Wang Xiaoli’s mother replied:"Still at our home……".

That's good.

Xu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

While some of the clues on the clothes are definitely gone, it's better than no clothes at all.

Chen Fan said:"When you found Wang Xiaoli's case, apart from the damage to her clothes, what was the condition of her clothes at that time."

Wang Xiaoli's parents looked at everything and seemed to be a little worried.

Xu Tong said at this moment:"I told you just now, if you don't tell what you know, it will be difficult for us to help you find the murderer."

Wang Xiaoli's mother said:"When we found Xiaoli , Li Xiaoli's pants were pulled down to the middle of his buttocks."

Chen Fan learned the key information.

The pants were pulled down to the middle of her buttocks...

Wang Xiaoli also had traces of being violated.

Something seems wrong here.

But Chen Fan did not say anything wrong for the time being.

Chen Fan said:"I will ask the investigators to pick it up from your house later. In addition, we learned that there is a family in your village who has a grudge against you... I want to ask... what happened? What's going on?"

Chen Fan wanted to know everything in detail.

At this time, Wang Xiaoli's parents also knew that they should not hide anything.

Wang Xiaoli's father said:"We have a land dispute with his family. This incident happened relatively early. Since that incident, our family has never had any contact with his family."

Speaking of this.

Wang Xiaoli's father suddenly paused and said suspiciously:"Police are asking this...could it be that you suspect that their family has done something to my daughter?"

Wang Xiaoli's mother suddenly widened her eyes and said:"It's very Maybe...I told them before that I would kill our family members...Did they see Xiaoli going out alone that night, so they took revenge on Xiaoli?"

In this regard.

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"It wasn't their family who did it. Our police have gone to their home to interrogate them. Their family went to a relative's house for a wedding banquet that night and did not come back that night. They have a solid alibi."

Wang Xiaoli's father Said:"Damn... If it is really them... I must let them pay with blood! Isn't it just because of a little land?"

Seeing that Wang Xiaoli's father was a little excited, Wang Xiaoli's mother complained a little:"The police officer said it If they didn't do it, then you should stop doing this."

Chen Fan already understood the situation, so he said,"Okay, as long as your enemies are not suspected of committing the crime, we don't care about it."

Wang Xiaoli. The mother nodded.

Chen Fan walked towards the door and was about to leave with Mai Mai and Xu Tong.

At this moment.

Wang Xiaoli's mother suddenly stood up and called out to Chen Fan:"Police officer."……"

Chen Fan turned around.

Suddenly Wang Xiaoli's mother knelt on the ground with a plop, and then kowtowed, saying:"Officer... please... we must find the murderer."

Upon seeing this, Xu Tong and Mai Mai immediately walked over and wanted to kill the murderer. Wang Xiaoli's mother helped her up.

But Wang Xiaoli's mother was very stubborn and even stretched out her hand to drag Wang Xiaoli's father to his knees.

The two of them knelt together in front of the three people.

This was the first time Chen Fan saw such a situation and said:"Don't worry... It is our police's duty to find the murderer... We will definitely bring the murderer to justice."

"But...I can't bear your kneeling...I'm going to lose my life."

Wang Xiaoli's parents were stunned for a moment.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong quickly helped them up.

Before leaving,

Wang Xiaoli's mother begged Chen Fan again and said,"Can you let us take a look at Xiaoli's body... That murderer was really so cruel... He took out Xiaoli's organs……"

When Wang Xiaoli's mother said this, she sobbed for a while, and she didn't even dare to say those words.

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"I'm sorry... During the investigation of the case, even relatives are not allowed to check the body of the deceased. This is mainly to protect the clues on the body. In addition... we did find that the murderer removed Wang Xiaoli's organs. Come out."

Wang Xiaoli's parents burst into tears.

They never imagined that...their well-behaved and smart daughter...had trouble with her family just because she failed in an exam. She ran away and suffered so much torture, and also lost her future.

【Poor parents in the world... such a good girl... suffered such a cruel attack……】

【I think it’s not an exaggeration for a murderer to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.……】

【Seeing this pair of parents reminds me of my own parents...if I had a white-haired person giving a black-haired person one day...that would be so heartbreaking. ]

Walk out of the conference room.

I happened to meet Lao Song at the door.

Lao Song asked inquiringly:"How is it...Did Wang Xiaoli's parents tell her?……"

Chen Fan told Lao Song what Wang Xiaoli's parents said.

Old Song frowned and said:"These two couples...really...destroyed the first crime scene. They must have lost a lot of clues, right?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"I don't know, right. Alright... Lao Song, please send someone to go to the crime scene with me. I want to go and have a look... Maybe there are missing clues that have been discovered."

"By the way, I went to Wang Xiaoli's home to retrieve her clothes, and took them back to her work unit for inspection to see if I could find any traces left by the murderer."

Lao Song said:"Don't send anyone else, just you and me!"

Chen Fan nodded.

Chen Fan and the other three followed Lao Song and originally wanted to get into the police car.

But before that, Chen Fan refused.

Chen Fan's intention was not to investigate clues as a policeman, but as a common person.

Because He suspected that the murderer might still be nearby and did not leave.

Lao Song had to change to an ordinary car and drive Chen Fan and the others to the village where Wang Xiaoli was.

Soon they arrived at their destination. The place was cordoned off by the police.

No one could get close to it.

The grass was still green, and there was a pool of dried blood where Wang Xiaoli once lay.

Chen Fan did not step into the crime scene.

After walking around the crime scene, Lao Song and Xu Tong walked to the crime scene to see if there were any missing clues.

I have learned about some of the key buildings.

No one lives by the river, there is only a very wide road, and there is a small hill.

According to Wang Xiaoli, there are some dense trees and grass.

Parents and villagers said that they actually looked for Wang Xiaoli by the river that night, but did not find her until the morning.

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