as the world you have been to can go back in an instant.”

Bai Ze smiled, feeling more and more interesting. Isn’t it time to be a businessman?

Thinking of this, Bai Ze has a feeling of playing games, role-playing or something is still very interesting.

At this time, the sound of metal impact on the side became more and more powerful, and it had appeared in the woods beside Bai Ze.

“Something close?” Bai Ze looked to the side suspiciously.

At this time, two people wearing armor and holding long swords came to fight. The speed of the two is fast, and each confrontation will provoke a spark of impact.

The two men who fought had fiery red hair, a man and a woman, and the two looked very similar.

Sibling? Or siblings?

Bai Ze looked at the two in front of him strangely, although the two were fighting but not murderous, they were obviously fighting.

“Hello.” Bai Ze asked politely after the two appeared.

The two were suddenly startled when they heard this, and then looked at Bai Ze with wide eyes and surprise.

“%……?” The other party issued an unknown language, so Bai Ze looked confused.

Immediately the direct system mall exchanged language proficiency, instantly understood.

“Who are you and how did you end up here?” The man looked at Bai Ze with a wary face, and his tone was nervous.

Bai Ze smiled and said, “I’m a passing businessman, where is this?” ”

“Where? Are you kidding? The man looked at Bai Ze with a solemn expression, as if he was looking at some enemy.

Now Bai Ze was a little curious, how did the other party know that he was lying?

“That’s strange, why do you think I’m lying?” Bai Ze looked at the two in front of him curiously and asked.

The girl on the side immediately sneered when she heard this: “Are you laughing at us? You appeared in the martial arts practice ground of our Sword Saint Family, why do you think we believe your nonsense? ”

“Huh?! Your home?! Bai Ze was shocked when he heard this, and quickly looked around, and suddenly found a metal gate far away.

Groove, is your home so big?!

Calculating the distance, Bai Ze suddenly had the feeling of seeing a local tyrant. You must know that the Lawrence family on the other side of the earth is not presumptuous with them, and Lawrence will buy a castle at most. As a result, a martial arts training ground in their house is the size of a football field…

“Less nonsense! What the hell are you guy! If you still want to be tough, don’t blame me for being ruthless! The girl looked at Bai Ze with a solemn expression, very careful.

“Well, I was just passing by, and I didn’t expect to appear at your house. Sorry, I’m leaving. Bai Ze laughed, not expecting to teleport to someone else’s house at once.

When the girl heard this, her face froze, and she raised her hand to Bai Ze and said, “Since you don’t say it, don’t blame me!” ”

Oversized fireball!

Bump ——!

A huge fireball rushed towards Bai Ze, and the terrifying temperature made the air scorching.

And Bai Ze stood motionless in place, waiting for the fireball.

The next moment, at the moment when the fireball was about to attack Bai Ze, it turned around and hit the ground on the side and exploded a hole.

“What’s going on!? What did you do!? The girl looked at Bai Ze with a shocked expression, not knowing what was going on at all.

Bai Ze smiled and thought that he had a BUFF.

Dodge Blessing: Cannot be attacked remotely.

This BUFF is really powerful. _

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