Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 574: The fusion of Ao Liangchen and the Pagoda of Refining Heart 【Part 2】

[Chapter 572 The Fusion of Ao Liangchen and the Pagoda of Refining Heart (Part 2)]

"Master was too harsh on you before, and Master will definitely not let you step into dangerous places again."

Ao Liangchen is Hongyun's first disciple and the chief disciple of the Penglai line, so Hongyun usually delegates the heavy responsibilities of the Penglai line to Ao Liangchen.

A hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, I don't know how many ten thousand years!

Ao Liangchen had never complained to Hongyun about anything. Even after Ao Liangchen's wedding, Hongyun still gave everything to Ao Liangchen as before. He did not know that Ao Liangchen had already married.

The last time Ao Liangchen was severely injured and killed by Luo Hu, it was also because his master's protection was not good, but now Ao Liangchen was seriously injured again because he put too much pressure on Ao Liangchen.


"The disciple did not protect the junior and junior sisters, please master to punish!"

"If your younger brothers and sisters perish you again, you will no longer be a poor disciple."


How hurtful what Hong Yun said at the time. At that time, Ao Liangchen had already lost his junior brother and sister. Ao Liangchen's heart was about to collapse, but Hong Yun's next words made Ao Liangchen more stressed.

But Ao Liangchen didn't have any refutations. He obeyed all Hongyun's decree. Hongyun's commands were his thoughts. In his heart, Hongyun was the sky.

But Hong Yun personally sent Ao Liangchen to the brink of death. Ten years of endless battles, even in the realm of Hong Yun, were unbearable.

The more master, the shorter the battle time, because the victory or defeat can be determined in an instant.

However, Ao Liangchen reversed his magical powers and protected his junior and junior sisters by breaking his veins. All this stemmed from Hongyun's orders and also from his responsibility as a senior.

A drop of blood entered the black dragon's eyebrows.


With a deep cry, Hongyun summoned the rules of destruction, which wrapped the blood in the black dragon's eyebrows, and the rules of destruction were honing the fit between the black dragon and the blood.

After that, Hong Yunyou summoned the rules of creation, while honed with the rules of destruction, while using the rules of creation to create the brain organs needed by the black dragon.

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

A trace of sweat appeared on Hongyun’s forehead. After all, for ten consecutive years of mind splitting and manipulation, even those who are strong like Hongyun are somewhat overwhelmed, but Hongyun can’t stop. Once it stops, then all previous efforts will be abandoned, and Ao Liangchen will die. .


Hong Yun closed his hand, the black dragon's brain has been completely created, and it has been fused with effort, reaching a 99% fit. As long as Ao Liangchen's Origin God blends into the black dragon, the fit will reach 100%.

Looking at the primordial **** Jin Zhu, Hong Yun hesitated in his eyes, and then he placed the primordial golden bead on the black dragon's brain.


The entire secret realm shook.

Ao Liangchen's primordial spirit and the black dragon began to merge. Under the forced compression of the red cloud, Ao Liangchen's primordial spirit merged with the black dragon for the first time, and the pain was like being in purgatory.

This is not the pain of flesh and skin. Even the pain of cramps and heart-wrenching is not as painful as the pain of the soul. It is like a million vultures pecking at the soul of Ao Liangchen. The pain is indescribable.

The black dragon was in a frantic riot. The mountains in the secret realm were turned into nothingness by the power emitted by the black dragon, and the rivers were evaporated.


Ao Liangchen yelled in pain, his current soul is in confusion, he doesn't know who he is, he doesn't know he is there, he only knows that he is suffering boundlessly now.

"Chen'er, you can definitely make it through."

Hong Yun looked at the two drops of blood in his hand, and then looked at the black dragon flying around in the secret realm, feeling cruel in his heart.

After waving his hands, a huge force appeared, suppressing the black dragon on the ground, Hong Yun stood in front of the black dragon, "Chen'er hold on."

"Master, I am so painful..."

The black dragon opened his eyes, and the bloodshot dragon's eyes looked at Hong Yun, causing Hong Yun's heartache involuntarily, but Hong Yun knew he couldn't stop. Once it stopped, it was not saving Ao Liangchen, but hurting him.

"Chen'er hold on!"

Hong Yun let out a deep cry, and then two drops of blood poured into the black dragon's body, one drop into the heart position, and one drop into the position of the fifth claw in the abdomen.

The law of creation and the law of destruction reappeared, and the black dragon and Ao Liangchen's soul and the two drops of effort began to merge.

After doing all this, Hong Yun can no longer help Ao Liangchen, and the rest is all on Ao Liangchen himself. If Ao Liangchen can't bear the pain, then Ao Liangchen will perish with the Heart Refining Tower.

If it survives, Ao Liangchen's achievements will not be lower than Hongyun in the future.

"Chen'er, come on!"

The black dragon groaned painfully, and the restraining power of the red cloud could no longer suppress Ao Liangchen. The black dragon was madly stringing in the secret realm, and the space was hit by the black dragon and then collapsed.

Hong Yun created a great world one by one, for the black dragon to vent its pain.

Fifty years!

Ao Liangchen has been suffering for fifty years. The black dragon is not in chaos. It seems that he has no strength, so he can only groan in a low voice on the ground.

Hong Yun came to the black dragon's head with distressed eyes in his eyes, but he was unable to help.

"Master... The disciple is in pain..."

When Hong Yun heard Ao Liangchen's voice, how could he not know the pain in his heart? If it were him, Hong Yun didn't know whether he could bear it.

When Ao Liangchen became a saint, the pain was already terrifying, but the pain today is hundreds of times more painful than the last time.

"You are my Hongyun's disciple. If you can't bear even this bit of pain, you will no longer be a poor disciple."

Hong Yun's voice was extremely cold and did not contain any feelings. In his eyes, Ao Liangchen's pain was nothing but flesh and blood.

"Disciple...understood...will not let Master...disappointed...ah!..."

Ao Liangchen groaned in pain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In his heart, Hongyun's words are his alive ideas, so he has to persist, and he must not let his master down.

The red cloud disappeared in place.

In the bedroom of the Supreme Palace, Hong Yun looked out the window with her hands on her back, her eyes moist.

His disciples hadn't really enjoyed everything in his life, and Ao Liangchen's life was extremely bumpy. In the ancient times, the sanctification of other saints was a matter of course, but Ao Liangchen had to endure unspeakable pain.

It can be said that every improvement is caused by Ao Liangchen running on the verge of death.

Immediately, the mist in Hong Yun's eyes evaporated, "Chen'er will definitely succeed. He has never let me down, and he will not this time."

In the secret realm, Ao Liangchen had been in a painful coma, but his body was still rapidly fusing. Even if he passed out, Ao Liangchen was still convulsing!

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