Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 539: Buddha realm

"Hongyun Dao Zun is back? Master, you mean that Hong Yun Dao Zun has left the prehistoric land a long time ago. How could he leave the prehistoric land at the most difficult time?"

For Hongyun, it may be because of Yunxiao's relationship, or it may be because of respect for the strong, but she admires Hongyun very much.

But now that Hongyun is in distress, Hong Yun has left. This makes her a little confused. Even if Hongyun retreats during this period, it is better than leaving Honghuang. This at least makes Qiong Xiao feel a little better.

"You can't say that, what do you know? Dao Venerable's departure from the prehistoric land must be to resolve the immeasurable calamity, a small triumph of ten thousand realms. If Dao Venerable is needed, then the prehistoric state does not need to exist." Said the voice.

Although Qiong Xiao didn't understand why the Master Tongtian was so protective of Hongyun, she knew that the Master Tongtian was right. Although the Ten Thousand Realms came fiercely, the Master Tongtian never caught her eye.

So far, the Master Tongtian has never exerted his true strength, and Qiong Xiao has a hunch that his master is definitely not comparable to the ordinary Nine-Layer and Seven-Level Supreme.

"Then this time the order of the Emperor of Heaven, do we need to carry out the interception?" Qiong Xiao asked.

"Someone Zhang represents the Red Cloud Dao Zun, and his orders must be carried out in the future, go! Let your seniors go to the heavenly court!"

The Master Tongtian just gave up after speaking, and signaled Qiong Xiao to retreat.

But after Qiong Xiao left, the Lord Tongtian looked towards the void and muttered to herself: "Dao Zun originally asked me not to show my strength, but it hurt me. Watching the desolation of the primordial creatures, poor Dao I can't bear it in my heart!"

Although he thought so in his heart, the leader of Tongtian knew that the reason Hongyun prevented him from revealing his full strength must be a plan behind it, which might be related to the fight against immeasurable calamity. Therefore, the leader of Tongtian would insist on Hongyun's statement.

Among the Buddhist world, in the Great Leiyin Temple of Western Bliss, Tang Sanzang was sitting on the golden lotus of Nine-Rank Merit, with a solemn face, looking at the countless Bodhisattvas and Arhats and the Buddhas.

"Buddha, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly ordered the Dao Venerables of all forces to go to the High Heaven Palace. This is a big move. You must know that at the time of the Great War, once a Dao Venerable vacancy appears in the battlefield of Chaos, wouldn't it be taken advantage of by the Ten Thousand Realms?"

"Maya Buddha is right. Buddha, you have been in charge of being close to the heavenly court and listening to the emperor's dispatch, but what has the emperor done in the past four hundred years? The army of the heavenly court has been retreating steadily. I am afraid that our Buddhist world has also lost a lot of Buddhist soldiers!"

"Buddha, please think twice, the Dao Venerables in the Chaos Battlefield can't be recalled, otherwise, the ten thousand realms will strike, how should I deal with the prehistoric?"

"Please think twice!"

All the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats bowed down to Tang Sanzang, making Tang Sanzang think twice.

Tang Sanzang looked solemn and unmoved. He looked at the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Arhats who worshipped below, and said lightly: "The Emperor of Heaven is the proselyte of the Red Cloud Dao Zun, and even the Great Heaven of the Three Realms. His will is supreme, isn't it? Do you want this seat to defy the will of the emperor?"

"Please Rong Xiaoseng is rude, has Hongyun Dao Zun ever appeared in this short time? Hong Huang is faced with such an embarrassment, he hasn't even appeared, how can he be the Hong Yun Dao Zun?"

A Buddha looked at Tang Sanzang and asked.

"You don't know what Dao Venerable thinks, Dao Venerable is actually a small ten thousand realm. You cannot talk about Dao Venerable in the future, let alone disrespect, otherwise, the rules of the Buddha Realm are ruthless." Tang Sanzang said in a deep voice. .

However, there was a look of admiration in Tang Sanzang's eyes, apparently to Hong Yun.

"World Honored"

"Okay, needless to say, summon all the Dao Venerables in the Buddha Realm, including Dao Venerables in the Chaos Battlefield, and go to the Heavenly Court together. Since the Emperor of Heaven summoned all the Dao Venerables, then there will be no fear of a surprise attack from the Ten Thousand Realms." Tang Sanzang said.

"Follow the decree of the Buddha!"

All the Buddhas, Arhats and Bodhisattvas were afraid to say anything, they had already seen the angry look in Tang Sanzang's eyes.

You must know that the Tang Sanzang today is not the weak monk of the past, but the Tang Sanzang today is a real nine-layer seven-sovereign, or a nine-layer seven-sovereign peak.

I don't know what's going on. A hundred years ago, Tang Sanzang went directly from the ninth-floor six-peak Dao Sovereign to the ninth-floor seven-peak Dao Sovereign, and his combat power was even more unusual than that of the nine-floor seven-peak Dao Sovereign.

There is also the Heavenly Dao that the Buddha Realm actually conceived. Although it is still under the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, it has blessed Tang Sanzang and made Tang Sanzang's strength even higher.

I'm afraid no one knows. All of this is to attract the saints and Zhunti saints. Although they passed away, they did not let all their energy wasted. Buddhism flourished, and they controlled one-ninth of the qi of the prehistoric. Fortunately, even in the realm of immortals, Buddhism is the most powerful sect

In the Demon Realm, the Demon Ancestor Hall.

When the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor returned to the Demon Realm, he came to the Demon Ancestor Hall, and he wanted to convey Zhang Renren's order.

"Enlighten the demon ancestor, His Majesty Tiandi has ordered that the entire primordial cultivator of nine floors and five Dao Zun and above go to the Lingxiao Palace."

"How is this possible, bloodthirsty, did you make a mistake? All the Dao Venerables, did Dao Venerables on the Chaos Battlefield also withdraw? If this is the case, who is going to resist the Ten Thousand Realms in the Chaos Battlefield? It’s dangerous, and the Demon Realm will be destroyed."

One of the four great demon gods under the seat of the demon ancestor Mo Luo, the Demon God Qingluo Sha looked at the bloodthirsty demon emperor and said in a deep voice.

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, His Majesty Tiandi gave this order." The Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor said firmly.

"This is someone who has been stunned over the years!" The white sturgeon demon said loudly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ arrogantly, the white sturgeon went down to get a hundred soul whips, and then dare to be disrespectful to the emperor, it is not a hundred. The whip is so simple. "Mo Luo said in a deep voice.

Although the White Sturgeon Demon God was a little dissatisfied, seeing Mo Luo's face, he could only go down and be punished respectfully.

When the Demon God Qingluo saw that Mo Luo was doing this, he knew that Mo Luo was ready to obey the will of the Emperor, but this was indeed a bit wrong. As the Demon God of the Demon World, she was responsible for the Demon World.

"Devil Ancestor, I think this is a bit wrong, if the Demon Ancestor insists on carrying out it, please Demon Ancestor to give his subordinates an explanation."

Demon God Qingluo Sha raised his voice and said, looking at his expression, it seemed that he didn't care about life and death. Obviously, for the safety of the Demon Realm, Qing Luosha also gave up.

"Say? Well, I ask you who the three realms respect?"

Mo Luo was not angry. No matter what, this Qing Luosha was promoted by herself and was also a demon **** who was loyal to the demon world. Mo Luo would not kill her.

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