Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 520: 1 statue, 1 queen, 2 ancestors, 3 emperors and 4 emperors

"Houtu Niangniang is extremely saying that the Emperor of Heaven is originally the commander of the prehistoric land, so it is natural that the Emperor of Heaven will take the post of the great Heavenly Venerable who controls the prehistoric army." Satan also looked at Houtu with a pleased expression.

Hou Tu is the supreme mother **** of the earth in the West, and these gods who came to the west know that in order to survive in the wilderness, they must have a backing.

Nowadays, there are very few people who dare to be the backers of the Western gods, and Houtu is undoubtedly one of them and the most suitable one.

"If the **** said, whether it is His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven or the Lord Dragon Emperor can serve as the commander-in-chief of this time, what do you think of the gods?" Lucifer said while looking at the powers.

"Presumptuous, you wait for a group of Western barbarians, when will it be your turn to speak up here and get out of the Purple Cloud Palace."

Many great powers in the East are yelling at these western gods' residences. They don't pay attention to these gods' residences. After all, they are just a bunch of barbarians.

"The noble fallen angel of Lucifer will not be familiar with you, but what you say is in one of the great heavenly emperors and the dragon emperor, and even questioning the great Houtu empress, who is here to speak out? ?" Lucifer said righteously.


"Naturally, I didn't question the Heavenly Emperor and the Dragon Emperor, let alone the Empress. However, you and a group of Western barbarians who have just entered the predicament dare to talk about such a major event here. I really don't know the etiquette."

"Yes, there are only more than twenty Daoists in the entire West. I am afraid that this level of strength is not as good as a small power in the East, huh!"

For a while, many of the mighty powers of the East quarreled with the West, probably because the West often quarreled, and these mighty powers of the East were not rivals at all, and the Western gods blushed those mighty faces of the East.

This made the Lord of Light and Darkness laugh. After all, these western temples represent his face. If these temples are damaged, does it mean that his face is also damaged.

When he came, the Lord of Light and Darkness had already warned the Western gods, don't be afraid when you come to the Zixiao Palace, as long as you are protecting Penglai Island everywhere, then they will be responsible for everything.

Now, it is true. Although these Eastern powers are angry in their hearts, none of them dared to do it because they were afraid of offending Penglai Island.

Although Penglai Island only has more than 30 Dao Venerables, there are four Supreme Dao Venerables on Penglai Island, and there is also one of the most powerful ones, so no matter how many Dao Venerables, they are also paper tigers in the eyes of Penglai.

Little did they know that Heavenly Court was a subordinate force of Penglai's line of Zhili. If it was more than Dao Zun's number, Heavenly Court had more than 300 people, which force could be comparable.

There are also more than a hundred Dao Venerables in the Netherworld Palace, which is also a subordinate force of the Penglai line. It can be said that the Penglai line occupies more than half of the Dao Venerables of the entire prehistoric. This is simply an existence that cannot be offended.

So these mighty abilities can only verbalize, and as for the hands, they still dare not.

The reason why they are fighting here is because they don't want the great power of Penglai's line to take on this task. They are afraid of being put on the front line as cannon fodder, so they want to let Hongjun Daozu do it.

"Shut up, when did the impoverished Zixiao Palace become a place for you to talk to each other?" Hongjun Daozu snorted.

Immediately, all the quarrels were gone, and the Lord of Light and Darkness also winked at the Western gods, and signaled them to stop when they saw it.

After all, the East is powerful, and the strength of the West is too low. It is far from being able to compete with the East. Now it can only endure, otherwise it will be a dead end.

"Pan Dao is the ancestor of the primordial Daoist and the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven. It is not suitable for leading the primordial army." Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

"Who does Daozu think is the most appropriate?" A great power of the Primordial Demon Race asked Hongjun Daozu.

"Poverty Dao is granted with talents from generation to generation. For this time, the predecessor of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Tribulation of Ten Thousand Realms, Zhang is commanding the overall situation." Hongjun Daozu said majesticly.

At the same time, the golden wheel of Heavenly Dao appeared, the endless laws converged, and then a ray of light shot out and entered Zhang Renren's body. This was the blessing of Heavenly Dao. In the predicament, Zhang Renren would reach the peak of the nine-layer seven supreme.

"I live up to the wild world." Zhang Renren said in a loud voice.

But they did not bow to anyone, including Hongjun Taoist ancestor. Someone in Zhang paid respect to the prehistoric world, not the way of heaven.

"Emperor Taiyi, Ao Liangchen, you are the commander-in-chief of the foreign war, leading the prehistoric army to fight against the ten thousand realms." Hongjun Daozu looked at Donghuang Taiyi and Ao Liangchen and said.

"Let's live up to the grace of heaven and earth!" Donghuang Taiyi and Ao Liangchen both said respectfully.

There is a queen, two ancestors, three emperors, and four emperors in the prehistoric land, which represents the highest existence in the prehistoric land, and the most powerful existence.

The first queen refers to the red cloud and the land, the second ancestor refers to the ancestor Yang Mei and the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, the third emperor refers to the emperor Zhang Tian, ​​the emperor Fengdu, the first emperor (the Five Elements Taoist), and the four emperors refer to the dragon emperor. Ao Liangchen, Emperor Taiyi of the East, Emperor Fuxi, Emperor Lieshan.

"All the great abilities of Honghuang must obey Zhang Renren's instructions. If they don't follow the instructions, the poor Dao and Hongyun Dao Zun, the ancestor of Yang Mei, the Empress Houtu, will definitely kill them!" Hongjun Daozu's cold voice made people shudder.

"The meaning of Hongjun Daozu is the meaning of this palace, this palace will not repeat it." Houtu said lightly.

At this time, all the mighties are really stupid without knowing where the future great power is going, and in the future they will still have to please Zhang Renren, the great iron-blooded emperor.

"Just follow the decree~www.wuxiaspot.com~All the powers are respectfully responded.

Of course, they should be grateful that Hongyun did not come, or else with Hongyun's personality, once the amount of robbery is turned on, then they will not tolerate any alien existence.

As long as anyone dares to question the order halfway, there is only one word, that is to kill!

Hong Yun said that once the war with Ten Thousand Realms kicks off, all the creatures in the prehistoric world must listen to him, including Hongjun Daozu and Yangmei ancestor.

"This time the discussion is over, and you will obey the order of the Emperor in the future." Hongjun Daozu closed his eyes after finishing talking.

This meaning is already very obvious, that is, the order to dismiss the guest was issued, and all the powers have left the Zixiao Palace one by one, but Hou Tu and the ancestors of Yang Mei stayed behind. The real decision-making power of Honghuang is still with them. Hands.

"Friend Hongyun Daoist has not left the retreat, this man of the predecessor army still needs someone to be Zhang, Niang, I don't know if Daoist Hongyun can break through this time?" Daozu Hongjun asked with a heavy look at Houtu.

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