Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 579: Earth Star Storm (Part 1)

"Xiao Jijun, what did those two people do when they entered the orphanage? Could it be that they were cultivating the magical way of ancient China, and they wanted to eat the hearts of children?"

"Cangjing-kun, I advise you to read less of China's novels in the future. You are so infatuated, and you return to the magic way. Now there are no warriors!"

At a corner next to the orphanage, in the cafe, a man and a woman were talking in a low voice, but listening to their words, it seemed that the two were not Chinese, but Japanese.

"Don't look at those Huaxia pigs, but they are fanciful. They are quite interesting. The writing is like a horse and a horse. You can read it when you are okay, Xiao Jijun."

"Huh, Kurai-kun, if you bring up this topic again, don't blame me for transferring you back."

"Hey, don't be angry! The big deal is that I will let my sister Cangjingkong accompany you."


On the other side of the kindergarten, a tall and burly man was staring at the two people in front of the orphanage. There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. It was the look of a fierce beast, like a wild wolf!

"The Duke of Ambor has let a great werewolf come and capture two ordinary people. It is really overkill."


Conveniently in a small kindergarten, there are people from more than a dozen forces hidden away, and the people in each force are not ordinary people. They are either werewolves, or vampires, or mutants, or ninjas and biochemicals.

The Huaxia government also knew about this matter, and it had already alarmed the top leaders, because the Global Federation Association also clearly stipulated that the special forces of their respective countries cannot enter other countries without a decision by the Federation Association.

In Kyoto, Chief One is looking at the document in his hand, and it is the federal approval document that has agreed to the entry of special forces from other countries into China.

"Huh... this is bullying us that we have no martial arts masters, and let those non-human beings enter our country. Since they are here, let them go without return, and let the dragon team bring the most advanced weapons to Jinshan City. All those foreigners are killed!"

Head One tapped the table and gave this shocking order.

Huaxia Kingdom has always regarded harmony as the most important thing. I don’t know what the Chief No. 1 is doing. Suddenly he gave such an order, but the elders who carried the star on their shoulders all showed a cruel expression and clicked. Nodding, obviously agreeing to the command of Chief One.

They wanted to fight with those foreign devils a long time ago. For many years, Huaxia has endured for decades, and those foreign devils have always been making progress. This time the federal approval is obviously to oppress China.

"By the way, try to invite these two seniors to Kyoto."

With that said, Chief No. 1 took out two photos, which were the Suiren clan and Jianyi clan.


"Brother, there are many people staring at us in secret. They are all barbarians. Do you want them to disappear."

What a character the Jinyi clan, not to mention the status of the human race, not to mention the cultivation base, he can be said to be some of the most noble people besides the Virgin and Nuwa, she is the ancestor!

"Some ants are willing to follow, let them follow, let's go in."

The Suiren and Jinyis strode towards the orphanage, and when they reached the door, the uncle Wang who was watching the door called them. After all, it was an orphanage with children in it, so everyone could not go in.

"Hello, what are you here for?"

"Presumably you are Uncle Wang! We came from Kyoto. Let's see if there is anything in the orphanage that needs help. Come and investigate. I wonder if your dean is available?"

When the Suiren clan and the Jinyi clan entered the Earth Star, Hongyun ordered them to be polite to the people in the orphanage and not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Although I don't know why Hongyun asked them to be polite to mortals, Hongyun said that they had no objection.

"It turned out to be a high-ranking official from Kyoto, please, please!"

With that said, Uncle Wang brought the Suiren clan and Jianyi clan into the reception room of the orphanage, and then invited the old dean over.

"I wonder if the two are from the department in Kyoto?" The old dean is obviously more knowledgeable than Uncle Wang, after all, the Beijing official can't prove it in one sentence.

The Suiren clan and the Yanyi clan looked at each other and smiled. They had calculated everything about the Earth Star, and they also knew that the Earth Star was no longer the law enforcement plan of the popular fairy world.

But for them, this is all a small matter. Suiren's hand reached into his arms, and a certificate was conjured, and he took it out, and Suiyi also took out a certificate.

After the old dean got the result, he was stunned when he saw the words on it and the two big seals.

"The second head of the Ministry of Education!"

"The second chief of the Finance Department!"

Originally, Suiren and Jinyi could change the credentials of No. 1 Chief, but the No. 1 Chief is often in the news, and he will definitely be recognized as a fraud. Or the No. 2 Chief is safer.

The old dean immediately stood up, "I don't know if the two heads are coming, they are really far away."

I wanted to find a cup to pour tea, but found that the tea leaves were gone, which made the old dean a little embarrassed for a while.

"The two chiefs, look at me...haha" he smiled awkwardly: "It's better to go to the teahouse outside."

"No need for the old dean. We came to the orphanage to investigate the situation in the orphanage, but now we seem to understand that even you, the dean, cannot drink tea. It should be a funding vacancy. The hospital allocates one billion yuan." Jin Yi said solemnly.

"What! One billion!"

The old dean was shocked, a billion! Not to mention an orphanage, even ten orphanages can be built and operated.

Jin Yi and Sui Ren secretly laughed in their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~A billion is just a number in their eyes. As long as they show some magical powers, they can let foreign money enter China and enter the old courtyard without any trace. Long account, and the country can’t find it.

"Old dean, please fill in your account." Said Koi, took out a form and handed it to the old dean.

The old dean also woke up from the shock, and hurriedly looked at the result form, took a close look, filled it out in five minutes, and then handed it to Jin Yishi with trembling hands.

"Thank you for the two chiefs, Lao Chu thanked the two chiefs for those children, the sky has eyes!"

"Well, in an hour, there will be one billion more in your account. We have a requirement. We want to stay in your orphanage for a few days. I wonder if it's OK?"

"How can the two chiefs live in such a place, I will book a hotel for the chief, please..."

"Old dean, we hope you don't live up to the country's expectations of you. You have to spend this money on your children. Okay, take us to the place to live!" Sui Renshi's words became a little serious, not angry. , Is obviously in a high position.

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