Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 515: Disdain

On Penglai Island, the Lord of Light and Darkness came to Daozun Palace. This was his first time on Penglai Island since he was the spokesperson of the Western Heavenly Dao.

"I have seen the master and the mistress." Although the Lord of Light and Darkness has now become the spokesperson of the Western Heavenly Dao, and has also successfully become the nine-layer seven supreme, but he dare not go beyond, he is still loyal to Hongyun as always.

"Get up! You are now the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven. Don't kneel down at will. Your words and deeds represent the Way of Heaven in the West. You must not do that in the future." Hong Yun said lightly, watching the light and darkness dominate.

"No matter how high the achievement of light and darkness is, it is a gift from the master. How can light and darkness dare to surpass it when you meet the master." The master of light and darkness was a little frightened.

"You only need to have a poor way in your heart, you don't need to express it, you know the temper of the poor way, and you have to remember that the Western Heavenly Way is also a wild way, and the wild way represents the face of the wild, and you can't discredit it." Dominator said coldly.

"Follow the master's decree." Even if the master of light and darkness bowed down.

"Well, let's talk about what you are here for this time!" Houtu looked at the light and dark as the ruler, trembling in front of them, feeling very relieved.

"Enlighten the master and mistress, now that the Western Continent has matured, it is time to blend with the entire prey, and the Penglai line can be the first to send disciples to promote the glory of the master and mistress." Light and Dark Lord said respectfully.

"No need, Western air luck, Penglai's line is no longer involved, and the status of your mistress, the mother **** of the earth, cannot be shaken by the little gods in the West. If there is nothing else, you can withdraw! "Hong Yun stopped and said.

"Yes, Master." After finishing speaking, the Lord of Light and Dark retreated and left Penglai Island.

"This master of light and darkness still knows some measures. He has not forgotten his identity because he has become the spokesperson of the Western Heavenly Dao." Houtu said with a smile.

"He? There is my imperial spirit in his mind, does he dare to betray?" Hongyun smiled faintly, and then said: "During this period of time, I will try my best to seek breakthroughs and strive to become the Ninth Level Seven Supreme. Otherwise, The misfortune of the world can be overcome, but the immeasurable calamity is dangerous."

"Are you talking about the God?" Houtu looked at Hongyun and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, not just this God, even if it is another Heavenly Servant, we are not opponents now." Hong Yun was a little helpless, he did not expect this time of immeasurable calamity to be so difficult to control.

In fact, if it were the past immeasurable calamities, Hongyun could completely control everything, but this time it was different. Even the Lord appeared, which indicated that this time was a catastrophe once encountered in a hundred chaotic eras.

Hong Yun directly entered the secret realm to practice, and now he wants to seek a breakthrough with all his strength.

When Hou Tu saw Hong Yun like this, although she was anxious, she knew that she could not improve in a short time.

"Chen'er has been in a coma for such a long time, she must wake up!" Houtu muttered, then disappeared.

Above the heavenly court, clouds and mist are lingering, and a lot of fairy court pavilions appear in the clouds, which can be described as a fairyland everywhere.

But in this heavenly court, the sound of training can be faintly heard. Obviously the heavenly soldiers of the heavenly court are training. Now the world is about to come, these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are the main force.

"The Jade Emperor has a purpose, so that the Lord God, the Western Lord, has an audience."

The voice was uploaded from the High Heaven Hall to the Nantian Gate, and the four heavenly kings of the Nantian Gate all retreated and gave up their positions.

"When you see your Majesty, you must not lose your courtesy, otherwise there will be no return." King Shou Tian looked at the Lord and said with a cold voice.

To tell the truth, the immortals in the East did not put the Western gods in their eyes at all, thinking that they were nothing but barbarians, not the original orthodoxy.

Jehovah smiled and didn't get angry, but he remembered this person who was rude to him, and he would find a chance to get rid of him on the battlefield in the future.

Arriving in the 33rd Heaven, Taibai Venus waited for the Lord outside the temple. After all, this Lord is also a messenger selected by the main gods in the West. How can he lose the courtesy of the majestic heavenly court and the predominant and orthodox.

"Presumably this is Jehovah, the famous **** of light in the West. It is polite and polite." Taibai Jinxing smiled and made a series to Jehovah.

When the Lord saw the Taibai Venus, he naturally recognized it, and even if he replied, "How can the little **** dare to accept the gift of the big god, the big **** is the red man under the seat of the emperor, and the little **** will still need the big **** to speak before the emperor."

"Your Excellency Guangming, please come in, don't make your Majesty wait in a hurry." Taibai Jinxing said with a smile, and made a sign of please.

And Jehovah also made a gesture of please, apparently to allow Taibai Venus to enter first.

Taibaijinxing's heart sneered again and again. This luminous **** seemed to be as insidious as the mosquitoes said, and the old ways of Taibaijinxing could not see that Jehovah was a smiling tiger.

When he came to the main hall, Jehovah did not look around or disrespectful. When he reached the center of the main hall, he looked at Zhang Ren, and instantly felt a huge momentum pressed down.

"When you meet your Majesty, if you don't kneel down and bow, you know you are guilty!" King Tota Li looked at the Lord angrily and shouted.

The Lord didn't change his color, but respectfully bowed to Zhang Ren and did not kneel.

"The little **** represents the Western gods and has seen the Eastern Heavenly Emperor."

"Presumptuous, are your ears deaf? Don't you know that you are going to kneel when you meet your Majesty?" This time it was Zhang Tianshi who stood up.

For the Western gods, the fairy gods in the Heavenly Court looked down on them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now a main **** came, and they naturally wanted to humiliate them to illustrate the power of the Eastern fairy gods.

"Okay." Someone Zhang said lightly.

Suddenly, Heavenly King Tota Li and Heavenly Master Zhang both returned to their positions, and they dared not say anything.

"Jehovah, you are not enjoying the blessings in the West, what is the so-called coming to heaven?" Zhang Renren asked lightly.

"I am waiting for the Western gods to see that the disaster of the ten thousand worlds is about to come. Now that the gods and other gods are already prehistoric creatures, they naturally want to protect the prehistoric. Although my strength is not high, I am willing to show my modest strength for the prehistoric, and hope His Majesty, don't refuse." The Lord smiled and said respectfully.

In his tone, he came to the Eastern Heavenly Court with respect for Zhang Renren. How should the Lord speak in the natural way.

"It's ridiculous, it's the world's most important thing. You and other Western gods are just ants in front of this commander, and they dare to join the army. It's ridiculous." Marshal Tianchen laughed.

"Yes, a group of barbarians thought that if they entered the prehistoric, do they become a part of the prehistoric? A joke!"

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