Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 700: Alternative encounter

"The little lady is so handsome, Liu Fu went and called her to my son."

A rich man was sitting in a pavilion with a pot of fine wine in his hand. There were a few dishes on the table, and a few servants stood behind him.

As soon as the rich man's voice fell, a servant behind him walked over to that peerless beauty.

"Little lady, my son invites you to come over."

The woman did not speak, looked at the servant, and then at the rich young man, with some disdain in her eyes, and then ignored it, looking at Hongyun and Houtu, with anger in her eyes.

"Hmph, didn't your little lady hear what I said? Do you know who my son is? It's the third son of Prime Minister Guo. If you know you, just go with the young master." The servant said threateningly. .

The beautiful woman's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, then she said softly: "Take me to meet your so-called son."

"Count you acquaintance." The servant looked arrogant.

In the eyes of the servant, this beautiful woman has become a powerful woman, and she must have heard of the son's family history and therefore followed him.

When the beautiful lady came to the pavilion, Mr. Guo saw that he was shocked: What a beauty who is all over the country and the city, this woman is more moving than the concubine of the current emperor.

"Little lady, please sit down, my son's surname is Guo, I don't know the name of the little lady?" Mr. Guo tried to suppress his obscene thoughts. This kind of beauty is not something he can have. If it is used in exchange for the future, he will definitely become a close minister of the current emperor.

The world knows that today's emperor Li Tianshi is a master of the mean, of course, there is also a shortcoming, that is, too much female sex, so the harem has three thousand beauties, but the emperor still drafts in Jiangnan every year.

"That's my brother, if you help me expel the woman from my brother, I will tell you what my name is." The beautiful woman said softly.

When I said this, it was as if Yingluan was crying, and the sound was in his ears. It was simply amazing. Just listening to the sound can make people feel shaky and not want to wake up.

What the beautiful woman was referring to was the location of Hongyun and Houtu. When this young man saw Houtu, his eyes lit up. The woman nestled in the arms of the man was not weaker than the woman in front of him, and even more temperamental.

"What's going on today? Does God really want me to be appointed as a nobleman? If I get these two beauties and send them to the emperor, I'm afraid that my father's position as prime minister will fall into my hands. Haha, God treat me I'm not thin!"

Mr. Guo thought in his heart and couldn't help laughing. The beautiful lady sneered after seeing Mr. Guo's laughter. How could she not know what Mr. Guo thought in his heart.

In fact, this beautiful woman is not someone else, but a woman transformed by the coming of God.

"Okay, come here! Go and bring the woman to this young man. As for that man, please come here." Mr. Guo ordered.

Immediately, four servants walked over to the pavilion where Hongyun was.

This is the largest restaurant in Chang'an City, the pavilion in the pavilion. The restaurant is built in the largest artificial lake in Chang'an City. There are 99 pavilions, and each pavilion is a place for people to eat, drink and play.

"This prince, and this little lady, my prince would like to please, please go to the pavilion next door to tell."

Hong Yun and Hou Tu are indulging in love. Suddenly they are disturbed by the few ants in front of him. Even though Hong Yun’s complexion is a bit unsightly, he wants to get angry, but he sees the woman God has transformed, and there is something in his eyes. doubt.

"There is great power here, wait for you to be careful." Hong Yun said to Houtu.

"It's all mortals, there is no great power." Houtu's divine consciousness did not see a great power, and even a thousand miles away, there was not even a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"That woman made me feel jealous." Hong Yun said solemnly.

Houtu looked at the beautiful woman next to Mr. Guo, the beautiful woman God has transformed. If Hongyun didn’t say anything, Houtu wouldn’t mind her, but now Houtu found something abnormal. Even though a mortal woman can be so beautiful , But the temperament is not up to this level.

"Danger? This woman makes me feel a little dangerous!"

Houtu was shocked, this kind of danger did not come from the danger of life, but as if his most precious thing was about to be taken away.

"Yun, let's go back!"

"Maybe, let's go take a look." Hong Yun said as he walked towards the pavilion with Houtu's jade hand.

The beautiful lady saw Hongyun and Houtu holding hands, her face was extremely cold, and the surrounding weather dropped a lot in an instant. It was obviously hot in June, and it was snowing.

"It's snowing, it's snowing!"

"June Feixue, this seems to be the scene in the legend!"

"The change of Xuanwu Gate seems to be June Feixue, my God! Is there really something big happening today?"

The entire pavilion and pavilion became lively. Not only that, but Chang'an City is also destined to be unquiet today. The flying snow in June represents the arrival of disaster. At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the dispute between the prince and the king of Qin was June Feixue , Bloodshed Xuanwumen!

"With such a beautiful scenery, it is a blessing to be able to meet two beauties. I wonder if the two little ladies are willing to go to this young man's house for a story?"

The gleam in the eyes of Guo Gongzi, he has imagined his high-ranking official's salary. Today's emperor is a hungry ghost. These two beauties are the most beautiful and unspeakable people he has ever seen. Let alone the prime minister, he is sure to be named a different surname. king.

"Where can the poor Dao offend fellow daoists?" Hong Yun said lightly, looking at the beautiful woman.

For Mr. Guo, Hong Yun didn't pay attention to him at all. It was this beautiful woman who made him care, because Hong Yun felt a trace of fear on her.

"You? You don't have this qualification yet."

The beautiful lady looked at Hongyun with a trace of resentment in her eyes, and said disdainfully.

"A self-righteous bastard."

For those who insulted Hongyun, Hou Tu would naturally not allow him to be presumptuous, and directly cursed the past.

"Ants." The beauty snorted coldly.

Mr. Guo was a little embarrassed at this time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com first showed that Hongyun was swearing at him, and then he saw two women cursing here for Hongyun. If he doesn’t know that the beautiful lady is playing him, then he That's a fool.

"Hmph, how dare you play this son, come, the man killed, the woman brought to the house." Guo Gongzi shouted angrily.

In an instant, there were more than twenty domestic servants gushing out of the pavilion, all of them surrounded Hongyun. In this Chang'an City, if Guo Gongzi wanted to kill a person, it would be easy and nothing would happen.


Before Houtu started, the cold voice of the beautiful lady sounded, and the entire pavilion began to tremble. The next moment, all the pavilions collapsed, causing the mortals to become frightened and quickly dodge.

Only Hongyun and Houtu and the beautiful woman are as stable as Mount Tai.

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