Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 650: Conspiracy

An anger surged from God. He was not angry that Haotian escaped at this time, but was angry that the gods did not know what medicine he took and used his trump cards on him. Otherwise, how could the gods be his opponents? , This is not Hongmeng world.

"God, wouldn't you not be able to return to the Hongmeng Realm without taking pictures of this seat?" God asked annoyedly. He was now watching Hongyun go to save people, but there was no way.

Not only that, but the key is that the total number of creatures in the cloud world is only tens of thousands. We must know that the immeasurable calamity in the future will not rely solely on the storm of forbidden law and God, and there will be a large number of creatures fighting, otherwise How to say it is immeasurable robbery?

"If the deity wants to return to the Hongmeng realm, you can't stop it, no one can stop it, and even if the realm of the deity is suppressed, it won't be beheaded by you." The deity sneered. It is the invincible supreme.

Even if an invincible supreme comes to this chaos and the realm is suppressed, it is still an existence that is difficult to die. If not, how can it be called invincible supreme?

In the eyes of the gods, the gods should be thankful that this is not the Hongmeng realm. If not, the gods can kill God with just one look.


Hong Yun broke through the Zhuxian sword formation that trapped Kong Xuan again, and rescued Kong Xuan. At this time, the gods looked at Hong Yun, but the corner of his eye was looking at Tai Yi, and the sound was transmitted to him. Taiyi, let Taiyi know what to do later.

The reason why the gods help Hong Yun at this time is to prevent Hong Yun's true body from coming, and to let Hong Yun know that this time he can take advantage of him.

"Master, Junior Brother is still below." Kong Xuan said to Hong Yun quickly, this endless abyss seemed to have no end, and the place where Gu Yuan was trapped was deeper than them.


"Haotian, your death date is here!" Gu Yuan's voice resounded throughout the world, and he finally came out of Skynet, and for those sixty-four nine-layer seven-sovereigns, Gu Yuan was naturally mortal.

These seemingly powerful existences, but in Gu Yuan's hands, are not the enemy of One He. There are dozens of casualties in the wave of his hands.

When Hong Yun heard Gu Yuan's voice, he knew that Gu Yuan had nothing to do.

"You are here, supreme." Master Tongtian broke through the Zhuxian sword formation with his own strength. After all, he is very familiar with this formation. Although it can trap him for a while, it cannot be trapped forever.

"Now the gods are fighting with God, wait for you to go first, and see if there is a chance to kill these two people." Hong Yun is not afraid that he is in danger, after all, it is just a projection.

As long as the gods and the gods show weakness, Hong Yun will definitely join the battle. As for the Master Tongtian, Kong Xuan, Taiyi, Gu Yuan still want to leave.

After a while, Gu Yuan flew up from below, saw Hongyun, his face eased, but he also complained about Hongyun.

"Father, why didn't you stop Haotian and let him escape."

"Hehe, my father didn't expect that he was so timid, and he escaped ahead of time." Hong Yun was also a little helpless. Originally, he wanted to completely kill Haotian to avoid changes later.

"Sovereign or we will stay together, somehow we will also have a care." Taiyi said to Hongyun.

"No, if it is dangerous for you to stay, it is really dangerous, and Pang Dao is just a projection, even if it is dead, it has no effect on the deity."

"Well... the four of you go back to Penglai Island first, where the poor deity is there." Hong Yun ordered.

Master Tongtian, Kong Xuan, and Taiyi nodded, but Gu Yuan didn't respond and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yuan'er, what's wrong with you?" Hong Yun asked while looking at Gu Yuan.

But Gu Yuan seemed to be asleep, not talking, and even more unresponsive, even the look in his eyes dimmed.

Hong Yun immediately felt anxious, and put his hand on Gu Yuan's body.


A dull voice.

Hong Yun's hand was bounced away.

"It's hot!"

Hong Yun exclaimed, and then showed anxious expression on his face. Looking at Gu Yuan, he didn't know what happened to Gu Yuan.

But at this time, Tai Yi's eyes flashed a ruthless look. He knew that this was the action of the gods, and why did the invincible supreme lower realm?

Isn’t it just for Gu Yuan? For this Pangu heart, it naturally carries the treasure that can suppress the Pangu heart. If it is not prepared properly, how can it be lowered.

"Supreme, what is Gu Yuan?" Taiyi asked with some confusion.

"Fa force will hold Gu Yuan, the three of you must safely send Gu Yuan to Penglai Island." Hong Yun said in a deep voice.

At this time, Hong Yun’s true body also left Penglai Island and flew towards Earth Star. He wanted to pick up Gu Yuan. Of course, Hong Yun’s true body would not enter Earth Star, and he would not let the gods and gods cease war. So we can't give them pressure.

"Master, rest assured, the disciples must protect the younger brother." A five-colored light appeared behind Kong Xuan, and then turned into a five-colored giant hand to pick up Gu Yuan, and then break the space, towards Penglai Island.

Hong Yun watched Kong Xuan and the others protect Gu Yuan from disappearing into the void, and then focused on the battle between the gods and the gods.

At this time, both the gods and the gods have performed powerful moves, especially the gods, in order to face the gods, they even sacrificed the treasure of Hongmeng!

In the entire Hongmeng universe, there are only eight Hongmeng Supreme Treasures, one Hongmeng Sword in Hongyun's hand, and one Pangu Axe, and the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure in God's hands does not know what it is, but Hongyun can feel the breath of Hongmeng's Supreme Treasure.

"Thank you..."


"Junior Brother!..."

"You die for me!"

In the void of earth star and cloud world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gu Yuan lay in the silent void, but around Gu Yuan there was already a powerful sun god.

But Taiyi stood aside with a pale face, Kong Xuan and the leader of Tongtian both glared at Taiyi.

Just now, Tai Yi actually attacked Gu Yuan, directly defeating Kong Xuan's big hand, then snatched Gu Yuan over and began to refine with the sun **** fire.

If in the past, the sun **** fire could not harm Gu Yuan, but the current Gu Yuan was secretly suppressed by the supreme treasure in the hands of the gods, this sun **** fire was enough to make Gu Yuan show its original shape.

Kong Xuan's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He didn't expect Tai Yi to betray and **** Gu Yuan at this time. Could it be that he had a peeping heart in Pangu's heart?

"Taiyi, you are looking for death!" The Zhuxian Sword appeared in the hands of the Master Tongtian, and it was a four-sword-in-one Zhuxian Sword, and its power absolutely reached the top-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure.

"By insisting on three breaths, the **** will be able to take me away, and the first step in my plan will be realized. Gu Yuan can only wrong you."


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