Chen Fan smiled, raised Boss Yang's chin, and said,"Are you afraid of being a little widow?"

Boss Yang frowned, hammered Chen Fan's chest hard, and said,"Chen Fan! You say it again!" Chen

Fan grabbed Boss Yang's hand with a smile and said:"I won't say it any more. Don't worry, I won't let you be a little widow."

Boss Yang said:"Huh! That's pretty much it.~!"

Chen Fan hugged Boss Yang into his arms and thought to himself that if he didn't coax his wife, who would?


Night falls.

After eating at home, Chen Fan stood up and pulled Boss Yang into his arms and said,"Let's go."

Boss Yang was confused and asked,"Where are you going?"

Chen Fan didn't say anything. He immediately picked up Boss Yang and walked to his room.

Boss Yang understood instantly and blushed incredibly, but he still took the initiative.

Before the door of the room was closed, he gave her a kiss.

Three hours later.

Boss Yang and Chen Fan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

A rapid knocking sounded from outside the door.

Chen Fan walked over, opened the door, and saw Old Song with an anxious look on his face.

Chen Fan asked:"Old Song, what's wrong with you... Why does it feel like your butt is on fire?……"

Lao Song was sweating. He seemed to have arrived and said,"We received an alarm and someone found a body in the neighbor's house next door."


Chen Fan was speechless.

Depend on! He is simply more efficient than a Shinigami elementary school student.

As soon as I returned home, I encountered a case!

Chen Fan changed his clothes and, led by Lao Song, arrived at the discovery scene.

This home is a three-story self-built house.

As soon as Chen Fan entered the door, he saw the so-called corpse in the wall.

In fact, it's built into the wall.

The air in the south is humid, especially during the rainy season. No matter whose home it is, water will be all over the walls and floor.

Regardless of whether it is a newly renovated house or not, it may cause the wall coverings and tiles to fall off.

In the wall is a rotten human face.

Chen Fan asked the police to drive away all the people watching the excitement. After all, this was a scene and needed protection.

Then check with the village chief here about the situation of your neighbors.

The person who called the police was a neighbor of this house. He came to visit the house, and who knew that he happened to see the body.

There is a couple in this house now, and there is a newborn baby at home. They are usually peaceful and honest people.

By contracting land and growing vegetables in greenhouses, I can live a decent life.

The parents of this couple were officials in the village in the past, and the family was considered relatively wealthy in the neighborhood.

Later, the old couple retired and spent their remaining years at home.

Their children all work outside.

Suddenly one day, their son came back with his daughter-in-law.

But after returning home, the old couple was very unhappy.

Later, the old couple was picked up by their daughter and went to live in a big city.

After almost understanding it.

A siren sounded outside the door.

When the police arrived, they immediately cordoned off the scene and took the couple under control.

After all, the body was found in their home, and it was still in the wall.

Then Chen Fan started to demolish the wall.

Although Chen Fan likes dissection, he doesn't like dissecting rotten corpses, because many human bodies are rotten, and of course many clues are lost.

No fun at all. but.

In order to preserve the condition of the corpse as much as possible, Chen Fan still had to come and tear down the wall.

Starting from the side of the corpse's rotting face, remove the wall piece by piece.

But after removing the face.

Chen Fan suddenly realized that this was just a face……

"Damn...this was after the body was dismembered and then sealed into the wall.……"

Lao Song said, his shock could be seen in his wide eyes.

Chen Fan nodded:"Yes."

But then it would be difficult to carry out his work.

The body was damaged and badly decomposed. Apart from guessing the time of death and the cause of death based on the degree of decomposition, it was difficult to find clues.

Also, since the body has been dismembered, where are the other limbs?

Lao Song really asked this question.

Chen Fan did not answer for the time being, but looked at the entire self-built house, and then looked at the male owner He Daqiang who was being controlled at the side.

"When was your house built?

He Daqiang said tremblingly:"Just after the Chinese New Year this year, in March.""

After listening,

Chen Fan took off his gloves, patted Old Song on the shoulder and said,"Old Song, get ready."

Old Song didn't react at first.

After a few seconds, he suddenly felt horrified.

What Chen Fan meant was... that the body might have been sealed in the entire house?

So, are you planning to demolish the entire self-built house?

0 ········Asking for flowers··· ······

Lao Song still gave the order.

The police officers worked together and began to demolish the house at night.

When He Daqiang heard that the house was going to be demolished, He Daqiang's face became stiff and he wanted to stop it at first.

But I didn’t dare to really stop it.

Delaying official duties is a crime.

While the house was being demolished, Chen Fan returned to his home.

Chen Fan was already in danger today. Boss Yang was afraid that Chen Fan would catch the murderer regardless of danger again, so he was very worried about Chen Fan.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Boss Yang stood up from the sofa and said,"How are you? You are not injured, are you?" Chen

Fan looked at her and said,"I am a forensic doctor, not a policeman, why are you injured?"

Boss Yang asked. He curled his lips and said,"Then I have to ask you. Anyway, you just promised me today not to do anything dangerous!"

.. 0.......

After finishing speaking, Boss Yang added:"Anyway, if you are gone, I will never survive!"

Chen Fan chuckled and touched Yang Mi's head:"Okay, I will never let you be a widow. of"

…… the next day.

Yesterday, old���They led people to dismantle the house overnight, but they were careful to do so because they were worried that bodies would be everywhere in the house.

It was already afternoon when Chen Fan received a call from Lao Song.

After Chen Fan arrived at the scene, what appeared in front of him were more than twenty pieces of rotting corpses.

As soon as he saw this, Chen Fan turned dark.

The body parts... he disliked the most... they were not dissected by him, and they were still rotting.

But there was one thing that Chen Fan was interested in.

Chen Fan looked at the corpses and said,"Old Song, there are more than one person here."

Old Song nodded:"Yes."

Chen Fan put on gloves and a mask, and briefly inspected all the corpses.

He basically confirmed it and said:"These are two corpses, one male and one female. They are both about seventy years old and have been dead for at least three months."

Old Song frowned, who was it that killed the old man so cruelly? , and dismembered the body and hid it in the wall?

Lao Song said:"The murderer and these two old people... what kind of grudges do they have?……"

"Have you interrogated the couple? Chen

Fan asked coldly.

Old Song nodded and said,"I asked, but they couldn't explain clearly.""

Chen Fan said:"It is absolutely impossible not to know. The body died three months ago, and their house was built in March and it is now June.……"Wan.

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