Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 552: Death of the Great Sage

There are more than twenty people such as the Supreme Lord of the Primordial Party, Zhang Renren, Tongtian Guru, Emperor Fengdu, Shennong Lieshan, Demon Master Kunpeng, Tang Sanzang, Mo Luo, Styx Dao Master, Ao Liangchen, Kong Xuan, Western Queen Mother, Monkey King, Duobao Dao, etc. The Nine Floor Seven Supremes played against more than fifty Supremes of Ten Thousand Realms.

If it weren't for Kong Xuan and Xuanjun to jointly control the heart-refining tower and deal with ten nine-story seven supreme, I am afraid that the supreme of the predecessor would be imminent.

Of course, there are still a few Supremes of the Primordial Realm who have not appeared, but there are still at least more than 40 Supremes of the Ten Thousand Realms that have not yet arrived. In comparison, it is difficult for the Primordial Realm to confront the Ten Thousand Realms.

Fortunately, the battle at the supreme level is deadlocked, and the battle at the big noble level is also deadlocked. After all, the great nobles of the prehistoric side are supported by rising stars such as Zhang Sanfeng and Dharma, and it is still a tie with the ten thousand realms.

Now the only thing that can determine the victory is the level of Dao Venerable. More than 1,000 Dao Venerables of Ten Thousand Realms are fighting against more than 300 Dao Venerables of Primordial Realm, which puts a lot of pressure on Honghuang's side.

The Dao Venerables on the Ten Thousand Realms are powerful, and the Dao Venerables on the Honghuang side are not without pillars, but the Dao Venerables on the Ten Thousand Realms are not soft.

"Big brother, what should we do? The six of us simply can't defeat the thirty-two Dao Venerables in front of us." The Flood Demon King said to the Bull Demon King, his voice a little anxious, this time their brothers may be separated.

The Bull Demon King's face was deep, relying on the six barbaric heavenly formations, they might be able to block the thirty-two Taoist priests for a moment, but over time, the great formation will inevitably be broken, and their six brothers will be in danger.

At this time, Monkey King was fighting against the two supreme of Ten Thousand Realms. It can be said that he is hard to protect himself, and he has no time for him.

"The big formation will be broken later, fourth brother, sixth brother, you are ready to set up the seven sacred big formation, second brother, third brother, fifth brother, you three follow me anyway, you should block thirty-two Dao Zun for an hour."

The Bull Demon King's face was deep, and if it was a bad one this time, it was probably when their brothers were in trouble. As the boss of the Seven Great Sages, the Bull Demon King naturally had to think about his brothers.

"Big Brother, now that the Seventh Brother is absent, the power of the Seven Sage Array will be reduced by half, and then we may not be able to block those Dao Venerables." Demon King Peng said through a voice transmission.

"Yes, brother!"

King Yu Yan also spoke to the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon said coldly: "Do you have any good ideas? If you don't have one, just do as I said."

The other five great sages had no opinion. The Bull Demon King said it was right, and now there is only the Seven Sages Array to confront the 32 Dao Zuns on the opposite side.

Fortunately, sixteen of the thirty-two Taoist priests are all nine-story five Taoist priests, and among the seven sages, only King Yu Yan is a nine-tier five Taoist priests.

"The native natives, go to death!"

The thirty-two Dao Sovereigns of Ten Thousand Realms broke the six barbaric formations, and whispered to the six people of the Bull Demon King, all the magic weapons in their hands were bombarded towards King Yu.

"Sixth brother!"

"Sixth brother, be careful!"

"Six brothers"

The rest of the great sages were stunned. They didn't expect that these Dao Venerables of the Ten Thousand Realms would have all attacked one person, which made them completely unable to react.

King Yu Yu's pupils grew larger, he did not expect that he would have died at this time, he had made so many achievements, if he died now, then everything would be over.

"I'm not reconciled!"

"Seventh brother, take revenge for me!"

After King Yu Yu shouted, his powerful attack instantly turned him into debris, without a trace of blood flying out.

The Bull Demon King instantly changed into the main body, and the other great sages also changed back to the main body, and each of them showed a violent state.

"Roar, Brother Six"

With a loud shout, Monkey King instantly turned into a great ape of ten thousand feet, with endless chaotic sky fire surging from his body, and the golden cudgel in his hand was entangled by chaotic sky fire. One rod knocked back the two nine-layer seven supreme in front of him. It was Wang Xiangyu who flew over.

"Kill" the bull devil yelled loudly, and the Mitsubishi steel fork hung above the bull's head and killed the Taoist priests. The horns straightened forward instantly.

Demon King Peng turned into a golden-winged roc, with a long cry, his claws grabbed a Dao Zun.

The rest of the great sages all displayed the most powerful attacks at this time, they would not have the slightest reservation, and all launched taboo attacks.

Monkey King wanted to take action against those Dao Venerables, but how could the Supreme Venerables of Ten Thousand Realms make Monkey King his wish, and he fought against him again.

"This king fights with you!" The macaque king roared.

"Fifth Brother Don't"

"Fifth brother"


The macaque king blew himself up beside the three Dao Venerables of Ten Thousand Realms, and the powerful aftermath of the self-detonation killed all three Dao Venerables.

"Fourth brother, don't be stupid"

The Bull Demon King saw that the Lion Camel King actually flew towards the encirclement of the five Dao Venerables. This was not for death, but seeing the self-destruction of the fifth brother, would he not see the Lion Camel King's thoughts.

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother, seventh brother, we will be brothers in the next life!"

The lion camel king roared, and then exploded his own innate spirit treasure and body.


The five ten thousand realm Taoist priests also turned into nothingness in an instant.

The Bull Demon King's eyes were red, and he didn't expect that in this short hour, he would lose three brothers in a row.


The bull devil's whole body was entangled by the sky thunder, and in the next moment the bull devil became the nine-layer seven supreme.

At this time, the Bull Demon King broke through, but the first thing he did after his breakthrough was to shoot at those Dao Venerables, and instantly wiped out ten nine-layer five Dao Venerables.

"The bull is going to be fierce!" A supreme flew over and blocked the bull demon. The divine sword in his hand stabbed the bull demon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Flood Demon and the Peng Demon were fighting hard. The death of the three brothers made their hearts very sad, but at this time, they could only turn their sadness into strength, behead the Dao Zun in front of them, and avenge the three brothers.

"You two are going to die!"

Monkey King looked at the two Ten Thousand Realms Supreme and shouted wildly.

"Huh, Monkey King, we have been fighting in the war zone for so many years, we know what you have, you still want to save your other brothers! Haha" The two worlds of the Ninth Floor and Seven Sovereigns are facing the Monkey King Laughed.

"Eat my old grandson!"

Monkey King directly cast a shocking stick, and hit the two Ten Thousand Realms Ninth Floor Seven Supremes.

But at this time, six ears of voice came from Monkey King's ear.

"Monkey King, this battle is probably a disaster for us. I have discussed with Wuzhiqi and Yuan Hong, and give you all the source. You help us live, don't let us down!"

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