Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 533: Emperor's Fury

Hong Yun entered the imperial palace. This was the first time that Hong Yun entered the imperial dojo. It gave him the feeling that he had entered an imperial palace that was as mighty as a prison, which was more imposing than his Taoist palace. It is not that Hongyun is not as good as the current emperor, but that the emperor's tolerance is much higher than Hongyun.

Although Hong Yun is much better now, he no longer sees those little enemies and resentments in his eyes, but he is still far from the emperor.

"You came."

"I'm here."

The emperor looked at Hongyun, and the simple conversation revealed endless majesty.

Facing the emperor, Hong Yun would not be careless. He would maximize his imperial avenue. The man in front of him was the strongest in the Hongmeng period and the strongest existence in the ages.

Hongyun guessed that the reason why he was able to come to the Hongmeng period might be because of this emperor, otherwise no one would have the ability to reverse time and space.

Hong Yun dared to conclude that even Dadao would not be able to do this step, because after becoming the Supreme, Hong Yun's power was stronger and he understood more.

The more so, he feels that time and space are more profound, allowing time and space to stand still, allowing time and space to accelerate briefly, and turning back time in a local area. These red clouds will all be.

But he couldn't reverse the time and space, and returned a creature to the Hongmeng period. This is a legend. I am afraid that only the emperor in front of him can do it, but the emperor after proving Dao.

"I don't ask where you come from or why you are here. I will make a deal with you." The emperor said while looking at Hongyun.

"Listen thoroughly." Hong Yun said solemnly.

To be able to let the emperor speak like this, compared to this transaction, it will not be simple, and it is likely to be related to the future. Hongyun must carefully consider, he cannot change history, otherwise, there will be major changes in the future, and it will become a predecessor. He doesn't know what it looks like.

"Do you know where Hongmeng comes from?"

"Hongmeng?" Hongyun was a little confused.

He knew how chaos and primordial land appeared, because of the development of Hongmeng, chaos appeared, and Pangu pioneered the primordial chaos. As for how the primordial land appeared, Hongyun was a little confused.

"At the source of all things, nothing exists. Hongmeng was born from nothingness. Kaiyuan Continent is the Hongmeng world. Outside the world is nothingness. This kind of nothingness is not nothingness in space, but a place where nothingness exists. And this nihility is devouring Hongmeng, and soon Kaiyuan Continent will return to nihility, and everything will disappear."

The emperor said the origin of Hongmeng to Hongyun, which shocked Hongyun. He never knew how Hongmeng came from, and everything in all things appeared like this.

Hongyun’s thoughts are much simpler than what the emperor said. This is like a person. Everything is imagined out of thin air. When this person is awake, everything will die, the dream will be shattered, and everything will not exist. .

"How can this be? Could it be that everything is nothing and unreal?" Hong Yun couldn't believe it.

How long has lived in Honghuang, Hong Yun himself doesn't know, everything is so real, how can it be nothing?

"There is a mind in the dark, I call it Tao, but the Tao is not perfect, so the possibility of the Hongmeng being swallowed again, there is a thing in the void called the Hongmeng Tianban, if it appears on it The monk's name will indicate that Dao is complete, and Hongmeng is eternal." The emperor looked into the endless void, as if he had seen the Hongmeng Tianban.

"I will help you." Hongyun said solemnly, looking at the emperor.

Now there is no way if he doesn’t help. Since Emperor Zun let him come to this period, it is very likely to help him. If he doesn’t help, maybe history will change. Now Hongyun doesn’t know what history is anymore. Could it be that he He had been to the Hongmeng period before, but he knew nothing.

"You have already broken through and become the supreme. I expect you to leave too. I only need you to assist the four major city masters to open a channel in the nihility and let me enter the nihility." The emperor said lightly.

Hong Yun looked at the emperor. At this time, he discovered that a kind of fraternity and a fearless spirit appeared in the emperor’s body. It entered nothingness. This was looking for death. For the sentient beings of Kaiyuan Continent, the emperor was willing to place himself Deadly.

"Tell me about your request!" Emperor Zun looked at Hong Yun and said.

Hong Yun doesn't know what his requirements are now. He can't take everything here. He can only take away his comprehension. Although he wants the emperor's avenue of the emperor, Hong Yun feels that the way that suits him is the best. Strong.

"I want to do a game with you, regardless of victory or defeat, point to the end." Hongyun wanted to say that he would go all out, but thought that the emperor would enter the void. Once he was injured, there was definitely no possibility of returning.

If the emperor perishes in the supreme realm, then the following things will change too much, at least the Hongmeng realm is gone, and the emperor realm is gone.

Emperor Zun seemed a little surprised when he heard this request, stared at Hongyun for a while, and smiled.

"You haven't fully comprehended the supreme abilities, especially the Emperor Dadao. You are not my opponent, but I said that I will give you a chance and follow me."

The emperor said that he turned and walked towards the apse, Hong Yun didn't say anything and followed. After entering a portal, Hong Yun found that he had entered a world.

"Big Thousand World!" Hong Yun was a little surprised.

"Big Thousand World? This is nothing more than a small space that I opened up casually. You can make a shot here. Remember, you only have one chance." The Emperor looked at Hongyun and said lightly.

Hong Yun didn't expect that Emperor Zun would be so big~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But thinking about it again, Emperor Zun doesn't know how long it has been to become Supreme. You must know that there are realms in Supreme.

There is a world of difference between the Ninth Floor Seven Supreme and the Nine Floor Eight Supreme. If the Emperor is the Nine Floor Eight Supreme, then Hongyun will definitely not be the opponent of the Emperor.

"I admire you very much, so I will use all my strength." Hongyun said, the Hongmeng sword appeared in his hand and pointed at the emperor.

The emperor's face also began to solemnly. He knew that Hongyun must be the emperor's road for cultivation. Although it was a little different from his, he still felt it.

Facing a monk on the Emperor's Avenue, the emperor would not carelessly, even if Hongyun first entered the realm of supreme, the emperor would not carelessly, this is his respect for Hongyun.

The Hongmeng sword in Hongyun's hand trembled. It turned out that there was also a Hongmeng sword in the hands of the emperor. The two were originally one thing, but they were two entities in time and space. By coincidence, they met across a long river of time.

"The Wrath of the Emperor!" Hong Yun shouted loudly.

But the emperor has used Hongyun's usual move, the sword lotus of the emperor heart!

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