Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 506: Hongyun's determination

Hong Yun's face was deep, and Luo Hu's words made him feel a little palpitating in his heart. It seems that Luo Huo came back prepared this time.

"What about your strong God? This time I want to kill you, can he save you?" Hong Yun looked at Luo Hu and sneered.

"Haha" Luo Hu laughed loudly. He looked at Hongyun with deep disdain in his eyes.

"Compared with God, your strength is too bad. Even when compared with Heavenly Servant, you are still far behind, but you have no chance to see God." Luohu's hoarse voice spread throughout the void.

In an instant, endless demon energy poured into the void, which shocked the ancestor Yang Mei. This is the chaos of the Chaos Orb, and everything here is controlled by him, and there should be no demon energy here.

The ancestor Yang Mei used his magical powers to expel these demon qi, but he found that there was no way to block these devil qi, or to get rid of it, and besides the Chaos Orb, there was a steady stream of demon qi pouring into the Chaos Orb.

"Daoist Hongyun, be careful, what secret method Luo Hu used to provoke the magic way of the outer chaos!" Yang Mei ancestor had been to the outer chaos, and he clearly felt that these demonic energy were not prevalent.

Although Hong Yun was a little surprised in his eyes, he was not afraid, even if it was from the outer chaos, in his eyes, everything still depends on his true strength.

Luo Hu's body began to blur, especially his left arm, which had completely disappeared. This was an attack that was displayed at the expense of his own life using forbidden magical powers.

"Friend Yangmei, Fellow of the Five Elements, you leave the Chaos Orb quickly, no, do everything you can to send the Chaos Orb out of the prehistoric place, hurry!" Hong Yun yelled, and he saw that both of Luo Hui's arms disappeared. , The palpitations became violent.

The ancestor Yangmei and the Five Elements Dao ancestor did not hesitate at all, and immediately came out the Chaos Orb, and then they united and attacked the void together, but the turbulence of time and space in the void that Heavenly Dao self-protected was too powerful to block them Combine a blow.

"No, listen to the tone of fellow Daoist Hongyun, this time Luohu’s attack must be no trivial thing. We must leave the land immediately, and pass the letter to Hongjun from the poor Dao. You can pass the letter to Empress Houtu, fellow Daoist, and we will use magical powers together. Can you get through the turbulence of time and space?" Old Ancestor Yang Mei also said anxiously.

The ancestor of the Five Elements Taoist immediately transmitted the sound to Hou Tu. This matter was of great importance. No one thought that Luo Hui would have such a powerful attack, making Hong Yun so solemn, and it was obvious that the Chaos Orb could not stop the two of them.

In the Chaos Orb, Hong Yun looked at Luo Hu and was shocked in his heart. This power absolutely surpassed the nine-layer Seven-Supreme, and should have reached the level of the nine-layer Eight-Supreme. He didn’t know if he could take it, but he knew If the Chaos Pearl is in the wild.

Then Luo Huo's attack would surely affect the land, and the Chaos Orb could not be defended at all.

"Emperor Heart Sword Lotus has no way to fight against Luo Hu. It seems that that immature sword move is about to be used." Hong Yun felt a little drumming in his heart.

The Emperor Heart Sword Lotus is his hole card, but it has already been revealed, and there is a stronger hole card, but Hongyun has not been perfected yet, and if one is not good, it may destroy himself.

"This should be the supernatural power that was imparted to Luohu by a god. After this battle, it seems that he really has to break through quickly." Hong Yun was anxious.

Luo Hu is so powerful, then that God will definitely be stronger, and Luo Hu also said a title, Heavenly Servant, this should be the protector of the Lord under the seat of God.

I just don't know how many subordinates like Luo Huan God has. If there are more than a dozen, then this time the immeasurable calamity will really be overwhelming.

Hong Yun didn't know that God was the product of immeasurable calamity, which was equivalent to Shen Gongbao, the lord of immeasurable robbery. He was originally a weak monk, but because of opportunity, he became the supreme power.

However, the generation of the immeasurable **** is more difficult than the generation of the robber. Every immeasurable calamity will have a robber, but only one hundred immeasurable calamities will appear.

In a sense, God is above the Lord, but there are also Lords who have defeated God.

There are two great heavenly servants under God, and Luohu is one of them, but Luohu’s combat power is far inferior to the other heavenly servant, and that heavenly servant is also a great power in ancient times, and also has a deep hatred with Hongyun, but Hong Yun didn't know all of this yet.

The endless void in the Chaos Orb was already full of demonic energy, and a lotus flower appeared at Hong Yun's feet. This was the Emperor Heart Sword Lotus displayed by Hong Yun, but he could not attack and was trapped within a million feet.

"I stand in the world, all spirits surrender, and the emperor's heart appears." Hong Yun shouted.

In an instant, a heart appeared from Hong Yun's chest, and the bright red heart was beating. This is Hong Yun's imperial heart. Cultivating the emperor's way is to cultivate the emperor's heart.

Immortal Dao cultivates the soul, Shen Dao cultivates the gods, the Wu people cultivates the flesh, the Dao of strength cultivates will, but the Emperor Dao is the cultivation of the emperor's heart, and the emperor's heart is everything for the emperor's path. If the emperor's heart is damaged, then practice Must be seriously injured.

The emperor's heart exists, the emperor does not die, the emperor's heart is destroyed, and the emperor perishes.

Hong Yun showed his imperial heart. This is to place his weakness in the bright spot. Once he attacks the emperor heart, Hong Yun will die.

But now Luo Hui is brewing powerful magical powers, and there is no way to attack Hongyun at all, but the strongest sword lotus that Hongyun has displayed so far cannot break Luohu's magical energy cage, and can only use immature trump cards.

The emperor heart appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The beating sound seemed to be combined with all the melody of the world, the emperor heart was moving, and the void was also moving, the void seemed to be combined with the emperor heart.

At the moment the Emperor Heart appeared, the surrounding demon energy began to gather, giving Hong Yun a radius of one hundred thousand feet.

But at this time, Hong Yun looked at his emperor's heart, and his eyes showed determination. He hadn't perfected that one, so he used it blankly, which might cause him harm.

But Hong Yun was waiting. Now Chaos Orb didn't know if he had left the Primordial Land. If not, then the aftermath of their attacks would definitely destroy the Primordial Land.

When it does not become a Daoist existence, it will instantly turn into dust and dissipate in the void.

"In a quarter of an hour, Luo Hu's brewing is over. If I have not performed that blow, I am afraid that my life will be worrying. I don't know if they can break through the turbulence of time and space and send the Chaos Orb out." Hong Yun was anxious. Thought of.

And at this moment, the voice of the ancestor Yang Mei passed into the Chaos Bead.

"The Chaos Orb has been sent out of the prehistoric state, fellow Taoists can give it a go!"

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