Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 697: Wave to Destroy the Gods

? Penglai Island is the only center of power that is not in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Because of the super-powerful ancient yuan here, the line of God will never come to Penglai Island to go wild unless God is here.

Under the gourd frame, Hou Tuzheng looked regretful. She regretted that although Daoxi and Li Fan had left, it was Hongyun for the sake of their brothers, but she left Hongyun in a rage and returned to Pangu Temple. .

Now, Hong Yun disappeared. She didn't even see the last face of Hong Yun. Now, Houtu is washing her face with tears on Penglai Island all day, which also covers Penglai Island. After all, Houtu has a low mood all day, so who can Be happy.

The two maids who had a good relationship with Hou Tu were also killed in the Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Worlds. Otherwise, you can persuade Hou Tu, Queen Mother Xi, Xuanjun, Yunxiao, Xiao Xi doesn’t know how many times they have been here, but they can’t let them. Houtu came out of the depression.

"Mother, please don't be like this. Father is just leaving. With his Heavenly Cultivation, there will never be any danger. Now there are still ten years before Immeasurable Tribulation is fully opened, and Earth Immortal Realm cannot stop the Forbidden Law Storm. , You should preside over the overall situation."

Gu Yuan came under the gourd frame and looked at Houtu's expression, feeling a pain in his heart. After all, the red cloud disappeared in front of him at the beginning, and there was nothing he could do in that situation.

Hou Tu didn't speak, but the tears in his eyes were spinning, and finally fell down without holding back.

Suddenly, at this moment, a terrifying coercion swept across the entire world of immortality, making all the powers feel oppressed for a while.

Houtu's eyes lit up, and then he disappeared in place.

Gu Yuan's expression was overjoyed, "Father, you have finally come back and become stronger. This time, my mother won't blame herself."

After murmured, Gu Yuan also left Penglai Island.

Hong Yun walked out of the light door and looked at everything in front of him. Although everything seemed so understatement, the breath on his body was shocking.

Especially the powers of the several gods are fixed where they are, and they dare not even move.

"Sovereign, you are finally back!" Wen Zhong and Zhong Kui both came to Hong Yun and knelt down in excitement.

"Get up." Hongyun said faintly, and then a gentle force lifted Wen Zhong and Zhong Kui, and then looked at the vast wilderness, the expression in his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hong Yun didn't expect that he had only been away for a short hundred years, and Honghuang had already become like this. Now, the entire Primordial Realm, not even the entire chaos, is left with the cultivators in the Earth Immortal Realm.

As for the outside of the Earth Immortal Realm, it takes the existence of the five Dao Sovereigns on the 9th floor or above to be able to move, but it will not take three to five years.

Pangu opened the sky, the sky is mysterious and yellow, 60 million years have passed, an era has reached the end, and the immeasurable period of calamity has arrived. Hongyun is also very helpless.

But the immortal world was not peaceful either. Although his divine mind was only 200,000 zhang squares, he could use the Hongmeng Pagoda to watch the entire chaos, so all this predicament was naturally not hidden from him.

Except for Dongsheng Shenzhou and Penglai Island, there is no other monk, not even a monk.

And those monks couldn't leave Penglai Island and Dongsheng Shenzhou at all. In the other three provinces, and even the whole world, the great power of God's line is lurking, and basically every great power carries a powerful dinosaur.

"Is God's injury all right?" Hong Yun asked when he looked at the headed Ninth Floor Seventh Supreme.

These four great powers are now a little stupid with fright. The deterrent power Hongyun gave them is too strong, much stronger than the main sky. Of course, it does not mean that Hongyun is stronger than God, but Hongyun has the emperor's pressure on him. Compared with power and deterrence, the entire Hongmeng universe is inferior to red clouds.

"No...I don't know, we don't know, we haven't seen God." The voice was extremely tense, for fear that he would be killed by Hongyun in the next second.

"Well, that's useless." Hong Yun waved his hand, and suddenly, a supreme pressure appeared. It was divided into two sides, one falling from the sky and the other rising from the ground, directly connecting the four powers and the four heads. The dinosaur squeezed into a fog of blood.


A soft sound with a hint of crying.

Houtu emerged from the void and came to Hong Yun's face, watching Hong Yun, the tears in his eyes fell again, and he involuntarily hugged Hong Yun tightly.

"Worries you, I'm back."

Hong Yun didn't speak too much, just a short sentence was enough to express too much.

It is also a happy event to leave the gap between them and their wife once.

Gu Yuan also came here. It didn’t take long for the only remaining powers in the prehistoric land to come here, but they didn’t disturb Hongyun’s meeting with Houtu. Although they didn’t see each other, they all heard about it. The soil is washed away with tears every day.

After a while, Houtu released the red cloud. When he saw the great powers coming, his face became a little red. Although he has been a mother for many years, his temperament has not changed, and he is still very shy about these things.

Hong Yun's face is going to be much thicker. Such trivial matters can make him blush a little, with a faint smile on his face, looking at the great powers.

"You have worked so hard for so many years." Hong Yun naturally also knows how these great powers have lived these years, and must have spent them in fear.

"Congratulations to the Supreme for the return."

All the powers are sincere congratulations to Hongyun. After all, Hongyun is their lifesaver. Now that the Hongyun Society is here, they are naturally extremely happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's only a hundred years since the poor road left, unexpectedly. The garbage and traitors in the fairy world have increased a lot. "Hong Yun said, offering the Hongmeng Pagoda.

The Hongmeng Pagoda is the great treasure of Hongmeng, and it is also the great treasure of Hongmeng that can be fully used by power. Once it appears, it gives all the powers a powerful oppression.

I saw rays of light appearing on the Hongmeng Pagoda, and these rays of light were full of fierce murderous aura. Every great power present knew that the first thing Hongyun returned was to kill.

Those rays of light radiated to all places in the prehistoric places, and those places are the hidden places of the power of God. Compared with those powers, it is impossible to think that they will suddenly face such danger. Since they can't think of it, then they will Unexpectedly.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky, and those mighty powers turned into a cloud of blood mist before they knew it, including the dinosaurs around them turned into flying ash.

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