Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 560: A panacea, too 1’s hesitation

"Di Jun! I didn't expect you to come too."

Someone Zhang looked at a young handsome man next to him and said with some surprise that this young handsome man was Di Jun. He didn't expect that Di Jun would come to Penglai Island, but since he was here, he naturally wouldn't drive people.

"Doesn't your majesty welcome the arrival of Pang Dao?" Di Jun smiled lightly, but in his heart he thought of Taiyi's words before leaving, and asked him to assist Zhang Renren in the future, and must save the predominance.

Taiyi is right, even if it is the greatest grievance, any grievances will be put aside when the prehistoric lives and die, because the prehistoric survival is the greatest.

"No, fellow daoists can come, I am very happy, please." Someone Zhang made a please gesture to Dijun.

The cultivation base of Emperor Jun is the peak of nine levels and seven Supremes. If the Supreme Being of the Primordial Supreme is divided into five levels, then Emperor Jun absolutely belongs to the third level, which is still very important to the Primordial Supreme.

"Your Majesty please." Di Jun said modestly.

"Alright haha, fellow daoists, we are walking together." Someone said that Zhang took the lead, and then Dijun followed into Penglai Island.

After arriving at Penglai Island, he found that a lot of power had already arrived, and he was sitting quietly on the square in front of Daozun Palace.

Di Jun’s arrival aroused a lot of great surprises. After all, they knew that Di Jun and Tai Yi had left the High Heaven Palace, and depending on the situation at the time, Tai Yi and Di Jun seemed to no longer take care of the prehistoric affairs, but now Di Jun coming.

Many great powers are looking around, they are looking for Tai Yi's figure, but Tai Yi has not appeared on Penglai Island.

One after another, all the great powers of the wild came to Penglai, and even Lord Lu Ya also came to Penglai Island.

Half a month passed, and the red cloud did not appear, but none of those mighty abilities were anxious. After all, the supreme preaching is naturally extraordinary. This is only half a month passed. You must know that in the ancient times, it was thousands of years to move at every turn. of.

Two figures appeared on Penglai Island. It was the ancestor Yang Mei and Dao ancestor Hongjun. The arrival of the two of them made these great powers salute again and again. After all, the four great primordial primates have the supreme status.

After Hongjun Daozu and Yangmei ancestor arrived, Hong Yun took Houtu's hand and walked out of Dao Zun Palace, nodded as he watched all the great powers, and then sat cross-legged, the cloud bed slowly rising.

"Pan Dao is too late, please forgive me."

A voice came into Penglai Island.

All the powers followed the voice and looked at it, but they saw Taiyi!

how is this possible!

Even Di Jun was shocked, but he knew that his younger brother had lost all thoughts, his heart was dead, and he was ready to wander into chaos, but now he is back.

"Fellow Daoist came at the right time!" Hong Yun was also a little surprised, but he was not the same as others. He was surprised Taiyi's cultivation base, to be precise, Hongyun's intuition, this Taiyi is probably no less than Hongjun Daozu, etc. Human, no, even reached the point of Tongtian leader.

I'm afraid this Taiyi now has only Hongyun able to crush him, and even the Master Tongtian can only draw with him.

Tai Yi slowly came to Di Jun's side, and then sat down. Di Jun wanted to transmit Tai Yi, but Tai Yi stopped him. His purpose was to listen to the Tao.

At the time of the breakthrough, Taiyi thought he could defeat Hongyun, but when facing Hongyun now, he felt that he might not be Hongyun's opponent. For ten rounds at most, or even without ten rounds, Taiyi would definitely lose.

"Since all are here, then this preaching begins."

"Nothing, the beginning of all things, nothingness, the source of all things."

"Nothing evolves into everything, so everything is nothingness, of course, everything is half virtual and half real"

Hongyun's preaching was his comprehension in the Hongmeng period. At the beginning, he comprehended more than a thousand rules. You must know that these rules are the most primitive products. Before these rules, there is nothing but nothingness.

So this time Hongyun preached, even the primordial way of heaven appeared, a huge golden wheel of heaven, with three thousand laws running on it, it seemed to absorb Hongyun's morality.

And those great abilities are listening to Hongyun's preaching, some scratching their heads, and some happily. This time the great abilities of listening to the preaching are the lowest level of cultivation, which is the power of law.

But after listening to Hongyun's way, they realized that what they understood was nothing but fur. Even if Hongyun preached the Dao from the Great to the Supreme, the Supremes all thought that their way seemed to be inadequate.

The Tao Hongyun preached just made up for his shortcomings.

This talk is two hundred years.

Hong Yun stopped, watching all the great abilities fall into the comprehension, and nodded slowly. After this time, I am afraid that the strength of Honghuang will be doubled or even doubled.

Ten years later, there is power to wake up gradually, but the waking power sees those powers that are still comprehending, and their faces are a little red, and they are extremely regretful. If they are comprehending for a while, It must be a breakthrough.

But now even if there is no breakthrough, the combat power has improved a lot.

Another hundred years have passed quietly.

More than half of the great powers woke up. They were basically those great deities. Among them, nearly a thousand great deities broke through and became Taoist deities. Although they were happy, they did not make a loud noise because other great powers were still comprehending. Among.

And these waking powers, Hong Yun made them leave Penglai Island.

As for asking questions about cultivation, Hongyun didn't have time to help them answer any questions, so Hongyun didn't give them the opportunity to ask questions at all.

It's another hundred years.

There are only a dozen great abilities left in the Dao Zun Palace Square to comprehend ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the other great abilities, they have left Penglai Island. This time Hongyun preached, so that the strength of the great power increased by nearly three. Times.

Created five thousand Dao Zuns, 30 Nine Levels and Seven Supremes.

The chaos in the battlefield of chaos has been retracted by the red cloud, which makes the battlefield of chaos return to its former appearance, sometimes fighting, sometimes handing over short soldiers.

And the dozens of great abilities on Penglai Island are all at the last juncture. If it is not for the prehistoric and unable to break through, I am afraid that at least one of them can break through and become the eighth supreme.

Taiyi woke up for the last time. When he opened his eyes, he had discovered that all the mighty powers had already left, and he was left alone.

"I couldn't be sure before. Now I can be 100% sure that Red Cloud is that mysterious power, a supreme existence that can be compared to the emperor, but how did his cultivation become so low? Is it so many eras, he Is there no improvement at all?"

Tai Yi's heart was considering whether to tell Hongyun's identity to the gods, because the gods were the city lord of gods who were defeated by that mysterious power!

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