At this time, Tia looked at Bai Ze with a puzzled face, and her heart was full of doubts.

Bai Ze forces? Why have I never heard of it, if it is a force that can fight against the Heart of the Ring, it must be very famous, why don’t I have any news?

She had no idea what the Bai Ze power represented, but she could see something from the expressions of the members of the Heart of the Circle.

The Heart of the Ring and the Bai Ze forces are opposites, and at the same time, the people of the Heart of the Circle seem to be afraid of the Bai Ze forces!

Grasping this key point, a trace of excitement flashed in Tia’s heart, which means that Bai Ze’s strength is very strong, so strong that the heart of the ring is afraid.

At this moment, Bai Ze stood at the gate and looked at the three people on the opposite side expressionlessly.

He asked coldly, “Before I start, I want to know a little about why you are here, what do you have to do with the people of this family, and whether you did or participated in the things ten years ago!” ”

Although I don’t know what really happened ten years ago, the appearance of the people of the Heart of the Circle now must be inseparable.

“Impossible, you are definitely not Bai Ze. How could Bai Ze appear here. As a result, the person on the other side did not pay attention to Bai Ze’s question at all, and did not believe that it was Bai Ze who was in front of him.

It is this disbelief that gives them courage.

“Up! This guy is definitely not Bai Ze! ”

In an instant, the three of them attacked Bai Ze in unison, and the weapons in their hands bloomed with cold light.

Bai Ze saw the killing intent in his cold eyes, raised his hand and opened his five fingers to gather magic power forward.

The terrifying magic power gathered into Bai Ze’s palm like a hurricane, the red fireball increased little by little, and the majestic magic power was like a flood gushing out from Bai Ze’s body.

Tia on the side widened her eyes in shock when she saw the magic power erupting from Bai Ze’s body.

So strong! Wrong! This magic is terrible!!

Bai Ze’s magic can only be described as terrifying, as if it is as deep as an abyss.



Bai Ze said coldly, and a fireball the size of a three-story small bungalow appeared in front of his palm.

Ordinary fireballs are only the size of a fist, and powerful magicians will turn fireballs the size of basketballs, while Bai Ze’s endless magic directly turns primary fireballs into sun!

The next moment, I saw the fireball rushing forward, and the huge fireball directly swallowed the front, and no one reacted at all.


The huge fireball exploded, forming a pillar of fire that rushed into the sky, and then rushed into the sky and dissipated in the air.

The three people who were attacked could no longer be seen, only a pitch-black scorched earth remained, and even the figure could not be seen.

The burning smell pervaded all around, the air rose a lot, and Tia, who stood behind Bai Ze, her face was covered with sweat, because the heat made her sweat.

“What kind of magic is this…” Ti Quan didn’t see what kind of magic Bai Ze used, and she, as the dean of the magic academy, couldn’t even see the magic Bai Ze used.

Bai Ze turned around indifferently when he heard this: “Fireball, I learned it yesterday.” ”

“Fireball?!” Tia was startled and recalled the magic she had just had. It is indeed a fireball as Bai Ze said, but the fireball is not so big! This has already surpassed the scale of the fireball and hit high-level magic!

“If this is a fireball, I’m afraid that my magic in this life has not been learned in vain.” Tia didn’t believe it was a fireball at all, and looked at Bai Ze with a questioning face.

Bai Ze saw that he didn’t say anything, smiled and walked forward.

Tia in the back saw Bai Ze walking away and chased after him in a few steps like a child.

“Where to?”

“Go back and get the stuff. When I get to Holy Dragon City, I’ll go back and ask what’s going on. Bai Ze said indifferently, this matter cannot end like this.


Back in Sacred Dragon City, Bai Ze kicked Tia back to his home, and then returned to Earth.

In the villa, customer service 02 is not there at this time. Finding customer service 02, Bai Ze took out the phone and called.

“Honey, what’s going on? Do you miss the little sister? The sweet voice of customer service 02 came from the phone.

Bai Ze heard and said seriously: “Come back, I have something to ask you.” ”

“Okay, I’ll be home soon.” Customer service 02 answered and hung up.

The next moment, a black gate appeared in front of Bai Ze, and the customer service 02 pink tracksuit walked out, and he went to drink afternoon tea at a glance.

“Honey, what’s so anxious to call me back?” She looked at Bai Ze with a sweet face, walked up a few steps and hung on Bai Ze’s neck and smiled.

Bai Ze sat on the sofa holding customer service 02, and then said: “I took your things back, and I encountered some accidents.” ”

“Accident?!” Customer service 02 was shocked when he heard this, and then asked seriously: “What’s going on?” ”

“I got the ring, but when I came out, I ran into someone from the Heart of the Ring. I want you to tell me what happened, there are quite a few traces of fighting in that room, what happened at that time. Bai Ze looked at the customer service 02 seriously and asked.

Customer Service 02 sat in Bai Ze’s arms and took a deep breath, and then said: “The magic ring ring is our family’s ancestral engagement ring, this is our family’s tradition, and the magic ring ring is an artifact-level thing over there, and it will naturally be spied upon if it is known.” Then the people of the Heart of the Ring learned about our family’s ring and tried to steal it, and in the end they failed. However, my family died in the fight ten years ago. ”

After saying this, she was very sad, curled up in Bai Ze’s arms with faint tears.

Bai Ze understood after hearing it: “It’s okay, everything is with me.” ”

“Hmm.” Customer Service 02 nodded and quietly leaned into Bai Ze’s arms.

After recovering a little bit, she said, “Xiaobai, give me the ring.” ”

Bai Ze took out the ring and handed it to her.

Taking the ring, customer service 02 stood up, looked at Bai Ze with a serious face, and asked solemnly:

“Mr. Shirasawa, are you willing to marry me?”

Bai Ze, who was sitting on the sofa, was stunned when he heard this, laughed stunned, got up and stood in front of customer service 02 and said gently: “Of course.” ”

Customer service 02 immediately smiled when he heard this, reached out and held Bai Ze’s palm, and put the magic ring on it. Then Happy stretched out his palm and put it in front of Bai Ze and asked, “Should you put a ring on me?” ”

Bai Ze looked at the customer service 02 palm and asked with a smile: “Miss Keke, are you willing to hand it over to me?” ”

“The rings are all given to you, I definitely want to.” Customer service 02 smiled brightly and looked at Bai Ze happily.

And Bai Ze put the magic ring ring on the finger of customer service 02 and smiled gently.


A day later, Bai Ze appeared in the Holy Dragon City again, this time he came not only to learn magic, but also to destroy the Heart of the Ring! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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