Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 545: Frustrated

Facing Bai Ze's crazy words, the entire Taikoo Heavenly Court was stunned, not only that, but also other great abilities.

Having said that, it is impossible to say it.

"Bai Ze, can't keep your mouth shut!" Tai shot out one by one, sending Bai Ze flying out.

"Cough, your Majesty, you even hum, I think Bai Ze is wrong."

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he was about to leave the High Heaven Hall, but at this time, Hong Yun appeared in front of Bai Ze, smiling at Bai Ze.

"What do you want to do, Hongyun? If Bai Ze offends you, I am willing to make amends for him." Taiyi said coldly while looking at Hongyun.

"You should not be Bai Ze!" Hong Yun said lightly while looking at Bai Ze in front of him.


All the great abilities were stunned, and they didn't understand Hongyun's words. They had dealt with Bai Ze for so many years, how could they not recognize Bai Ze? The goods in front of Bai Ze were genuine! Why does Hongyun say so?

"Hongyun, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. You are not worthy of being a prehistoric Daoist at all. At the moment when the predominant is most in distress, you left. At that time, you could have thought that you were still a predominant Daoist."

Bai Ze looked at Hong Yun and yelled frantically, as if Bai Ze didn't even want his life for the sake of the entire prey.

"Haha" Hongyun smiled. He hadn't seen such a dramatic scene for a long time, the acting was so lifelike, which made Honghuang resound the past life that was about to be forgotten, and perhaps the "Bai Ze" in front of him could be a actor.

Bai Ze didn't say anything, he wanted to go around Hong Yun's side, but how could Hong Yun let him leave, and directly used his magical powers to hold Bai Ze there unable to move.

Then a ray of light flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, Bai Ze's primordial spirit appeared, a strand of primordial spirit split out and entered the Conferred God List.

"Hongyun, what are you doing?" Tai Yi shouted in a deep voice.

The Chaos Clock appeared in his hand, and Tai Yi attacked Hongyun without any hesitation. If his subordinates were ravaged in front of him and Tai Yi was still indifferent, then it would not be too one.

"Get back."

With a bergamot hand, Hongyun only heard a bell ringing, the chaotic clock flew out, and the corner of Taiyi's mouth was overflowing with blood, his face pale and terrible.

Those great powers have been numb with shock. There are too many things that shocked them today. First, Zhang was crazy, then Hongyun appeared, and then Bai Ze went crazy. Now Taiyi, the nine-layer seven supreme, can't walk in front of Hongyun. One face to face.

Only Taiyi’s blow was definitely an angry blow, not to mention ten percent strength, at least eighty percent, and such an attack was actually slapped back by Hongyun.

"What's your status in Ten Thousand Realms? Who ordered cholera?" Hong Yun's words seemed like a curse.

After hearing Hongyun's words, Bai Ze's eyes became trance.

"I am the demon bone supreme of all worlds. I came to the cholera prehistoric under the order of the heavenly king under the master of the robbery. Based on the ancient demon clan, I destroyed the prehistoric land from within."

Bai Ze, no, the eyes of Demon Bone Supreme were blurred. He didn't know where he was now and what he was saying, because the confinement ability of the Conferred God List was too strong, so strong that he could not even resist.


All the power is a breath of cold air.

What Bai Ze said was too amazing, it was not right, it should be the words of Monster Bone Supreme, this matter was incredible, I did not expect that the ancient heaven would have been infiltrated by the spies of the ten thousand realms long ago.

In this way, the Ten Thousand Realms did not hesitate to let the army of the Ten Thousand Realms lose to the Primordial Heavenly Court in order to allow the Demon Bone Supreme to increase their status in the Primordial Heavenly Court.

In this way, the previous victory of the Primordial Heavenly Court was false, and they were actually the calculations of the Ten Thousand Realms, and it seemed that the time of the Ten Thousand Realms' calculations had come to close the net.

Didn't you see Taiyi doing his hands on Red Cloud Dao Zun for Bai Ze? Obviously, Bai Ze's position in the Primordial Heavenly Court has reached a point that cannot be ignored, and it vaguely has the meaning of the third emperor of the Primordial Heavenly Court.

I am afraid that in a few years, the Primordial Heavenly Court will become the supreme demon bone, and then the prehistoric will be a tragedy.

"How about you Bai Ze?" Taiyi knew that Hong Yun could not lie to him, with Hong Yun's powerful strength, he did not even bother to deceive him.


Demon Bone Supreme's eyes gradually cleared up, and then he knew what he had just done, looked at Taiyi, and sneered: "Bai Ze? Haha, of course he is dead. He was eaten by the deity bite by bite."

"Beast, I killed you!"

Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Clock and smashed it down at the Monster Bone Supreme, and at this time the Monster Bone Supreme had been completely stopped by Hongyun, and he couldn't move at all.


There was a loud noise, blood splashed in the hall, and the monster bone supreme was smashed into fleshy by Taiyi with the chaos clock, and the soul instantly collapsed and disappeared.

"Is all this deceit? Then I have also betrayed the prehistoric, the poor way can only be guilty of death." At this time, the demon master Kun Peng sacrificed his innate treasure and hit his eyebrows.

"You are not guilty, but meritorious." Hongyun stopped the demon master Kunpeng.

With Hongyun's mind, wouldn't it be possible that the Demon Bone Supreme must have used the demon master Kunpeng many times, but fortunately, the demon master Kunpeng did not make a big mistake.

"Your Majesty, it's all the fault of the minister. The Demon Bone Supreme gave me the method of contacting the Heavenly King of the Ten Thousand Realms and asked me to pretend to be the enemy. The demon master Kunpeng knelt in front of Taiyi, begging Taiyi for forgiveness.

"The demon master, get up! Dao Venerable, no, the supreme did not say that you are not guilty." Taiyi said weakly, and he was very sad now.

"Second brother, don't think too much, even if there is no calculation, I can win the battle in Taikoo Heaven." Di Jun said beside Taiyi.

Taiyi ignored Emperor Jun, but looked at Hongyun and said: "The Primordial Heavenly Court is disbanded today, and all the Primordial Demons have joined the Monster Race. All follow the instructions of the Seven Great Sages of the Monster Race ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please be a master. Authentication."

"Your Majesty, no!"

"His Majesty"

"Okay, don't need to say more, the heart of the poor Dao has been determined, the ancient heaven is gone!"

After saying this, Tai Yi seemed to have lost all his strength, and then a little lost his soul, leaving the Lingxiao Hall staggeringly.

Di Jun hurriedly followed out and disappeared into the High Heaven Hall with Taiyi.

Hong Yun did not stop Tai Yi and Di Jun, and it was not easy for them to stay in the High Heaven Palace at this time.

Just as Hongyun was about to talk about the Yuanshen, suddenly a loud noise rang throughout the flood, the loud noise originated from chaos.

"Boom Rumble"


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