“Groove… It’s terrible, this temptation is terrible! On the one hand, the world is broken, there is only one person in the world, but as long as you wake up, everything will come back, how to decide??! ”

“Don’t say Su Name, even I, a person from the perspective of God, don’t know how to decide?? Although I stubbornly believe that this is what is false, the cruel and endless reality and the beauty that seems to be real… It’s really hard to choose!! ”

“+1, if it were me, I would rather carry the identity of the Third Prince and live my life like this…”

“+1, it is better to be accompanied by relatives and friends, and the whole world is alone in the middle of nowhere, living alone and miserably…”


In the Doubao World, Xiao Yan was completely stunned at the moment, and he watched and listened to every word said in the back dome of the video extremely carefully, hoping to find some flaws.

Although some preparation has been made for the shocking properties of the Lord of the Gray Mist video, when the truth really happened in this scene.

He still felt shocked and strange.

“A devastated past… Even the world was destroyed, relatives, friends, red faces, and partners all died… And the identity of the prince, which is likely to turn into reality, all former best friends may remember the lost memories??! ”

“This… A painful choice? How to decide?! ”

Xiao Yan found that if he was lost in such a choice, he really didn’t know how to choose.

Even if I firmly believe that it is a spiritual world that was transformed into when the sacrifice was lost, this spiritual world is so real, people, heaven and earth, laws, and everything exist here.

And if Su Ming believed that he was the third prince, and the Sang Xiang world was a lost trance at the beginning, then perhaps in terms of the perception of the spiritual world, the flow rate of time and ten thousand worlds may be different from that of ten thousand worlds.

It is really possible for Su Ming to live for trillions of billions of years as this third prince, and finally wake up in a Xuan burial, with an extra memory belonging to a person named Su Ming.

And not just that.

Even if they snapped their fingers to cover the heavenly world, the ancient emperor supremes in those forbidden areas felt the pressure at this time.

With their invincible Dao hearts, if they continue to indulge in this realer world than them, perhaps one day, they will finally recognize their identity as the Third Prince.

Especially Shi Huang, he had always scoffed at this so-called trick of seizing the household, and firmly believed that he was invincible.

As long as their own strength is strong enough, no delusion can confuse themselves.

Now see the real scene of this passage of time.

I felt a tremor in my Sendai Inner Genshin.

Once he also fell into it, I am afraid that he may not necessarily perform better than Su Ming in the video.

“Lord of the Grey Mist… Are these all illusions that you created? Or the future of some real world as you see it??! ”

“If it’s all a fantasy you made, it’s really amazing, even Honza is starting to look lost… If I can meet you, Honza must ask you for advice!! ”

Not to mention the shock of this group of supremes in the Sky Covering World, at this moment, even the group of angels in the supergod universe had a pair of bright eyes and solemn eyes.

Although this scene is not as terrifying as the Supreme Slaughter of living beings.

But the degree of weirdness is several times more terrifying than that dark chaos.

This is the sinking of one person, but also the sinking of countless people.

Everyone is thinking about something, and if they are immersed in this kind of thing, then who knows if it is true or false.

It’s like all your vision is a picture of the retina through the impact of light particles.

But if you transmit these images directly to your optic nerve through the instrument.

Is this kind of picture real or false for your brain?

“This… This method is really weird… If you’re not careful, you may become a fragment of someone’s dream…”

“There is even a possibility that you will become a picture in other people’s minds, and it will not exist at all, just like those fleeting thoughts that you forget after you sleep and dream, who can say, it is not a real life??!

“At that time, are you still yourself?”

Even Divine Kesha and Demon King Morgana were speechless when they saw this scene at this moment.

Morgana, in particular, felt he didn’t know what to say.

“Bichi!!! A person’s mind directly formed a universe? Is our universe also a person’s dream??! These immortal cultivators simply have broken brains! ”

Immediately afterward, she thought of the sad and merciful character that Karl often showed by the god of death, and a look that saw through this universe, but I don’t want to talk to you more.

Imagine that this guy invites her into the ultimate void every day, and even makes herself into a phantom that even Kyle can’t eliminate.

In a sense, in the eyes of Karl, the god of death, everything in this universe may also be unreal….

“Bichi… No, our universe doesn’t really exist, right??! Morgana felt goosebumps rise all over her body.

Quickly extinguish all these thoughts and quickly put your mind back into the video.

Subsequently, within the video.

The back dome shook his head away, his body may have aged a lot at once, and he said to Su Ming: “It turns out that it is not how powerful the eldest prince and the second prince are, you can’t wake up if you crush it… But…… Third Prince, you yourself are addicted to Sang Xiang’s world, and you would rather sink into that false world…”

His shadow was stretched very long, faintly as if he was covered with a robe in the original Sang Xiang world.

The picture is slowly disappearing.

Many people are sweating profusely and don’t know how to decide about all this.

And in the following days, the picture of being addicted to everything became even more serious, and the biggest Dao god of the July Sect wanted to raise the power of the entire sect and fully support Su Ming in his fight for the throne.

And the Great Elder also decided to take Su Ming to meet someone who could influence his life!!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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